The Superior Seige Weapon Rule to – 166 points –

90kg is a pretty large child

90 kg is a large adult. Especially in the times before readily-available surpluses of high-energy food.

Yeah... I'm 5'11" and could stand to lose some weight and I'm not even 90kg.

I am 180cm tall and weigh 70 kg. Granted I am an organism without any muscles but even my very buff brother weighs less than ninety kg.

30 x 3kg kids tied in a bundle. Rope breaks on impact, that's why they "explode".

Everyone in the castle: "oh no, it's raining kids!... again!!"

Either it's an abomination of a child, or he's launching his overweight incredibly buff son at the enemy.

I miss whatever this version of GPT was

pretty sure you can still use gpt3 on the openai playground/api