2 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We have to stop identifying ownership with these billionaires and "their work" because it's not. It's a team of people who got together to accomplish a mission whether they succeeded or failed. How often is their success just a leader getting out of their way, and how often is failure because leadership was overbearing and "used their authority" to make poor decisions over the group.

"We" society only ever focus on these individuals and it's horribly incorrect to do so.

We need to forget the celebrities and identity the groups.

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Can somebody please just link the boobs

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So wallpapers, clock changes on lock screen, and updated credential manager which I assume is the latest push for Passkeys.

That qualifies a major version change? It kinda sucks that we've stagnated in mobile OS improvements. You just don't really see anything radically different or innovative anymore.

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Half Life Alyx was sick and demonstrated everything VR could be. I will standby that statement and tolerate the flamers.

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I mean this isn't unprecedented. Blackwater exists in the United States, hell you even have the Pinkertons, if you go back the revolutionary war the Brits used the Hessians to fight.

Mercenary is one of the oldest professions.

For the first time in my career I'm actually not in this position. Found an employer that's an ex engineer and just "gets it". Good compensation, good benefits, and invests in all of our understanding and careers. Sucks seeing all the people just let go so I'm surprised this survey has this result.

Maybe it was conducted before this season of let gos.

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Can you give a specific reason?

I feel that I'm usually more upset that apps choose electron and I have performance issue because they didn't spend time writing a proper lightweight desktop application. I feel like Calibre is actually one of those apps.

I could see portability across devices being useful but is the Calibre interface really going to be conducive for that?

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Is this actually 14.25 USD?

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HackerNews(ycomb) is a veritable gold mine but I find the community to be a bit caustic at times.

There is a HackerNews mirror on Lemmy here that I like but not too many people comment. If I saw more activity I'd probably comment more.

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I mean is there anything more to this threat than a meme?

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ChatGPT is next level Rubber Duck. Tell it to talk to you like Socrates.

Can afford to leave. Stay for family I can't unbrainwash. 😢

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I mean it's been how many decades of scientists screaming at us? Here in Florida the coral reefs are bleached, hottest summer yet it feels like, ocean is rising.

I can't help but think if we had listened to Al Gore.

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This is wickedly cool and I was wanting something like this last night. Crazy that I stumble on it the morning after.

I hope melons is canonical with the rest of the Nintendo internet art scene.

It's because we voted "anti-establishment". We tried going for Bernie but then the DNC took care of that. Then Donnie boy was "obviously never gonna win." And America said screw you we don't want the SAME elitist bullshit. Donnie won threw the world for a loop and you know what they decided?

To punish us. To encourage Trump, to outrage us at everything he did wrong and incite him to do worse. Ever wonder why he's not in jail? Because he's the clown they keep punishing us with.

See vote for Clinton, or Biden, or Bush because LOOK at the alternative!

That's not real democracy. Real democracy would've been Bernie getting the DNC nomination like he deserved. Real democracy would've been ranked choice voting where we don't have to pick the shortest steaming pile of shit!

Ah I'm a dummy. Didn't even think it was from a satirical news site. Thanks!

I could see this going both ways. If it's important historically and the owners want to demolish it then the city or some org should bid to buy it and maintain it. Otherwise why should the private owner be forced to maintain a dilapidated property.

I asked about this.

Around ~180 euros a month for the server they were renting to run this Lemmy instance. Anybody can host though and any member of a Lemmy can see content and interconnect with other instances.

I was looking into potentially hosting my own Lemmy for my friends and I because the cost would be more manageable.

I'd imagine if people started doing that it would decentralize the costs and the administrative overhead.

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Because X is dying anyway?

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Is this just part of the playbook for him to not have to pay taxes by saying he lost all his money??

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I don't understand how this is antisemitism

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I don't understand the ambiguity of where to put your projects.

I've typically always put things under /opt/ TIL /etc/opt was where the config should go.

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90% sounds really high? At least compared to the states where it seems a vast majority is renting??

No idea the data on this, just going off my anecdotal experience.

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Damn I never saw that one. 😂 thanks for the laugh

Same I pivoted to PocketCasts

Seriously! It's so FAKE reminds me of Disney but way bigger and dirtier 😂

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Florida here. I don't say Coke for all soda just for a dark cola. But Coke is just the first brand I think of/want when it comes to Soda. Like the most ubiquitous.

If I want a Root Beer I'm gonna ask for that. But I'd never fucking say Pop.

I'd say Soda for the general.

I hate that radial graphs are so popular with *Grafana dashboards. Radial/pie charts are terrible representations for humans to interpret. I tend to try and convert them either to a stat with the line/time display or a bar chart. Humans are better judging linear relationships than radial.

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Dude we need some legit study or science on this because if so this blows my brain. I'm a huge proponent of Seinfeld chains, and books on habit science, improving yourself. I have several apps but I'M CONSTANTLY struggling to do these systems. Like it feels impossible.

I have quit nail biting, I've done a month of meditation. I can concentrate intently on one thing for a period of time but then I context switch and because I'm not actively everyday using a checklist to remember what I have to do I don't do it.

I have cavities right now because I focused on something else I needed to do regularly and let my teeth go.

My friends and family make fun of me for constantly changing interests and habits and that I can't stick with one thing. Maybe!!! They aren't the same way because it's EASIER for them to be in automatic mode to do the same thing.

This is really mind fucking me right now.

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The important concepts aren't that complicated.

Instead of nesting a computer (VM's) the operating system makes the program think it's on its own dedicated computer (isolated file system space, cpu, and memory shares). A Dockerfile is just a basic script to construct one of these computers by commands and files.

The real reason people get excited is because they can ship a Docker "image". It's a layered filesystem which really is just like saying there's a system tracking who puts what files in what place and so it's easier to just send the whole setup to someone then try to document how you should set all that stuff up to run their software.

This is "dummier" proof than the pre-existing convention of just using a package manager to do this for you.

My first fucking thought. I'm still waiting on helpdesk to respond to an issue I've already chased down to a registry key because I'm not allowed workstation admin privileges. 🙄. Which I'm fine with but more than a week to respond to a ticket? Come the fuck on

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Lovense Turbo Max

Look don't be dogmatic with anything. Read it. Understand everyone has opinions. There are tradeoffs for every engineering decision. EVERY decision.

Learn to weigh them yourself and learn the intricacies of where it doesn't make sense and where it does

I'm a little lost on what each of these components are. I see .sh files so I'm assuming you're mostly writing these with Bash?

With this level of complexity I wonder if you'd benefit from running a k8s server. Just food for thought.

Looks like you're having a good time for it. I always laugh at the similarity with this system building and the BUS designs of Factorio.

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I mean all problems are solved with another layer of abstraction right?

Morality is relative. Societal morality or my gene survival morality?

There's evolutionary benefits to being a Dave murderer psychopath that established enough dominance to be left alone

Then social groups came along and a different part of our brain developed and they duke it out on what is "moral".

Religious people like to say "Where's your moral compass?" But the truth is in our heads is the closest thing to morality this universe so far has ever seen.

Considering the space rock we're floating on doesn't give a fuck about fairness. Even your housecat is going to eat your fucking face off the week you die.


The CNCF has a number of awesome projects that live up to FOSS values.

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