Mr. Satan

1 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I develop and test only on firefox

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They can prohibit whatever they want, but how enforceable is it? Does Nvidia intend to play whack a mole by checking for translation layers?

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And then we have Chat control V2

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So there is a thing I kind of pirate, but not entirely – e-books.

But thing is, our public library page has e-books and some of them are available to be read online. Now I cannot officially download them, however opening a network tab on browser console shows me a request to download the whole .epub file. So what I do is copy that request as curl and just download it via terminal.

Is it piracy, probably, is this resource publicly available for me to read, definetly yes.

Other than that I don't really pirate much else.

Assuming other implications (existence of an afterlife and God) with this scenario I would have but one question. Why? Why everything? Honestly I would be mad furious if there was an afterlife. More so if there was a God.

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Snapchat has a web client? :o

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Monitors – hell yes! RGB – can't stand it. My keyborad has a plain white backlight and that's it. It's purely functional.

Now, acually…

The outlined issues don't seem to be lemmy exclusive, but then again, I've spent quite a short time here.

The toxicity is caused by the society, not by the platform. From my experience, one can always find a more toxic subreddit.

Reddit is just as much moderated by volunteers, that's the reason I started using reddit. Also, having corporate admins doesn't make the platform any more spam resistant.

If anything I would expect these problems to be more prevalent in smaller (lemmy) platforms and stabilize with growth to reddits level.

Now I'm not trying to defend lemmy, but being even more community driven I want it to succeed and become what reddit used to be.

These anti-linux woke ass companies arranging things in squares. Back in my day you'd get a vertical list and be happy if it's ordered.

Where does staying awake by willpower fall?

uBlock usually blocks those cookie pop-us for me, didn't really noticed them.

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Slap Google SSO on that and you're good. Honestly that's worse than regular registration.

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Whatever is the default, as long as that is not some comic sans or whatever that Samsung font abomination was.

I just don't like Star Wars and I like sci-fi in general. But Star Wars is just one of those stories I can't make myself to like.

I remember fondly the prequels with pod racing and that red black guy with double lightsaber. I wached those movies as a child.

Later I tried watching all of them and I could not bring myself to finish even one. The dated effects (good for their time) just took me out of the story way too much.

I also tried waching the new ones, but they just felt boring so I dropped them.

I don't know what is it about Star Wars, but I just can't bring myself to like them even with nostalgia by my side.

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Dunno never saw the appeal anyway

Whatever gets the job done 🤷‍♂️

2 monitors plus laptop. One is mainly used for IDE and git, other one for anything else that's relevant: browser, Jira, notes, second editor to reference stuff. Laptop screen is to the side and mainly used for chats.

Wouldn't mind a third big screen, often notes, DB, RDC or brower have to be juggled around.

The economic system is broken. It incentivises infinite growth in a finite environment. That's just not sustainable and will backfire in one way or another.

What we need as a civilization is a shift in economic values that would push for a more sustainable model. That shift can be seen, but, in my (expert /s) opinion, it's too little and too late to completely avoid a disaster.

5th of June or June 5th, both are valid. However numeric date format has little to do with how it's said. yyyy-MM-dd (and seperator variants) has the benefit of being orderable and indexable chronologically.

It's cool and all, but this feels more like a toy than a tool. I can make dead simple web site in minutes with current stack. Nothing, but plain static pages.

Heck, if I looked for it, I bet I could set up markdown to HTML converter as this is already a widely used functionality throughout the web.

Good to know, actually

Maybe Go, haven't messed with it at all and it looks interesting enough to try. Other than that I could do C#, since that's where I have most experience. Maybe node.js if I would want to suffer a bit.

Which part is gullible?
That current Russian regime won't stop? It's not like it would be a first time for them to invade another country.
Or did you mean NATO involvement? Who knows… I'd like to believe that they would involve, but I'm not guaranteed.

WW3, eventually. The regime won't stop. The ambition is there to rebuild the USSR. That would mean starting a conflict with NATO and, if I'm lucky, NATO will actually involve.

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I've been using Kobo Libra 2 for more than a year now. It's good for me as I mostly read books. It's black and white and has adjustable (intensity and temperature) backlight. One thing I'd recomend – get a case as well. The screen is rather soft and scraches easily.

Other than that I can't recomend much else since I haven't had anything else. It'll depend very much on your use case: do you need a collored screen, what do you intend to read, comics, PDFs, regular books.

Reading regular books screen size does not matter as much as for PDFs and comics. And for comics colored screen might be a better choise.

My general recomendation: an adjustable backlight is a must, both intensity and temperature, deside on a size and color requirements and start looking for something in your price range. Kobo and Onyx were the brands I looked at first, but there are others.

How is IAs approach much different to that of a regular library?

True, they were digitising physical books and lending copies. But this is not much different from how a regular library works (assuming controlled digital lending, yeah I heard aboud Covid period 😕).

I'm not an expert on American law (know nothing about it), but reading the articles and comments I thing there's an argument to be made for IA functioning as a library.

I'm pretty much the same. Although my e-reader supports generic epub files, so I go to whichever book shop site and look for ebooks.

When I bought my e-reader, I specifically looked for one that wouldn't lock me into their ecosystem too much.

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I'm still using Boost for Reddit, so I doubt this is coming to me

Never had this happen to me. Not sure if it's my browsing habits or something with my setup (basic if you ask me), but I've never encoutered such sites.

I mean technical problems require technical knowledge. I don't see how this is that much different from adding a drive to a Windows system and then having to format it so that it works properly.

Definetly not scary, but I really liked it.

A couple of problems: a copy of me is not me, no amount of post-life paradise justifies injustice in life, not everyone deserve hapiness (no matter what moral framework you use), what is the point of life if there is an eternal paradice for everyone.

From the moment I introduce afterlife some sort of God becomes necessary for any morality to work.
Having no God works if I assume that life is finite. If life is finite then I must make myself as happy as possible. Living around and with people I can't just be as selfish as possible, I must conform to society if I want to be in society, otherwise I will make my life so much more difficult.

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Here, found a Kurzgesagt video for you


Why bother living then? What is the point of existence if no matter what you do you end up the same?

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Chromium has a mirror on GitHub and it's fine. While it feels a little strange to have just one mirror (on GitHub), after moving to git entirely, nobody is stopping to them from hosting a GitLab mirror.

I don't want it. I have invested all of myself to the existence that I am. Why would I need to bother with it if there is afterlife.

Life is only as meaningful as it is fleeting. As soon afterlife comes into the equation it nulifies all of that. Then you must invent God as an arbiter that gives meaning to your life.

If I die today, as in stop existing completely, I wouldn't have any questions. When I die I will no longer be, there will be no conscience, no memories, nothing. That is the death I desire.

If I exist after death, even for a moment, that means death is not the end. Who am asking questions? Why can I ask one last question? How can I get one question / request fulfilled this one last time? I can't really separate these things that easily.

The only issue I see is the integer one. I highly doubt that the machine uses integers for handling data. It's a common practice to use decimals for anything money related. Other than that, there's no way in hell a casino is paying that amount of money and there must be safe guards that limit how often and how much can be won on a slot machine.