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Joined 12 months ago

I've always assumed this was faked, but based on this article, it really happened.

Who comes up with this shit?

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The Third Man has that fantastic zither theme.

Technology Connections is great!

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The scam in question, from the article:

McKcraken said he never requested a tree removal service and didn’t want any trees at his Forest Hills house — which he’s trying to sell — removed.

“They’re trying to target vacant houses because the owners won’t know,” he said. “So that they can post themselves as the owner, and the owners won’t be home to stop it and won’t be home to notice it if the tree services do show up.”

The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office said the scheme begins with a scammer calling or emailing a tree service company for a quote on how much it would be to cut down trees. After receiving an estimated amount, they send the company a faulty check for more than needed.

Before the company realizes the checks are null and void, the scammer asks the company to pay back the difference.

“They send you a check for $1,500, and they want you to send $500 back to them,” Adam Barbee with Arbor Sense said. “And then that way, they take $500, and you try to go cash the check, and the check is no good.”

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Best guess just by looking at the photo is too much butter and I'm guessing you didn't chill the dough before you baked them.

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I'm glad to see someone linked to this video. No one ever believes me when I tell them this is the way.

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We had talked briefly a few times prior to my approaching her.

So it wasn't completely out of the blue. I feel like this part is pretty critical. You had established yourself in a positive way before making the ask. If your first-ever interaction with her had been asking her out on a date, I doubt it would have gone as well.

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Look, I know I'll never be allowed in the gold card room, but if that's what it takes to get robust public transit in the U.S., I'm good with it.

IIRC from last time, someone on Reddit suggested digging a vertical hole (smaller visual footprint in an aerial search), covering the body with yogurt (to speed up decomp), and then burying a dead animal above the body (to throw off the cadaver dog's handlers).

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Someone once came into my department's office and started chewing me out for not getting a task done on time. My boss literally stepped in between me and the other person and told them, "we'll do our due diligence and get back to you," and then insisted they leave the office.

He and I then checked, and I had completed the task both correctly and on time. Someone else in a different department dropped the ball.

My boss then went to the office of the person who had yelled at me and gave them what-for.

"Until the second half of the twentieth century, mortarboards were often worn by schoolteachers, and the hat remains an icon of the teaching profession." [source]

So they weren't saying that he just graduated, they were saying that he was learned (the tortoise even says, "he is the wisest of us all").

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In high school I was invited to be a third wheel for a friend who I'm pretty sure had never been on a date before. He was so nervous he ended up knocking over a large glass full of ice water. Twice.

Please don't be Spokane, please don't be Spokane...



Patreon = pay-tree-on

Patron = pay-trun

Whenever I'm talking with someone about my podcast and they ask, "can I find it on Spotify?" a little part of me dies.

Like, yes it's available on Spotify, because it's available everywhere. But I strongly dislike what Spotify tried to do to podcasting, and there are much better apps out there.

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I hear so many people pronounce "cavalry" as "calvary," which is a different word altogether.

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Follow real life traffic laws.

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About 30-some years ago I borrowed a book of facts from the library, and the two I remember are:

  • There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
  • Pound for pound, grasshoppers are 3x as nutritious as steak.

I have no idea if they're true, but they're burned into my brain.

A Virginia man bought a tattered piece of cloth claiming to be part of George Washington’s war tent. It’s now in a Philadelphia museum.

Saved you a click.

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In some games, I like to try to see if I can kill literally everyone on the map without getting caught or alerting anyone.

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It would be especially interesting to see how his viewpoint changes over the course that time frame.

The Memory Palace - Short, surprising stories of the past, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hysterical, often a little bit of both.

Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Stories of awful human error, tragic catastrophes, and hilarious fiascos. They'll delight you, scare you, but also make you wiser.

I Spy - True stories told by spies who steal secrets, kill adversaries, and turn agents into double agents. Each episode features one spy telling one dramatic story. Unfortunately, this show seems to be defunct. Still an interesting listen, though!

Limetown - A 22 episode fictional story about the mysterious disappearance of over 300 people from a small town in Tennessee.

The Other Half - Two friends watch the same movie—except one only watches the first half, and the other only watches the second half. Then they get together and discuss the film, and try to figure out the context of what they saw.

Hey Riddle Riddle - My favorite podcast at the moment. Three improvisers answer riddles some of the time, and goof off most of the time. They do improvised scenes and have a good time.

Twenty Thousand Hertz - The stories behind the world's most recognizable and interesting sounds. It's basically 99% Invisible, but for audio.

What Roman Mars Can Learn About Con Law - Particularly interesting if you live in the U.S., this show takes a look at modern issues and controversies through the lens of constitutional law. You'd think a podcast about legal matters would be dry and obtuse, but the show really is geared for a non-legal-minded audience.

Almost Plausible - My own podcast! A couple of friends and I friends take an ordinary object, such as a pillow, or a ceiling fan, or a toilet brush, and we come up with a movie plot where that object plays a central or critical role. Note: At the time of posting, we have just released our Halloween episode, which breaks from the regular format. So if you go listen to the Pumpkin episode, although it's an entertaining one, it's not representative of the show.

I remember when he hit 100k followers. Then 200k. Then a million. He has abandoned those of us who helped build the foundation of his success.

I've been drinking egg nog with lemon-lime soda for over 20 years, so I imagine it would be pretty good with egg nog ice cream as well.

That's not very sigma of them.

How is no one talking about head splitters? Am I the only person who hadn't heard of these before?

I like them with a little miso. Or miso butter. Damn, now I'm super hungry.

I'd say don't type out anything you wouldn't want to send, not even as a joke. On multiple occasions I've seen people type a text or email as a joke, and then accidentally send it instead of erase it.

By that same token, don't send things you wouldn't want others to see (or perhaps, be aware of unintended audiences). How often do we hear about nudes being shared? In another example, I once worked at a company that had too many bosses, and one of them shit talked me to my boss in an email. They replied back and forth a bit, and then my boss had a question for me about the project they were now discussing, so he forwarded me the entire email chain. I saw exactly what the other boss said about me, and there was no denying he was the one who said it. I immediately and permanently lost all respect for him.

Really cheap, off-brand chocolate

Who in 2024 is still buying Palmer's? How does this brand still exist?

I know groceries are expensive, but damn!

Nothing like spending hours schlepping bodies around the map. It was a little easier in Dishonored once I was able to make the bodies immediately disappear into ash.

What is the deli called? I'd like to check it out.

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A fellow future lizard!

1817807, here. Yours may be the smallest number I've ever seen.

With pictures, ideally!

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Not an answer to OP's question, but I know in PHP there's at least one error message that's in Hebrew.

Brain Damage. I definitely should not have seen that movie at whatever age I was.

The Ren & Stimpy Show

Saved by the Bell

You Can't Do That on Television

(But really, so many more.)