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Joined 1 years ago

It's a bad choice to have choice?

The Jetbrains suite of IDE's. Particularly Jetbrains Rider. The platform ~~they are all ~~ many of them are built on is open source though, and you can get free licenses for all of their products if you are using them to develop open source software!

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If I have to have a prime subscription to get the game, it's not free IMO

Otherwise a great idea!

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True, but he mentions .NET development is Windows first, and even mentions that you have "some IDE's that work with it, like Rider". He kind of said it without mentioning the specific IDE.

Rider is the real MVP anyways.

Honestly, I enjoy the humorous colour names.

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MySQL (and by extension, MariaDB) has an even better option:

mysql --i-am-a-dummy

No need to split tunnel. Mullvad has options in the app to allow local networking. Just have to enable it.

even shamed one user in my team to switch from Windows to Mac …

It's so strange that Windows users don't see how welcoming our communities are.

Lemmy was created because of reddit fucking BS

Lol, no.

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I can't find the video, but I remember someone at Ableton said they pretty much had the same view of Live piracy. If someone pirates it, they weren't willing to spend the money on it, but perhaps they will be willing to in the future.

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Few thoughts:

  1. What is being made? Can't really care about it without having some idea
  2. What makes this company's version of it worth our interest?
  3. How is it better than the FOSS solutions that in this day and age almost definitely already exist
  4. Why are we to put our faith in this group for pay once software when their two major products are SaaS?

I disagree that it being a monolith is immediately a problem, but also

In fact you scale a monolith the same way you scale micro services.

This is just not true. With microservices, it is easy to scale out individual services to multiple instances as demand requires them. Hosting a fleet of entire Lemmy instances is far more expensive than just small slices of it that may require the additional processing power.

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I just installed 11 recently. There isn't a skip button anymore. I had to enter fake sign in details for it to give me the "offline" option.

So it seems like their point may still stand.

Cyberpunk had some really strong characters/acting/writing. I'm finding it hard to get excited by other games lately because they just don't measure up the same.

How do you mean? Like, how is this different than someone saying "I don't get the point of Linux"?

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What makes Debian a pain to use on servers?

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I’ve previously been against trying Arch due to instability issues such as the recent GRUB thing.

But you used Manjaro? 😂

Go for it. If you use archinstall, it is incredibly simple to get up and running. The difficulty around Arch is quite overblown except perhaps when talking about people brand new to Linux. Even without archinstall, you are just following a guide in the wiki.

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is there not?

Should probably figure that out (and perhaps share it) before making the claim, no?

FYI: Flatpaks can share some dependencies and duplicate files.

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I'm going to have to disagree. I just remoted in to check it out. I have 2560x1440 resolution images weighing 2.9 MiB in there. It's pretty clear that these are full size images.

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Most people want stability (low change) for servers. Arch is typically run where plentiful software updates are welcome. It's not that you can't/shouldn't use Arch for servers, but it isn't the most conventional suggestion.

Wow, that is surprisingly not bad given the size of the instance!

Been playing through Stardew. The wiki is a godsend

As someone hosting their own instance, I'm actually super interested to see how it all plays out.

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The underlying intelliJ platform is, not the entire IDE. I did edit the post though, as I realized not all of them are built on that platform.

If you are working on open source, you can still grab free licenses. You just have to renew them each year (completely free, just requires proof of FOSS contribution)

I believe this all boiled down to issues with ownership (SquareEnix / Nintendo). Seems they've worked something out, though!

Surely they can't survive after this, right? Like, people can't be okay with this.

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Sidewalk is (to my knowledge) only used by Amazon devices.

My point was more that Amazon advertised a system where if you didn't have internet, don't worry, you can use a neighbours. The current system is all opt in. The issue is that these major companies have never minded hiding other technology or its uses from the end user. We believe we can just block the device from the internet, but it is entirely possible that some of the TV's of today have similar systems to sidewalk (or even just cell connectivity) built right in.

Let's not forget when Google nest security systems sold in 2017 received an OTA update (in 2019) to be able to use voice commands (oops, did we not mention there were microphones in the device you bought?)

I'm not saying everyone needs to slap a tinfoil hat on. I'm just saying that while I also block these devices from the internet, it really feels like any day now things will become more difficult than that (possibly in devices we already own)

That was a rephrasing of the statement, not an answer to the question. He's asking why it matters. What is the "good measure"?

He literally explained why he doesn't use Firefox.

I use a VPS from RackNerd for all kinds of things (my personal Lemmy, for one). Have had it for two and a half years or so with no complaints.

Not sure that transmission supports it, but other torrent clients (qbitorrent, deluge) allow binding the torrent client to your VPN interface. That way, you literally can't torrent on anything but your VPN connection (even if a killswitch fails/the VPN isn't running)

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You can just enter a fake Microsoft account and password. When it doesn't work, it gives the option to continue with an offline account (or at least whatever version I installed did)

Average FPS in the benchmarks I'm looking at seem to be 30-35, with 1% lows around 25. Sounds pretty standard for many console games. Especially handheld (switch Zelda games run at 30fps with huge dips, no?)

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difficult and/or illegal.

I don't think using a VPN gets you out of the illegal part, lol.

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Nothing like castrating half of the family tree because of that one time your brother tried to break up your empire!

...okay, but how is Quest 3 usage not the same as Index usage? I'm not sure the comparison really makes sense.

Mostly just poking fun. It came off as an odd flex (laughing at people who choose to pay for media) while also repping software that has features locked behind a paid tier (a subscription, at that)

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$10-20 is what that VPS costs at a cloud provider. You could also dockerize and use a container service like GCP Cloud Run combined with cloud storage within that budget.

I'm not a big node guy, but I also kind of doubt nodejs would fail to handle 10RPS on 2gb of memory. I guess it all depends on what the requests are doing.

I have no experience with Windscribe other than that I recall looking into them when I was personally looking to replace Mullvad.

All I can offer is that their pricing is pretty much on par with ProtonVPN, who I have found to be very solid.

Proton also has a free tier, though I'm not sure how well P2P works on it.

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