32 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

reclusive techie zoomer

discord: @chris.0666 (ping me in the beehaw server if you want to say hi :) )

man, as someone who used to be so into foss/privacy i refused to use anything that i couldn't compile/host & giving out my gpg key to friends, & someone who used to always make charged, sweeping generalizations like the title of this article, reading this just made me remember why people didn't like to talk tech with me. i was so focused on always spouting why every app/software/os everyone used was "evil" (with poorly thought out & overcharged arguments, because i was coming from a place of anger & "justice" rather than logic) that i became insufferable to have a conversation with. i'm not gonna knock the author too much because i know it comes from a place of passion & morals, but this person has really fallen into the trap of radical black & white thinking that plagues the field of foss so much.

op, if you are the author of the post (or if the author happens to be reading), my advice to you if you want to reach people better would be to avoid generalizing/judging (& any non-logical statements at all) when advocating for foss/against propietary services. always blame the companies, not the users, because most users are just uninformed. remember that software is not a political or moral issue to most people, it's just a tool & they don't research or know anything about it beyond that. all that headline is doing is losing the target audience - no one likes to be told they're "morally lazy" for simply texting their friends & not knowing about issues in an app. if you are going to post sweeping judgements like this, then at least make sure the article is at least finished before you throw it out there, or else it's gonna leave a really bad taste in people's mouth.

on a positive note, the rest of the site is really cool; reminds me of the site i used to have up in high school. i really liked the "places" & "strong women" sections on the abyss page.

saw this earlier from an old twitter tab, thought my browser had been hijacked with some extension. what an amateurish logo, looks like what a tiny business puts up on their wordpress when they have no designers & are only making a logo because they have to, definitely not what i'd expect from one of the biggest social media sites in the world. elon has been fixated on the whole x thing for literal decades now & that's the best logo he came up with?

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this is the first post i've actually read from this community & i'm already sold lol

google's messaging strategy has gotten so bad that they now have to remind consumers which of the apps are made for them. i myself had no clue that the google chat app in the play store was targeted towards consumers, i just assumed that the app was google workspaces only considering they always push rcs & that the play store description doesn't go two sentences without talking about enterprise & google workspaces.

it's kinda wild when you consider that they had a 17 year headstart on this & still somehow lost the messaging app/site race multiple times

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probably a little bit of both

Can someone explain like I’m 5 for the new folks here what this means in terms of the user experience? & are two huge (well, compared to many other lemmy instances) communities, so this effectively means being cut off from part of the lemmy fediverse.

What are the restrictions around viewing and commenting on posts?

the servers won't be allowed to federate with us anymore. federation is the term for when an instance downloads posts, comments, profiles, upvotes, etc from another. this change means we simply won't see posts & comments from those instances at all.

Does this impact, for example, beehaw to the same way as to beehaw?

not sure, but if i had to guess i'd say probably not, unless they also defederate. i'll log into my backup account & test.

EDIT: seems to affect them just the same actually, i can't see any new posts or comments. i thought it'd only block them from posting but seems like it's a total severance.

What mod tools would beehaw need to remain federated?

the admins & mods here can answer this much better than me, but from the post it seems like it's more a problem of size & numbers than something a mod tool can solve.

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agreed, as someone who's used fediverse platforms for a few years & seen cases of large scale raiding as well as just general infestation between some normal & some pretty bad servers, defederation is one of the main pros of the fediverse. without effective moderation, a community like ours cannot exist for long, & the only way to effectively moderate a foreign server full of literal tens of thousands of users who abide to a completely different law is to cut them off. while having to make an alt can be slightly inconvenient to some, the only alternative for a popular server like ours is to count down until it becomes too large to effectively moderate

:( sorry that happened, what a shitty person

if the rumors are true & microsoft is planning to make windows 365 the de-facto way to purchase windows in the future like with office, it'll be the dumbest move they've ever made & proof some new leadership is probably needed at some level. individual apps are one thing but no one wants something as critical & expansive as the os to just be a glorified rdp session, nor do they want it to be dependant on a subscription. i've told some of my non techie friends about this (all lifelong windows users) & they all said it'd be the one thing that makes them go to something else.

i mean, i agree that we should do something about healthcare prices & that obamacare is not faring so well right now. but trying to make it easier to get junk healthcare plans without doing anything about decreasing the price of full-fledged healthcare plans will just make things worse, & lead to a situation where low-income people are priced out of even being able to afford a full healthcare plan & forced to either default to these "short-term"/association plans or not have any at all

good fandom sites are the ugliest & most bloated sites i've ever seen & used, & the only site that i've seen use 25-50% of the CPU (a wiki page with a lot of videos &/or gallery pages will do this every single time) while ublock is actively blocking ads. like, wtf

same, back ~2015-2018 i was hangouts' biggest fan. now i avoid most google platforms in general aside from gmail, android & youtube. i can't trust anything else to stay around anymore, & even when they do keep an app alive they end up just endlessly shuffling them around like this for no reason

