1 Post – 256 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

It’s still electron. No thanks.

Wait like… the Supreme Court in America? The same fuckwads who have been slowly eroding our rights?


No fuckin’ thanks.


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“Train our ai for us in order to login”

Get fucked.

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“Bring your authentic self to work”

Was pretty prevalent in tech for a while. Fuck no I’m not doing that.

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“For good” someone might need to learn what that means. Google is going to axe this I’m sure.

*OUR api key

The paywall is delicious irony. Or whatever makes the story unreadable until I subscribe.

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“If our twitter bid succeeds, we will defeat the spam bots or die trying,” wrote Elon Musk in May 2022

Option two anytime now plz

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Man he even looks like he’s starting his metamorphosis into trump.

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So because she didn’t check herself, you might say she wrecked herself.

That’s not very cache money of you

Stop using google.

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Why would you ever do something so disgusting?

Go to Mississippi I mean, it’s the literal worst state in the worst country.

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Easy. America

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lol. lmao.

Get fucked Boeing.

All. Because the ones who aren’t corrupt fucks either look the other way, or try to report the bad ones and get bullied off the force.

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Bet they get fined all of 1 million dollars.

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Too fuckin bad for YouTube. I won’t change my behavior, I’ll just not use YouTube.

Fuck em

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The game had a satisfying final quest? Did I miss it??

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Now, where to download these, for science.

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My cat has learned how… delicious? ear wax is. I was itching my ear once, she started licking my finger, and now if I even raise my right hand near my head she flips out and runs up into my space just in case it’s ear wax time.

Note I don’t actually have a ton of ear wax or feed it to her, but something about my finger after I scratch my ear just drives her crazy.

Seriously though my ears are clean 😂

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Works for me. I haven’t used that shithole since Apollo died.

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A fellow sysadmin, I thought we went extinct. I had to pivot to “infrastructure engineer” but it’s basically the same thing nowadays.

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Former employee here, quit in 2017 after 8 years.

I am watching hundreds of people stream in to the “square mafia” slack as 11+ year tenured people are shitcanned.

Extremely depressing.

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Would you kindly play bioshock?

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Sure thing, it is.

Try again pal, it’s about appeasing shareholders.

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Fun fact: I’m the reason people have to approve being added as collaborators for repos on GitHub now.

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Maybe he’ll do the honorable thing and just OD

“Don’t talk to journalists” in general is a good rule of thumb these days

Get fucked, YouTube.

On Wednesday, Maryland State Police recovered the bodies of Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera inside a pick-up truck submerged 50 feet beneath the Patapsco River.

Fuck, i have nightmares about this kind of shit. Poor guys

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“Self inflicted”

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Be cooler if she killed two cops tbh

What’s the context here, did someone break down?

If so, awesome.

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Has a feeling that’s what I’d find.

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gestures vaguely

I’d like to see them try stopping me giving my kids my password.

Oh good, more space junk in LEO

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