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Joined 5 months ago

Only the reddit videos were taken down.

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Yep. This is more to stop the emulation of their next console than anything else. Especially considering it's likely to be a just slightly better Switch.

It's always someone else's fault with you lol.

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are you lost?

The megathread recommendations for emulators aren't great. Use the emulation wiki instead.

Yep. And it's not just a Europe thing. WhatsApp is basically the only messaging app in South Asia, West Asia, south America and a lot of parts in Africa. Telling someone to stop using WhatsApp here is like telling an American to stop using E-Mail ans SMS.

Seal is a yt-dlp frontend

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Also, microsoft edge is getting extensions as well real soon

What's your point?

you're getting downvoted for not being American 💀

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A better comparation would be this: you paid for Dondurma and after the guy is done with the tricks he moved on to the other customer so you asked where's my ice cream. And he says umm actually if you scanned the QR code of the menu you would have known, after watching 2 ads, that you are paying for the tricks not the ice cream

Nationalism is a religion

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Do you understand the terms OP used? Did you even read the post? So, OP was doing things the 'easy way' using GUI tools in Gnome/Plasma/XFCE and is now using CLI tools in a window manager that he chose. Please explain to me how does this lead to Linux devs are mean and you need a CS degree to install a browser on Linux.

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You need to own the licence.

Not sure what's your point at this point. If you're that worried you could've used the wayback machine or disabled JavaScript on your browser sense the website is functioning without them anyways.

which language is an investment when you don't need it?

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Only accept suggestions with 2 upvotes or above.

Not a good criteria. Some comments have +10 apps. So, all the apps will be included even if most people upvoted just for an app or two. Also, if someone adds a suggestion after more than 24h of the post. The comment will likely not get any upvotes because no one will see it.

Y*uTube: PipePipe, Seal

Pleroma/Mastodon: Husky

T*itter: Squawker

R*eddit: Stealth

Store: Obtainium, Droid-ify

Some banking apps might not work:

But I don't think this is a common issue. There is an unofficial list of working apps on here:

you can still use redlib for now

pixel 5 is end-of-life. This is the support cycle for GrapheneOS:

If someone can't afford buying pixel 6a then getting something that works with Calyx/Divest is probably better.

"Gamefreak can release a new game every year because they have multiple teams"

I think they only started pushing for updated version on Fedora and Debian a few days ago.

Most people don't even know that ad-blockers exit

TIL the government is some people

I get that. But my point is people learn a language because they need it or because it's a hobby. In either case the difficulty is irrelevant.

I also never understood the idea of learning languages based on the number of speakers. You're not going to talk to millions of people. And you will find enough people that don't speak English anyways.

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Is this a joke? In one of your recent comments you're using the word Zionist negatively. That would already be considered hate speech somewhere.

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set up flathub from here then type flatpak install flathub com.carpeludum.KegaFusion in the terminal

Disroot, Forward Email, Posteo

You can use your Gmail accounts on different clients. Both Fairemail and K-9 Mail support it.


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Fcitx5 supports CJK

lol the argument that gamefreak fanboys use

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I love how you paraphrased the reality of war template.

Yes, but that's from the privacy policy for their Samsung account specifically. Mozilla already says in the article that finding the relevant info on Samsung privacy policy is a nightmare. So, you need to keep in mind that you'd still be using Samsung flavor of Android and some of their apps. If I remember correctly even something as simple as their calculator app has close to 100 permission.

my bad. I assumed she was older than that. A used pixel tablet is what I'd recommend. It'll get security updates from Google until June 2028 and will probably continue to get updates from custom roms after that. But it won't meet many of your other preferences.

Samsung now support their newer devices for 7 years too. But as I said earlier their privacy policy for children is ridiculous.

it doesn't have the notifications permission

Can you add links to the f-droid repos of NewPipe, Bitwarden and DivestOS?

Oh, and you have to log in to use Squawker now, thanks to Elon killing guest accounts.

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