12 Post – 212 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Rygel and Chromecast

I use Rygel on my laptop to serve all the videos and VLC for Android on my Chromecast which is connected via HDMI to the TV. Both Laptop and Chromecast are on the same WiFi at home.

It seems that while copying the title I copied a tab \t at the beginning of the title and that seemed to have confused some clients.

Before I started university I already worked as a web and iPhone developer.

At university I failed some courses so I needed the points for three additional courses at the end of my studies.

Durin summer vacation I found online courses from a different university which would count towards my own points. So I registered for three of them. Web development, iPhone development and open source development.

When the courses started I waited until the weekend and then did all assignments and tests for all 3 courses during a single day. I started in the morning on Sunday at 10 am and sent in my last test at 11pm. So instead of half a year (one course takes normally half of a semester and I had three), I did it in one day.

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It was in Sweden.

Yeah it was a fully online thing, they also had like a forum where you could talk to the other people taking the course but they just gave everything on day one so you could do it at the pace you wanted.

It was at the University of Umeå

I would suggest you have a look of immich.

  • Search filters ✓
  • Date ✓
  • Place ✓
  • Object/person recognition ✓
  • Text recognition ✗
  • Live Photo support ✓
  • Ease of importing ✓
  • Album support ✓, including smart albums ✗
  • Built-in touch ups ✗
  • General stability ✓

It also has mobile apps to do the backup and as a frond end on the phone. And what I really like is you can mount in your existing external libraries without copying all the pictures in and they will just be integrated automatically.

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I really don't get why so many people think the migration is their biggest problem instead of economy and especially demography in Germany. The industry is stuck in the 20th century, that's the main problem which needs to be addressed, not if there are some migrants here and there.

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Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software

The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear

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That's a weird scale.

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Nobody becomes billionaire by working. You become a billionaire by exploiting others work.

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So you're saying if we kill the 8, we can double the wealth of almost half of the population of the world?

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Perfect, this will finally lock out all the old people of their devices because they forget their bitlocker password :D

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The lesbian woman got sterelized in case she gets raped so it doesn't result in pregnancy. That's ... wow.

I think those kiosks with the big touch screen and the mobile apps work pretty well already, I always rather use them and see a picture what I can order instead of talking to the person.

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"Library of Alexandria had to be set on fire after publishers’ court win"

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It reminds me of this:

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For me it's the other way around I wish there would be better CLI support for GUI apps.

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But not Palestine's.

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Will the camera look inside of your ear?

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I wonder when they will start going after screen reader companies for changing how the page looks like for their blind users.

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Same thing happened to my fiancés coworkers kid. The pipe sucked his arm in and got his head under water. They couldn't get him out so they needed to wait until all water from the pool was drained. It was their only kid and already 12 or so.

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I really want podcast apps to hook into SponsorBlock.

Right now I'm listening to very few English podcasts because of all the advertisement. I switched to German and Swedish because most of them don't have any advertisement in them.

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Oh, I'm sorry I left it out, no, sadly he did not survive.

I just downloaded the raw data from and ploted it in this graph for the countries I was interested in:

The USA is - according to the data - nothing special in this regard. It's even positioned best of all the countries with the flattest downwards curve. Just look at South Korea :D

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I couldn't disagree more. I've also been to Italy, specifically to Napoli, and just the dough alone is phenomenal, something between pancake and bread. Then the fresh tomatoes and mozzarella on top with the fresh basil leaves for the something extra - perfect balance, heaven in my mouth!

I've also been to the US (west coast, Portland) and Jebus, that was terrible. First they don't give you a pizza but a slice of pizza, then it's reheated because they make a lot of it and can't sell it fresh. The toppings is dry ham and tasteless cheese, a ton of cheese, but just flavorless cheese. I tried in a couple of places there with practically the same result. Thanks, but no thanks.

The Swedish pizza is probably what I would say is what you're talking about, tons of toppings and decent dough.

Kebab pizza with french fries:
Kebab pizza

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The Chromecast was one of the few things I really liked made by Google. I always have one in my travel bag and it's basically like bringing your own home theater to the hotel with you. I had a time where I lived in hotels and AirBnB's for almost a year and this thing was god send.

They have some other device which they want to sell which will replace it, but that one is big and clunky, not meant for traveling:\_Ht6Mis

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Countries like Korea don't have a cultire of welcoming people from outside and therefor you would have so many clashes that a huge number of imigrants - which is needed - would destroy the country. There is no one here who knows how to treat and integrate those immigrants. There are no programs for them, etc. and even if you know the language you still have huge culture clashes.

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So what, are you defining what a woman is for the rest of the world or what? Why is it so important if you personally think someone looks like a woman or not?

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I never did dual boot. The first time moving from windows 2000 to Linux, my hard drive was only 2 GB and I couldn't fit both of the OS:es on it, so I nuked the windows one.

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The thing is that compared to other historical people we kid of have similar evidence. Like we have records of Socrates existing and we have records of some Joshua existing.

The difference is that nobody claims that Socrates was a fantastical god being who defied death, which is a extraordinary claim, we just say he was a very smart guy, we se very smart guys on a daily basis, nothing special with that so we can just believe it and even if we are wrong it has no real life implications.

For the Joshua guy, that's quite a different story. The claims about him are extraordinary and need extraordinary evidence. But we only have normal evidence. If the claims about him were true it would contradict almost everything we think we know about the universe, how it behaves, etc.

So again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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Come on for 10 days you don't need to eat anything and you will survive. You only need water that's it. The mountain lion though ...

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Bilionairs should not exist.

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Oh I totally agree with that, just the other day I was trying to think what products there are which I would pay for which would make me utilize AI in some capacity (and not just a simple algorithm). I couldn't find a single one. I use ChatGTP basically every day for small things, but if I had to pay for it, I don't think I would.

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It doesn't matter, flowers are delivered by a delivery driver even if it's to a remote village as long as you have the address.

So school and Kindergarten will also be six days? Otherwise what do you do with your young children?

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Great job!

Although, using floppy disks has the advantage that everyone has to make sure their file sizes are small enough to fit on them. Which makes for much easier handling for those who don't use floppy disks.

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What about the baby metal fox god?

It's a combination of many factors. It's so extremely expensive to have children here because of how the society is structured and how competitive everything is. If you can't afford to pay for after school for them to go to every day to and learn additional things they need but don't get tought at public school, they have no chance to get into a reasonable University and end up with a shitty life.

Another thing is the huge divide between men and women which is getting worse by the day. Men are bitching that women don't want to date and marry them while not helping with the children or house work at all. So women don't want to deal with all this shit alone and either get married to very rich guys who can provide a easy life for them or don't at all and concentrate on their career instead.

The government has poured in unbelievable amounts of money to try to fix it, but nothing is working so far.

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"Trump’s Spiritual Adviser"

Hahaha! Rofl

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