These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot to Lemmy – 1083 points –

Ah, good idea putting the fire in the tent, that way the fire will stay warm

No, that's fine. It's the 👍 thumb! Look at it! It's freakishly small but not ridiculously small.

The hot air is also guaranteed to keep the tent up.

If you put the whole ass campfire in the tent, it might fly away. Put the fire in the freezer overnight, then thaw it out in chunks when needed.

Alternatively, scrape some glue off your pizza and use it to stick the tent's bottom to the ground.

I always pack several tablets of dehydrated water with me so if I'm running out, I can just dissolve a couple to have something to drink or cook with

Great advice. I've sometimes woken up several fields over after the fire has been a bit ferocious. The screams of my family as we've flown over people's houses has also caused some complaints.

It also stores a lot of heat in the walls of the tent, which will keep the air inside from cooling down too much over the course of the night.

I did not notice that, all I did was look at the image on autopilot

Transcript of me examining this picture:

"Okay, face looks okay, jacket makes sense, let's look at the hands. Looks like four fingers on her left hand there, the right hand, thumb's a little screwy, is that a stick or is she part tarsier? Something's kind of screwy there. Boots look about right, there's even a pretty decent depth of field on the sho-THE FIRE IS IN THE TENT.

Man I didn't even notice the fire in the tent until I read your comment ...

I noticed the fire and I noticed the tent. I was too distracted by the hands to notice that the fire was in the tent... What has AI images done to me? Haha.

You're not alone. I expect far too long focused on the hands and face....

Also is this an AI making a dumb blonde joke?

I mean I can think of a few ways to keep a text warm. A few ways involving a dumb blonde...

This ain't it chief!

Though considering I didn't notice the location of the fire until reading the comment, maybe I should the dumb blonde....

Reminds me of the Dad joke: Set a man a fire, he's warm for the night. Set a man on fire, he'll be warm the rest of his life!

That tent is about to get real hot.....

It's like that test where you count the number of basketballs and miss the guy in the gorilla costume.

A smart move would have been to put a real photo here and then troll all the comments about uncanny valley ...and by smart I mean evil.


I will totally do that in future.

( btw. the hands are still messy ☝️)

Did you miss the fire in the tent too?

I've seen enough posts on Instagram to not be surprised by idiots ruining a perfectly good tent just for a shot 🤷‍♂️

I think it'd be pretty tricky to get a fire going at that size and get the photo taken before the thin plastic of the tent melted or burst into flames. The tent in the picture is fine, which I honestly think would be impossible with that setup, even if you tried to be quick

It would be neat to have a community where images are posted and people discuss whether they are authentic photos or AI generated.


I was like “Ok where’s the catch? Too many fingers? 3 feet? Dang those pictures are good now, was OP just being serious?” And then I saw. Fucking hilarious.

Thanks for the laugh OP

Cheers mate, I needed to share the joy ^^

Yeah, this was a good one: I spent way too long counting fingers and looking closely at the detailed parts of the picture before I saw it

It's not that these images are perfect - it's that they're close enough.

The "problem" is that these images look amazing with a minimal touchup - something which would happen anyway to a real photo.

An extra hour to two fixing some AI artifacts (the ol' droop-eye and derp-hand) is a LOT cheaper than getting actual people out to an actual location and taking an actual photo.

EDIT: I just realised the tent is on fire 🤡

Honestly if you did those touch ups and said it was real I would still believe it, reminds me of that subreddit where they post weird Stockphotos. Like the lady soldering but she's holding the hot bit of the solder iron, or the hackerman with the faux mask. Serious stock photos can be hilarious sometimes.

The tells

Hands issues, thumb and metal claw

Face issue, studio lighting on face, right eye is not eyeing.

Body issues, left leg is a weird tiny leg

Boot laces lack credibility

Fire in a tent

AI is bad at the details.

I've gotten so used to looking at the details that I didn't even notice the blatant fire-in-the-tent.

I was staring at the hands and thinking it wasn't too bad.

They're terrible!

I actually kind of love that AI art can't even pretend to do hands right. But also I had an instructor who's catch phrase was ''if you let the computer do it, it's gonna suck'' so. Not really a surprise AI can only defeat art that's placid and uninspired shit. and can't even do anything on model or sequential... it's just... it can be a placeholder and that's about it.

I hate how obsessed AI has made me with hands and feet. cause that used to be how you noticed AI pics (still is, to a degree, but they are sadly getting better at not creating abomination limbs), they always fucked up the hands and feet.

and now I find my eyes immediately drawn to hands and feet of any picture, even in real life, cause this stupid bullshit has trained my eyes to scan for weird digital hallucinatory biology.

and I can not begin to express in human language how much I hate it now that i've noticed it

And sometimes people just have weird hands. I remember seeing a picture from a Trump rally somebody posted, and people were like "Why does everybody look so weird?" "Must be AI. Look at that baby's mutant alien hands." It was a picture from 2017, before all this AI shit started.

