Chris Murphy, CT: "Today I’m introducing a groundbreaking bill - the National Strategy for Social Connection Act." to politics – 128 points –

Today I’m introducing a groundbreaking bill - the National Strategy for Social Connection Act.

It creates a federal office to combat the growing epidemic of American loneliness, develops anti-loneliness strategies, and fosters best practices to promote social connection.


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I completely agree, but this type of response to it is snake oil. Many anti-capitalists view our social alienation as a required part to keep capitalism functioning, and any superficial attempt to fix it such as this post shows, is just to make it look like they are trying to fix it. See regulatory bodies allowing .. everything bad.

Any attempt at fixing things is just a whitewash job? Whatever. We might as well all march I to the sea, huh?

They literally said "this type of response", not "every response".

So talking about it, getting it on the radar of our leaders, maybe allocating some resources, that's nothing-burger first step response?

I didn't bother defending myself against your bad faith rubbish. Maybe you should properly read what I first said?

You also aren't giving clear instructions on what to do, but unlike you, I gave a strong initial direction. Our isolation is intentionally manufactured by the same people you are defending.