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Gotta love how the republicans try to make it seem like theyre giving you freedom of choice. If they really wanted to lift the burden of paid insurance companies and offer choice they would offer a public government option to people.

well said, & exactly what i was thinking when i first saw the headline & saw that this act was called "CHOICE" 🙄 it's funny how the only time we see the words "freedom" or "choice" in a republican legislation is when they're trying to take one of those away from us

Theres also fear mongering about them taking away smokers, grills, and firepits which I cant find anything other than right wing sites mentioning it cause “california did it” but then when I google california they didnt lose their grills either.

it's seriously concerning how little the modern republican will do any sort of research before believing whatever article/post they'll see. the last time i talked to one, i realized that ~75% of their perception of "leftist states" are completely false & just from random articles strewn across the internet. their perception of california is so unrealistic it may as well just be an alternate reality

genocide? you mean innovation-

nice lmao

in my experience being a part of both communities, there isn't a wearos piracy scene at all. i've seen a few shared watchfaces here & there since wearos (well, then android wear) launched, but i can count on my fingers how many times that's happened. definitely not enough to count as a scene or community imo.

to your first point of getting a watch to replace a phone though, as someone who's owned multiple wearos watches (both stock & oneui) & tried to use the watch as the primary device multiple times i'd recommend against it atm. even on the best wearos watches (the gw4/5 atm) the experience as a primary device is just, not there yet. while samsung did a lot for wearos, watch apps are still clunky & still omit even the most basic features, some of the worst offenders imo being the stock wearos/google apps (google clock still doesn't even let you set an alarm name, tone or snooze time).

this all applies of course when there even is a watch app, a lot of android apps either simply don't make one or ended up abandoning theirs years ago - even apps you'd expect to naturally have one like first party apps (gmail & google calendar were JUST announced after a decade of wearos being alive) or messaging apps. essentially, software-wise on a galaxy watch everything aside from built-in oneui apps & the few best wearos apps will just frustrate you & make you pull out your phone. on a stock wearos watch... lol.

an even bigger issue than software though, is hardware. while i don't have an lte watch, from what i've heard from people that do use their watches without their phones near regularly, watches still run terribly without piggybacking off the phone for everything, & using lte & disconnecting from the phone pretty much instantly causes heat, lag & battery usage to double. i've experienced a bit of this myself by turning my phone off & trying to do basic tasks like listening to music, texting & talking to assistant. though i (obviously) didn't get the heat & battery drain that comes with an lte connection, the whole experience just becomes kinda laggy & choppy when the companion app isn't connected

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you'd be surprised, I've heard from other reddit users that entire discord servers, wikis, & other communities would first start from reddit group chats so apparently there were a lot super involved in it. one of the big community partnered discord servers I was in told me the only reason they were on discord at first was because reddit chat made it hard to search old messages

yeah, its getting a little worrying how they're just buying the game market now, especially when you remember how horrible gates & ballmer era microsoft was with anticompetition

I paid for my loans - why should we forgive the loans

first off... you do know that the economy doesn't just stay stagnant for decades, right? houses aren't $17,000 anymore. the fact that you were able to pay your loans before has little to do with how expensive student loans are now.

secondly, the logic of "i did it so they should have to do it to" is quite a toxic & nonproductive way to think about society, & societal change. what you need to realize is that this sentiment comes from a place of envy & bitterness rather than actual logic. you don't want things to improve for the next generation because you can't fathom someone having it easier than you. you could apply this logic to anything, & the final conclusion will always just be "why bother changing", it's not much different from the conclusions you'd reach through pessimistic nihilism. growing up i was poor, so much so that sometimes we didn't even have dinner, a house or even a car to sleep in. does that mean i should raise my future children in poverty too? why not? i did it, got through it, so the next generation should have to get through it too, right?

if, throughout human history, our entire reasoning for making changes in society was "well i had to do it so they have to too" then we'd still be in huts & making fire with sticks. our ancestors didn't work, fight, & die so that the next generation would have to live the exact same life as them, they worked so that their children could have better. & this drive for the next generation to have a better life than the last is the reason why we've worked so hard to improve, invent, & innovate over the course of human history. it's why we even have a safe society in the first place, & probably why your parents worked so hard to give you a great life too.

what is already the most entitled generation ever?

according to who, & what? from my perspective, the generation who had an economy so great that they could afford a house & family without college & yet still choose to complain about everything is the most entitled. but i guess we're all spoiled brats because we want to have an actual future.

