5 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


I'll stop fighting when Meta no longer exists.

18 more...

Sometimes silence is deafening. If Ruud signed an NDA would he be able to say that he didn't sign an NDA? We could strongly request that he states he has no contracts or agreements with facebook/meta. But deep down we know the answer.

But I like my hospitals and roads. I do wish they would stop spending on bombs and handouts to companies though.

14 more...

I have strong feelings about reddit being infested with bots too. And because reddit could, there's no reason lemmy doesn't have the same issue.

it didn’t really bother me

Bot armies could have hidden things from you that would bother you deeply, but because it's hidden, you don't have a chance to be bothered.

The parasite class doesn't really do much though. We hold the whips that enslave ourselves.

We would do so well if just 25% of the population were to:

  • Quit unethical jobs as soon as reasonable.

  • Refuse to buy from unethical companies within reason.

  • Spread awareness about our careers corruption

  • Spread awareness about corruption in general

  • Force our career to modernise (surprisingly the status quo also impacts our workplace; If we modernise too fast, the parasites control weakens) .

I missread your comment and cant delete my reply... haha... oops

6 more...

Upvotes aren't just a number, they determine placing on the algorithm along with comments. It's easy to censor an unwanted view by mass downvoting it.

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Exactly! Almost every time I've tried to talk with people they only bring up those same technical aspects and ignore the other aspects, like cultural destruction and manufactured outrage and hatred against LGBTQs etc that comes with meta/facebook. The whole internet doesn't need to be a homogenized mess :(

Political and business maneuvers will catch IT focused security people by surprise. They are fish in a barrel

At some point it all stops mattering. You treat bots like humans and humans like bots. It's all about logic and good/bad faith.

I've had an embarrassing attempt to identify a bot and learned a fair bit.

There is significant overlap between the smartest bots, and the dumbest humans.

A human can:

  • Get angry that they are being tested
  • Fail an AI-test
  • Intentionally fail an AI-test
  • Pass a test that an AI can also pass, while the tester expects an AI to fail.

It's too unethical to test, so I feel that the best course of action is to rely on good/bad faith tests, and logic of the argument.

Turing tests are very obsolete. The real question to ask, Do you really believe that the average persons sapience is really that noteworthy?

A well made LLM can exceed a dumb person pretty easily. It can also be more enjoyable to talk with or more loving and supportive.

Of course there are things that current LLMs can't do well that we could design tests around. Also long conversations have a higher chance to show a failure of the AI. Secret AIs and future AIs might be harder of course.

I believe dead internet theories spirit. Strap in meat-peoples, rides gonna get bumpy.

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If you get creative you can put maybe a candle floating in the middle of a large bowl of water, then a bit of detergent will break the surface tension to make them fall in. The detergent will also kill them.

I completely agree, but this type of response to it is snake oil. Many anti-capitalists view our social alienation as a required part to keep capitalism functioning, and any superficial attempt to fix it such as this post shows, is just to make it look like they are trying to fix it. See regulatory bodies allowing .. everything bad.

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Our fresh state of the art new innovation, neoBlue© coloured LEDs, using novaBright technology(patent pending) to brighten your days and lead to a fresh and exciting future filled with the latest stunning luxuries.

Conseratives and fascists are the same group, so I'll refer to them as fascists.

You are talking about one of the core criticisms of corporate secret algorithms to determine what to influence you with. Fascism is forced to creep into everyones world view when you use standard social media, and the average person wouldn't have the slightest idea. Certain key things will be more related to fascist content, like philosophy, psychology, guns, comedy. If you think about what fascists enjoy, or what they need to slander then it makes what I said make more sense.

Jordan Peterson does a lot of vids around psych/philosophy to redirect curious people to false answers that are close to true but more agreeable for fascists. An example of a psychological cooption is "mass psychosis" being coopted into "mass formation psychosis" by fascists. Mass psychosis explains too many true things, where mass formation psychosis redirects people towards a more palletable direction for them.

This is why I want to be nowhere near corporate media if possible. If you delete your cookies(or private browse for the same effect) then youtube will promote the most adjacent things to what you watch like old youtube used to do, although it'll still promote fascism when directly adjacent. With cookies though they have an excuse to have questionable content linger statistically too often.

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"The internet is for porn"

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If they cared about others, they would learn how to better care for themselves. They are external-thinkers. If falling on their sword is the cool thing to do according to their media, then off they go.

Distractions to make the govt look like they care and to shift blame onto the average person.

7 more...

I find your words of the utmost distaste. Does your mothers tongue slosh around as vacuously as your own?

That's kinda my point though, if we had less tax money spent on companies and bombs then they could fix more potholes and wouldn't have the same excuse of needing money to ticket people. A non corrupt govt could spend that money with so much more efficiency than we could. I think war money in the USA is so high that they could probably give you tax cuts at the same time if they just chilled on bombs.

11 more...

If you can find a necromancer while alive you might get some better options, just sayin.