Supposedly theres a porn star from the '90/00's that had a club foot. Super hot, but always had the one foot out of the frame or covered.

Probably "folk lore" but what you said reminded me of that.

1 more...

Rob Leifeld is a time traveller and used AI for all his drawings.

1 more...
1 more...

To be fair, I'm not sure this is an unrealistic scenario of your average instagram influencer going out camping.

Apparently Ai can't do average or ugly people.

tricky but doable

prompt: average user,

this one could be my twin.

Are those computers running windows? That's a very inaccurate AI.

Both look very much like .NET development with C# in Visual Studio. Each of these way too much Microsoft for a Lemmy user to touch.

Person #2 is way too masculine and attractive. The people in picture #3 are way too close to touching grass and socializing. The furry (#4) is indeed the most believable.

2 fat guy pictures, but with quite the averagely-tended faces and a somewhat digital touch-up. 1 outright regular, maybe overweight person with semitic beard. 1 absolutely fabulous gentleman with furry undertones.

Not even closely ugly. Just some quantifiable stuff imo.

This one kind of reminds of Larry Ellison but looks a bit more human than the real Larry

So... I'm safe from deep fake?

You are first safe from jealousy and as a product safe from people wanting to use deep fakes against you

Fuck I was totally convinced until I saw her shoe laces

And that could be one if the "totally lifehack" ways of tieing your shoes that never make any sense.

This reminds me of camping in my youth with my alcoholic uncle.

You better not be gearing up to go all Deliverance on us with that story

Deliverance didn’t have drunk uncles.

I mean, that's just a minor detail. And Deliverance taught me how to prepare for south of Market clubs in my 20s. IYKYK.

It's funny how the generators arent getting better. They've plateaued pretty hard in terms of believability. Glance value? Convincing.

Under any level of scrutiny though this falls apart in at least a dozen ways.

I think the scale of image believability is logarithmic. Going from "believable at a glance" to "believable under scrutiny" requires an exponential increase in performance compared with going from "not believable at a glance" to "believable at a glance". The same principle applies to text generation, facial recognition, sound generation, image enhancement, etc. One of the many reasons AI should not be being integrated in many of the ways world governments and corporations are trying to integrate it.

It's unclear if the current models can reach that level though. They seem more like they're asymtotically approaching their limit.

Maybe I'm wrong and GPT 5 will be the end all and be all - but I don't think generalist models will ever be consistent enough. Specialist generators focused on specifics, trained to output very defined data seem more likely to be useful than this attempt to make a single catch all LLM.

It's more the free and public versions have plateaued

Gpt 4 premium pictures still have these major issues.

"AI" image generation actually takes a lot of human knowledge and understanding of the models to manipulate outcomes. It is a different kind of effort, but the issues with it are based in human use of the tool.

Prompt engineering isn't a real field bro

Dang, that is pretty spot on! When I go camping, I often find myself contemplating a pretend fire in front of me while I prepare for carbon monoxide poisoning in my tent...but I keep my flaps open! Safety first!

You can tell it is fake because no human would tie up the tent door flaps using the little nylon fettuccine thingies they sew onto each side

Nice asbestos tent, but she still got Gollum fingers doe. 😏

Wolverine somehow ended up in the model data and there you have it.

Plus side is generating them is increasing global warming

Yes and no.

Generating images instead of not generating images? Increases global warming

Generating vacation images instead of flying to vacation? Net benefit

There’s still something uncanny about it.

Still incredibly impressive. I wouldn’t believe this was prompt generated just a few years ago.

Which bit is uncanny to you?

The thing that got me was the lighting. I've been camping and you just can't get a good photo of your tent fire. Not as well lit as this at least.

The lighting doesn’t feel very natural. It’s inconsistent.

Her hair and face suggest a direct sunlight from the left, but the environment suggests indirect sunlight. The background trees should have more direct sunlight to the left.

The tentfire should also spill out some light to the environment.

The tent also suggests the sunlight comes from the right.

Consistent lighting is something AI is currently struggling with. It gives off a Photoshop edit vibe.

Except for the super long pinky finger shes cute

Her pointer finger is longer than her middle finger, too. The chick in the movie Species was super cute too. Just saying.

It's funny how similar AI generated images are to accompanying drawings for "what are ten things that are wrong with this picture?" style questions in an IQ test.

Every time I see the body horror AI produces I feel like I'm MacReady at McMurdo in desperate need of my flamethrower.

I've seen live people actually starting a bonfire in their living room something like 20 years ago, so to me this is perfectly possible :D

The magical half chair, half rock.

That rock she’s sitting on looks really uncomfortable. Sitting on a knife’s edge…

Looks fine to me. I'm an ordinary human just like you.

Is it the finger mutation? It's the cybe finger mutation, isn't it.

I like how it was able to handle the fire's lighting effect and tent occulsion, and I wonder if it thinks of it like a fireplace, as inside a home.

Even with foreshortening, those are some freakishly short legs.