7 Post – 131 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Cheers mate, I needed to share the joy ^^

I always pack several tablets of dehydrated water with me so if I'm running out, I can just dissolve a couple to have something to drink or cook with

Yet, some of my favorite communities are Mildly Interesting and Mildly Infuriating.

Most definitely!

Thank you! It will be nice to leave something tangible behind, and we learn many new skills along the way

Let's have something of each religion on earth in each classroom of America, it won't look silly I promise. -_-

Religion doesn't belong in public spaces.

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This would have been better for everyone involved

Yeah but realistically, I can't do much about the fact that people believe. There are other fights I'm taking on in my life, and doing good around me seems like a more productive way to spend my energy.

Also, I come from a country where atheism has past the threshold of 50% of the population last year (from 25% 10 years earlier). It seems that people are turning their back to religion here anyway.

Well I agree with that, religion plays no role in my life, except making me angry at times. But if people want to live in a fantasy on their own time, fine with me.

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Good reference, you get an Internet Pointβ„’ from me

Don't forget to look in which community this was posted

And the Community rejoices at the perspective of your valuable contributions!

On the other hand, I don't think you should add those ever

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I'm stealing that for my colleagues' parcels at work

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Wake up babe! New Michael Bay movie just dropped!

Agreed! Unfortunately these maddening behaviors were kind of set in stone several decades ago, and it has been (correctly) decided "Don't break the web", these weird quirks are kept in modern interpreters/compilers.

It's actually quite interesting to read through the logic to follow when implementing an interpreter:

Please use images that credit the original artist

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Pulling the same shjt the Nazis did to people of Alsace (France), my grandfather had to fight on the side of Germany in 1940. Luckily he defected and live to tell the tale (making my own existence a reality) 🫑

Time to cancel your subscription and save money on top of your sanity

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Lemmy doesn't have u/spez, so it's already infinitely better

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I would save my cat every time. I don't value human life above her life. She's been there for me for the past 15 years and helped me through the darkest times.

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And most of them are your grandma and her friends πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΅

"Such a handsome boy! Have a cookie my dear"

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My easy solution, whenever I land on a fandom page, is to add "anti" in front of the domain name, "antifandom" will filter out the crep out of the original page and present a clean version of the wiki. This is powered by BreezeWiki


edit: typo, added example

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The solution for this is in the movie itself: take up a new hobby, improve on it as far as you can, make each same-y day worth being lived, add to your routine and your skill set

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🫑 thank you for your service 🫑

Wow I had no idea there was such diversity in the British ruling class from that period! /s

Absolutely, you should just be thankful to have a job at all these days, they're doing you a favor!

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"American" is the official name, though throughout history attempts have been made to find alternatives. You can read more on the Wikipedia page:

The only officially and commonly used alternative for referring to the people of the United States in English is to refer to them as citizens of that country.[18] Another alternative is US-American,[19] also spelled US American.

Several single-word English alternatives for American have been suggested over time, especially Usonian, popularized by architect Frank Lloyd Wright,[20] and the nonce term United-Statesian.[21]

Writer H. L. Mencken collected a number of proposals from between 1789 and 1939, finding terms including Columbian, Columbard, Fredonian, Frede, Unisian, United Statesian, Colonican, Appalacian, Usian, Washingtonian, Usonian, Uessian, U-S-ian, Uesican, and United Stater.[22] Names for broader categories include terms such as Western Hemispherian, New Worlder, and North Atlantican.[23][24][25]

Nevertheless, no alternative to "American" is common in English.[18]

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It's unfortunately barely usable, the responsiveness and features of discord are unmatched, in my opinion

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A fountain pen or a nice moleskin notebook with a note saying how her lessons will help you in your future life.

I think a perfume is too personal and might come out as a romantic gesture (and difficult to choose if you don't know what she likes anyway).

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And you can even fertilize your garden when using it!

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Try to get pregnant with them to create a time paradox

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Talk to her or play a card game instead of scrolling on your phone when you are with her, she won't be there forever! Also she's 4 times your age, she probably has seen some shit, you won't shock granny with anime boobs :p

Thank you, my eyes are still twitching 5 minutes after closing the page πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

I'd become a loving purring cat and would look for a household that would treat me like I treat my cats right now. They're the 1% of the animal kingdom, might as well get the animal life I won't ever get as a human. Not even trying once to do the president quest.