What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 337 points –

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If you need to remember something for the next time you go out, put your shoes somewhere odd. When you go to leave, you'll remember you moved them, which will remind you why you moved them.

Or you won't be able to find your shoes, panic because you're running late, and forget about the thing you needed because of said panic.

Even just a couple inches over is enough to remind me. Or just a separation between them instead of them touching. Or turn them backwards. Though, this only works if it's relatively uncommon for you to do it. And if you live in a household that does indeed take their shoes off, some don't. But it's a surprisingly effective reminder if all that.

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This works even with abstractions.

Attaching an unrelated concept to another will help remember it.

I do it all the time by telling someone that I need to remember something... And clarify that I don't need a reminder, I just needed to tell someone.

If I need to remember to bring something with me when I go out I’ll put my keys on top of it.

On the original topic, shoes last a lot longer if you don't wear the same pair day after day. The continual dampness from foot perspiration breaks down the materials much more quickly. Giving each pair of shoes a couple of days to dry out between wearings will greatly extend their lives.

This effect may not be visible to many people, but if you have a physical job, it can save you a lot of money.

If you need to remember something put your phone under it

I do this with my phone on my nightstand. If I need to remember something I put it out of reach

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