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Joined 11 months ago

I am honest, I was sceptical at first sight, about data collection, but it is opensource. Looks good so far and I will give it a try. Here some links:





Take a look at the readme...

...DATA LOSS may occur and it may kill your cat.


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Hell no

Why should I signup?

Here is the source on github

2 useful sites

Crontab Generator

Systemd Generator

I think they are very helpful ☺️

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If you learned today about LibreY, why don't you provide a link for others? πŸ™ƒ

I am sure you are not the only one, who didn't know about it

LibreY on GitHub


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The new logo looks good and it is not a breaking change 😌☝🏻

Made my life a lot easier. No more looking for documents, all is in one place, fulltext search.... Don't ever want to go back

But most important: always have a backup ☝🏻

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He will conquer the world πŸ₯°

I host Synapse (Matrix)

Runs without problems and it just works 🌞

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Hetzner storagebox. 1 TB for 3,20€ per month

Works with rclone. You can get up to 20TB

If you want S3 object storage, then you can use Contabo object storage

Big plus: no traffic fees ☝🏻

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Wow the same shitty step as Kavita... Kavita has an annoying floating donate button, can only disabled with Kavita+

A few features are only available with Kavita+... I am waiting for the point that new features are only available with subscription...

This is like cancer imho and the reason why I switched to Komga. I like to support via donation, but I want to choose when and how much I donate.

Maybe someone will fork GameVault and keep it opensource.

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They are forked, it was mentioned in the discussion

For the moment uninstall PlayStore version and replace them with the F-Droidversion

I use Fedora KDE as my homeserver, because it is my media center too. That's the reason for the desktop.

Cons for me:

First I struggled with firewalld, it is more challenging than UFW. I removed it, because my router does the job.

Second SELinux is very annoying at the beginning. You install samba and vsftp and it will not work until you set permissions for SELinux.

SELinux is complicated for the start. Documentation is not very helpful for this imo. It works now. If you want to have an easy way, you can set it to permissive mode. I kept it running.

Pros for Fedora has actual software and I really love DNF πŸ₯°

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"Way faster" came from me :D

It is the complete package which makes it way faster...

Postgres, Redis, PHP Opcache, general PHP tweaks ( PHP.ini, child processes etc, use calculator ), HTTP-2 instead of 1.1

For HTTP-2, you can add this for Apache in your vhost:

Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1

For example:

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/nextcloud/
Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1


In NGNIX add this in a new line:

http2 on;

For example:

server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;
  http2 on;


Using NGINX over Apache did nothing for me, so I use Apache with PHP-FPM 8.3, because I am using it for Wordpress too, same for Redissockets. I would recommend not to use a docker container for Nextcloud. I don't like it for Nextcloud and I don't use docker for Wordpress. Docker has other use cases in my setup, but not those 2.

This is just my personal setup.

Maybe it can help someone :)

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Using it since 2 months now and I really like it. Was totally worth a donationπŸ‘

I don't know πŸ˜”

Take good care of your pets, if you are using this filemanager

We all already know about cute hamster videos 😸

A few days ago the megathread was released

Ext4 does not have snapshots, COW or similar features. I am very happy with BTRFS. It just "works" out of the box.

20 more...

sudo passwd myname changes the password of the user myname and allows unsecure passwords

passwd changes the password of the active user and disallows unsecure passwords

sudo passwd changes the password of the root account

A proper backup of immich contains 3 folders (library, upload and profile) and the database! It is linked to its database. Every software with a database should have a backup of the database too (Paperless-ngx for example)

If you just saved the library folder, you will need to recreate all albums again and upload it again. Maybe the CLI can help you with this.

For the next time, please read the docs about backup and restore

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Nextcloud is not easy to setup, thatΒ΄s right, but it is not this complicated. Use Postgres as database, it is faster than MySQL. Install Redis as Cache and configure PHP Cache too. This will speedup the most. I use nextcloud installed directly on the host, no docker. Another small guide is here for Postgres and Apache

The name is the same as the terminal application Tabby πŸ€”

This will cause confusion

Easily explained

It is like a Webservice that offers a different look for Lemmy. Like a theme but with more functions.

Network mode host means it is in your real host network. Ports are then ignored.

Remove the line network mode host

You can use Floccus for this. Perfect with Nextcloud, but works with any WebDAV too ☝🏻

Linkwarden is more for archiving and tagging than sharing

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How is it compared to Matrix? Benefits? It seems easy to setup, even without docker. Is it encrypted too?

Took less than 10 Minutes for my instance. Was smooth :)

I am using searxng

You can customize a lot and the results are good imo 🌞

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Awesome selfhosted can not show you alternatives to a specific app. You always need to know what you are looking for. It is a static list

Selfhst is better with filtering and shows activity status of the projects. It is not an endless list

I can't wait to migrate from Lemmy to it. Looks good and all Apps should be working with it

Followed Sublinks on Mastodon for updates 😼

Webtop is really cool. Full desktop OS in the Browser

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Is there any exception possible? On mobile I want to redirect everything to my invidious instance, but on my PC I want the same, except for itself.

In short: redirect YouTube to invidious but not πŸ€”

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100β„… cute and fluffy πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯°

Awwww a fluffy cloud is cuddling you 😁

Never had problems with paperless-ngx, but here is an alternative: papermerge ☺️

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Contacts & SMS - Contact you

Gallery - Aves

Camera - Open camera

Launcher - Kvaesitso

Music - Symphony

Contact you gets a dialer, it is included in nightly, the devs told so on matrix. It will get released when it's ready

Yes you can but you don't learn a thing from this. A good choice would be permissive mode. You get the warnings, but it works anyway

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Cheap but powerful VPS? NetCup ARM-Server or normal x86 VPS. Both are good

No just the data folder itself only contains the documents, but as file FILE00001.pdf

I do this with pg_dumpall and rclone. Once a day I export the database with pg_dumpall like this :

docker exec -i paperless pg_dumpall -c -U paperless > /backup/datenbank/homeserver-postgrescontainer-`date +%d.%m.%Y`.sql

And then I copy this file and the data folder encrypted to a secure cloud (Hetzner Storagebox)

More info

Rclone and Read more about Postgresbackup