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It's not just them, it's everyone, just say different times. The moment the world allowed, & even heralded, wealth extraction over wealth creation everyone lost. Well, not everyone, a small number of people won impressively, like generational wealth levels, but we speak of them fondly. We assign labels like entrepreneur & genius to those folk.

Just the Internet, huh? I think it's ruining a few things. Especially when it's coupled w/ the forever growth mentality.

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Sounds like capitalism in its best form.

Doesn't seem all that insightful to me. Looked to be a nothing burger.

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All I remember is he's the original buyer of the "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin" album by Wu-Tang for $2MM. I hope he never took a moment to listen to it before it was forfeitted on his behalf by the US government.

But, like, you can do something similar by pulling down twice. That screen can be configured to show almost any toggle. Different actions, similar results. Is it the actions you don't like?

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I believe you're simplifying the situation a bit & overlooking all aspects of 'job performance.' I do agree w/ your sentiment that jobs are/should not be a given, but from what I know about AI I'm struggling to believe it's ready for nuanced roles in customer service.

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Hatred of the universal level is the tippy top as far as I know. Maybe it's a personal bet or, even better, a dare? You can't back down from a dare!

This is why religion is indoctrinated. While I can accept, even while not believing, the argument that spirituality is innate, organized religion is entirely a human construct.

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Sure, common & logical belief, but not how major corporations are allowed to operate under various forms of regulatory bodies across the globe. You may have an opinion, but your opinion holds 0 value. Welcome to the actual world of global commerce. Glad to meet you!

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Yes, the question of current purpose is nearly irrelevant. It's the question of possible purpose that's concerning because once it's A) available & B) left to human subjectivity then privacy & 'innocent until proven guilty' is no longer guaranteed.

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I wish them all the best, together, on a sinking platform w/ no life vests. Leverage one another for an even faster downfall.

I guess my point was that consuming bandwidth to stream white noise from a phone that's on for other reasons is a rather efficient use of resources. My assumption was that using running water wouldn't be the retort because A) it's more valuable than electricity & B) there's a pump involved somewhere in the process. I assumed wrong, but we played the game & no harm was done.

That has nothing to do w/ the topic of operating a business in the EU. Essentially, you're suggesting that people should be educated to avoid devious behavior rather than holding companies accountable to existing laws. Sure, education could make existing laws unnecessary, but that's not really the question. You either operate a business lawfully or you don't. Society is irrelevant in that conversation.

Why stop at race? Let's undo all progression towards eliminating inequality w/ gender. Why should anyone but me get an advantage in changing society for the better, amirite?

Do you know a good way to do it w/o electricity?

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Correct. Failure in reality doesn't generally imply death. Unless, of course, you're a bank robber. In most other cases it implies learned knowledge that helps your succeed in your current objective. Failing during a job interview, for example, helps you get better at job interviews.

I know, right! Washing your hands is for the birds, & they're not real, so...yea.

After dealing w/ many Chinese suppliers in various industries I believe the blame falls on the OEM. If you ask for cheap garbage then you'll get that. If you ask for tightly specified designs that are properly designed for the process at a reasonable price then you'll get that.

I like to compare AI language model training to the early beginnings of music sampling in hip-hop. If they can prove that their works we're used w/o approval I'm guessing the same result will occur.

It's more Futurama!

Right, but the moment you're relying on who is in charge then the process is already broken. You have to assume the process is usable no matter who is in charge. I know it's absolute, but it's the only way.

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Not Google bad. Google app bad. Expanding the statement from a specific app to an entire company is unnecessary & waters down the statement to an ideal. Ideals are fine & all, but they're based on opinions rather than facts. There's no reason to make the transition in this case.

Sound argument, & ultimately I agree, but doing nothing isn't, & will never be, the answer. However, in this case, there is a very clear arbiter. It's the EU. That's just how it is, right now, for operating a company in their region.

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This is my every morning shower for no less than 15 minutes. Somehow I come out ready for the day.

Your argument is if you can't do it then nobody should be able to? That's an interesting hill.

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It doesn't, nor would anyone choose to return to that paradigm. It may be forced upon society by a critical mass event. I think the more likely result, say 500 years in the future, is that no form of money exists. Think Star Trek. I just think there's too many people & not enough work to continue w/ paid labor that allows the idea of money to persist.

I would say it's about as difficult as golfing. Try doing it a few times & maybe you'll hit the ball. Keep at it & you can play the game on a course. Is there a learning curve? Yes, of course. Is it worth it? Yes, of course. Only you get the upside of the effort so nobody is going to do it for you. I mean, unless you pay handsomely for it. In the whatever you feel is appropriate, but getting things that only benefit you w/o effort isn't the world we live in.

If memory serves me correctly square drive is patented, & thus requires licensing, which is why it's less commonly used.

So these 'exact specifications,' which were crucial to the passage of the bill, never made it into writing? Sounds like someone didn't do their job.. Get better staff, Manchin.

This is a topic I could see having enough ammo to debate either side. It's interesting, to say the least. To suggest the current model is helping news companies sustain & grow their business would be hard to argue so I welcome Canada's efforts to change the game.

This has been my experience too. A random party w/ friends that rages until the next morning after 2 months of silence? Sorry, didn't mean to be that loud. We'll keep it down next time, let you know in advance, & even extend an invite. An every 3rd day blasting of music at whatever hour? Fuck you, I pay rent, I don't care if it bothers you.

You've hit the nail on the head! States rights only apply to (insert conservative ideology here). It'll be interesting to see if book banning continues to be allowed as it's the perfect example of a law that shouldn't be legal.

At that level buyers & sellers are likely drug agnostic. They buy whatever sells & sell whatever is being bought. Profit margins are likely what's driving the transition. However, & somewhat to your point, why not both?

I'm w/ you on this assuming the question is: "Who needs it on their phone." It's the "on their phone" part that matters. It's like...Who needs a can opener? Most people. Who needs a can opener on their phone? Not many people. The bigger problem being the can opener wouldn't be as good as the standard tool & the price of the phone would increase. If I wanted/needed a thermal camera I would prefer to buy a dedicated device w/ high performance sensors.

You can't always wait for something to be great to join. Most FOSS products would die w/ that mentality. The larger the userbase, the more motivation to develop. Join, comment, engage, & help to build the best product. Or don't, up to you, but the community would love if you did.

Doing the (insert omnipotent being here)'s work! In these situations I always wonder if there's a page, or something, that I should know about that describes all kinds of format/syntax requirements in 1 place. So, ugh, does that exist?

I combat this habit by placing a window over the top of whatever app I'm using for the video call so my eyes stay on the camera. That strategy is foiled the moment screen sharing becomes required, but more often than not I know exactly what they're talking about. As I've never been on the receiving end of this strategy who knows if it makes me look better or like a weirdo..

(Checks calendar)

If the argument is that swiping down twice is more difficult than swiping up once, then I agree. If the argument is that swiping up once should be reserved for system toggles, then I disagree. I believe it's a question of properties, not capability, when it comes to Android's decision.