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Joined 3 months ago


probably currently downvoting you (and me. cry some more putin lover)

Just picturing a tax agent standing in a pasture taking notes when a cow toots

Oh good fuckin luck, NK. Not gonna have the border be shared with China when they defect, they've got lots of directions to run to

This would unironically work on me

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Go jogging at night and not worried about being attacked.

Or for anyone who gets pissy at that, idk, get mauled by a bear i guess

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"I'll never forget the sweet romantic words he said to me last night: 'As a learning language model, I am unable to comprehend what the feeling love is. Here is a list of love songs from Wikipedia.'"

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"Hahah, oh The Onion, you sure have run out of ideas, this article didn't even have a punchline."

It was then that Muse realized it was in fact, not The Onion.

Spin the wheel of TBI suddenly changing his politics. Where is he now? Supporter of the IRA? Neo Apartheidist? Neo-Liberal?

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Cmon Donnie, you know this is pissing you off enough to risk being jailed for posting in contempt of your gag order.

Do it.

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Jimmy Carter enters torpor, ready to outlive the current political generation and emerge in a folksier era.

That'll stop the roaming midnight gangs of theater kids that plague the city with their catchy choreographed singing muggings

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Poverty, abusive living situations, lack of options.

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Incorrect, another adult bought the gun for him because he had a child temper tantrum about not being given a murder machine

Edit: the man's name is Dominic Black, to the snowflake who downvoted me for telling the truth

great cars


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Idk he really appeals to my desire to have a stupider, less popular trump. And he's a Kennedy!

/s, because this is the internet

Helps to remember we have no left leaning political party here

Just nothing but pages of "exploit and abuse engineers"

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Double edit: wow, this is my top comment??

Bonus points

Right track? They support him. They're only upset they're getting evicted and ostracized

Tianneman Square Massacre. Winnie the Pooh.

Huh. P really is stored in the balls.

Tell me you don't understand civil engineering without telling me you don't understand civil engineering.

More lanes just makes congestion and bottlenecking elsewhere. That's a city in desperate need of public transportation.

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Ahh... I love the Find Out stage

Not being Trump also should be on the accomplishments

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There is no way Trump will have him be VP. He's too racist.

Edit: sorry this was poorly worded. Trump is too racist.

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Hell yeah, being too poor to afford concerts pays off for another decade!

Sounds like Uncle Sam needs to step in and nationalize this thing

Yeah apparently they all voted for themselves as libertarians though so its individualism all the way down

January 6th the hoax, January 6th the antifa false flag, or January 6th where she planted pipe bombs at the DNC office?

Jill was probably too busy sucking Putin's cock and reading her cue cards

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Enjoy the detox you gin soaked rag of hate trying to play Real Politik

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Ah, she drank the Water of Life.

As is written.

Exactly like Mr House in Fallout NV. everyone will know

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Yeah that's the goal. Speedrun it to the Supreme Court while it's stacked. That's always been the plan.

This is the unfortunate bite of realpolitik we all suffer from when people don't come together and vote against the regressive in every election, whatever party they are on in whatever stake (and this goes for not just here, but everywhere)

To make an unneccesarily long metaphor, We're in a sinking ship, a good chunk of us all are trying to bucket water out the side, others are drilling holes in the bottom and sides while a third of the crew is either undecided is developed and admined by tankies. Recent allegations are that someone is censoring accounts that have previously made posts critical of China by moderating them across various magazines

Get ready for the Hard R channel. It's just straight up racism 24/7

What's X?

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Funny, I was told my friends would miss me too. Them never reaching out after I left Facebook determined that to be a lie

This man ate my son

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