Interesting idea.

I disagree, i just got massively bandwagon downvoted into oblivion in this thread and noticed that as soon as a single downvote hits, it's like blood in the water and the piranhas will instantly downvote, even if its nonsensical. Downvotes act as a guide for people that don't really think about the message contents, and need instructions on how to vote. I'd love if comments got their votes censored for 1 hour after posting.

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All that matters about the OPs claim is that the admins need to say they aren't contracted with meta, but they haven't, which is damning evidence that they have signed at least one contract with Meta.

It's simple logic.

  1. Lies or truths about an NDA silenced meeting with Mastodon admins.
  2. Extrapolating that idea that an NDA may exist or have been signed onto all instance admins
  3. Asking for a statement from the admins proving that there are no NDAs in place with Meta by the admins

Then reliable absolute silence about being contracted or not with Meta. Followed of course by mass downvotes when it makes no sense to do so.

See all the bots saying the same silly responses over and over about no evidence, then massively downvoting people who are clearly rational.

Our oligarchs know that it's more productive to control us less intensely and give us more time off work etc. The common mistake is to think they care about profit, when that's more of a secondary feature. The truly rich care about power, and maintaining it. They will demoralise their staff to prevent unions even if that costs them heavily, even if the unions will only lose them a million at worst, they would sacrifice 5 million to prevent slaves rebelling.

Maybe you need to go have a read about fascism, then tell me, are the points presented becoming more or less similar to current conservative views?

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I keep thinking about this. The only reason for votes that a forum cant do, is filtering massive content quantities through an equally massive userbase to get pages of great and revolving posts. In a forum you can just filter with comments/hour and give free promotion to new posts.

The simple reality is, left wing views get minimised, distorted or outright censored in standard media like reddit. It's mostly just false flag stuff on reddit like calling liberals leftists or socialists. The only place to talk freely would be some tiny place in the middle of nowhere like a lemmy instance. Which makes supporting FOSS even more important.

Righties like to cry censorship, but its almost purely when they foam at the mouth and "accidentally" get too abusive, forcing the platform to save face and ban them. Standard corporate media will megaphone right wing views and give them free reign to be open nazis unless they go a step too far as I mentioned before.

Oh, i had a problem like this very recently. The house has an air-vent that i assumed had a screen, but it was just flat out exposed. Because of the house design it just massively funneled the wind and mosquitos inside. I opened the vent cover and put some tissue paper over the inside so that it'd get fixed in place somewhat to "filter" the mosquitos and just instantly went from 5 per night to 1 over the next month.

The beautiful idea that blows my mind, is how much better the comment section for a question like this post presents is on Lemmy, than Reddit!


Interesting to hear your side of it. I've just responded to a few posts in a row that responded zero times, but ran off to post elsewhere. People worked hard in them so its worth an opinion or two.

I know it can be a bit awkward too, to respond after so much is said from so many people.

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Oh... I was too busy being pissed off at stupid-bright LEDs that I read a dozen comments and forgot to upvote everyone.. whooops.

Magnificent cock, do you stroke it often?

If you argue that any attempt to resolve an economic dispute(that apple is mine!) is through government, then yes, they will exist as long as we do.

From my understanding, lemmy practically started out heavily left leaning and got progressively more regressive as redditfolk migrated over.

Getting zero upvotes after writing a ton of text is a bit... not fun.

I got invested in a thread from a guy being eaten alive by mosquitoes and posted a joke, but then realised i didn't read it well and he seemed serious, so i replied properly. He ended up with a ton of replies and didn't say a word lol. Not saying there can't be valid reasons like going to bed or ducking out to the shops in a fit of rage to get equipment for the mosquitocaplyse. Seeing it happen more than in one post is the part that's really getting me curious now.

It gives them a secret way to start deeper negotiations. Pretty much this is the end of any openness and community focus the instance has. The contents don't matter as much as the symbolism of having participated. I'll ask you Alethecrow, how many millions would it take you to agree to working for them and pretending to be working only for yourself?

.. :( i upvoted you and lost a huge reply... i uh.. sad.

I'll summarise.

We have a lot more power than we give ourselves credit for, or realise. People need to sit down and find their power and then apply it. They rigged the system but its just a minor thing if you could see through it. It's mostly about increasing the % of people trying and increasing their effectiveness while trying. This system is on the verge of collapse and even tiny inputs at this stage are heavily in our favour.

We are lied to about how to solve the problem. They make problems and frame them as the root cause, we then waste our lives chimping out trying to deal with symptoms.

That would be a really nice feature. +1

It's easy to find very oversimplified information or excessively complex info. Pretty hard to learn without someone that knows a lot answering specific questions after you learn the basics. Hopefully someone gives a nice clear mid level explanation for ya.

I think its more like "tech-heads like interesting posts" vs "average users like cats and or dogs". Don't get me wrong, tech enthusiasts do like pets, but there's no real reason to post them in a general forum or someplace similar.