Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 302 points –
Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win

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"Library of Alexandria had to be set on fire after publishers’ court win"

The good news is, as far as I know, they don't have to actually delete the data.

So at least these books have still been digitized if something changes and they are allowed to be accessed in the future. Some of them may not exist in physical form at this point, or only as one or two copies in an academic library.

That is not what has happened here.

"The library of Alexandria has had to remove some books from public lending due to court order"

The IA played a very risky game during covid, lost, and now needs to face concequences.

It could be soo much worse.