Otherwise where does it stop? Are they going to forgive mortgages and car loans next? Why not? It’s the same principle.

slippery slope is known as a logical fallacy for a reason

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yep, thanks for letting me know. just saw & edited my comment right as you posted lol. i thought it'd just block posts/comments from their end, didn't realize it'd be everything

man, the whole elon musk/twitter situation seems less & less real the more it plays out

sorry that happened, people suck :( don't let it make you quit the internet, that person was most definitely in the wrong & just being an overzealous bully. you just have to remember with those people, they're almost surely being abusive on the internet because they know they'd be absolutely ostracized in real life, that is if they haven't already.

anyway, to answer the question, i don't. in the old days i used to argue back & forth with them but now i simply stay away from them entirely. i don't even use sites filled with jerks anymore (or, if i do, i stay away from every user post or comments section in sight). in fact, the internet being filled with jerks is a primary reason i mostly stay on the beehaw bubble or just don't come online these days

i don't think we have anything to worry about, the metaverse is never going to be the next phase of the web. as someone who was enthusiastic about the whole vr boom at first & jumped to buy a quest, the vision zuck is pushing where everyone just has a quest 2/quest pro & uses it as a general computer or for social gatherings is unrealistic.

vr headsets are uncomfortable as hell to wear for more than a few minutes at a time, doing everything in the ui is clunky because you have to deal with vr virtual mice/keyboards, hand tracking is bad at non-gaming tasks & so are the controllers, the people look low poly, low res & uncanny, the screens cause eyestrain & have weird lines/dots, i could go on & on about the numerous reasons why my quest has been in my closet since last year but you get the point.

imo we're simply not far enough technologically to create a good metaverse experience. and even if we were, well, most people still aren't going to want to spend most their time in a headset staring that close at a screen

they can't see our posts & comments, actually. defederation goes both ways, the only thing they can still see of us is cached threads from before the defederation. these threads are effectively dead like a plant disconnected from it's roots, in that new posts & comments to them don't go anywhere. & we can do the same thing, go back a few days & you'll still see posts here.

I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for effectively running this site! as someone who managed to see some pretty bad posts/comments from these instances before they were removed i'm fully on board with this change.

Wasn’t there a Sriracha shortage this time last year too?

yeah, there was also one in 2020, & a lot of people (myself included) had trouble getting it in parts of 2021 too. huy fong's had supply issues for years now & it doesn't seem like they're ever getting out of it with how high demand sriracha is

Because I bought a bunch of it and then realized the post-underwood Sriracha was not the same. It’s too sweet now with not enough heat.

agreed, that combined with the insane prices & the fact that hf sriracha is spending more time out of stock than in is the reason i'm giving up on the brand & moving on to other sauces, the last 2 bottles of huy fong we had cost ~$40 a few months ago, & we all agreed it wasn't really worth the price at all

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yeah i've come not to expect anything good from modern netflix, not just with documentaries but in general. the only reason i still have access is because of password sharing but even then i still never watch & it's free lmao

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That doesn’t make any sense, other than beehaw can moderate.

i mean, yeah. "beehaw can moderate" is the whole point of beehaw existing

this site is one of my go tos for when i feel like starting a completely pointless argument 😂 just say "did y'all know pop tarts are technically a type of calzone?" & 30 seconds later you're having the dumbest debate known to man with the entire friend group

eh, i don't think it's fair to discount a youtube frontend for having a bug, especially not a frontend as new as this one. projects at this early a stage always have issues, & youtube frontends have to deal with the added bonus of google randomly rate-limiting & consistently trying to break them. youtube frontends are always going to have issues & need constant updates by nature, there's not much any of them can do about it

yeah, i did with my last partner too but i wouldn't exactly recommend it as the first option considering how unsafe it was & some of the experiences my friends have had up there

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i thought i was the only one who knew about this game lol, i agree it's a very good game & a lot more polished than 2048

man, what a shitty move. i had some chats that i wanted to keep in case i needed them in the future but forgot to back up :(

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thanks for this, having to hover over names to figure out who's from where has been driving me insane!

has anybody been able to do the opposite & subscribe to a mastodon user from lemmy? i've tried to put into the url bar but it doesn't work, neither does putting the full url into search

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agreed, highly recommend for anyone reading this thread who hasn't tried it yet. it's one of the main reasons i can never switch to ios

yesterday when I was walking the dog a kid came up to us & he was so excited to see him. he asked if he could pet him & play with him & I said yeah, & he smiled so wide it looked like it made his entire day. wholesome shit :)

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i was in the root/rom community for a decade & anytime i see anything about classic android i get nostalgic af. while i was a bit too late to own an htc dream, i still boot up my lg optimus v running android 2.2 (well, it was on a 4.4 rom at one point but i flashed it back to stock) every few years. while i don't miss the horrible ui, bugginess, slowness & clunkiness of android before 4.x, at the same time... i also kinda do for whatever reason lol. not enough to actually go back to it, but still. something about that white status bar, square icons & the overall mismashed together ui made of gray headerbars on top of white & black feels pleasant in a way i can't explain.

right? the more that comes out about oceangate, the more baffled i am that this is a real company that actually generated revenue; i mean the context & details surrounding this story have become ironic enough to be almost cartoonish at this point. even the name of the company in itself seems like some sort of foreshadowing (well, if we're going by past uses of the -gate suffix)

thanks for the recommendation ( too), been looking for different brands to replace huy fong