1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hate how they cut off the graph...

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I often hear people saying "But where does the electricity for the EV come from? Driving an EV is not better than driving a diesel."

They have to realize that the thiny ICE in your car is optimised for weight, and has an efficiency of 30-35%. So about ⅔ of the fossil fuel is turned into heat and blown out of the exhaust. Compare that to the turbine in a coal or gas plant, which can archive up to 90% efficiency.

And don't forget that an EV is an investment, which will likely still be on the road in 20 years time. The electricity mix at the moment is still rather fossil fuel heavy, but this will change completely within the next 10 years.

Edit: not 90% but 40% efficiency. See comments below

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There's actually a pretty good reason why they don't do that. Media attention. Most acts of activism are ignored. Only extreme things make it into the media (sadly). Anything short of blowing up the pipeline won't get them media attention. How do I know that? "Letzte Generation", a German activist group did shut down a pipeline, but nobody bothered to report about it.

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I like the idea of protecting children from algorithms that make you addicted and lead to doom-scrolling. But you don't to that by restricting the individual, but by restricting the corporations.

If your goal is to stay anonymous then you're right. But I think Tor-ussage should be normalized, even if you're not actively trying to hide your identity.

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You're not completely wrong. But (1) guns make it sooo much easier to cause a lot of harm, and (2) a gun gives you so much more confidence than a knife. Also: you can run from a knife, you can't run from a gun

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Least stupid car brain

Full disclaimer: I maybe read 10% of your comment.

Why is the government (all governments really) hiding it from us?

Why don't the aliens want to be seen? And why do we still observe them sometimes? Given their far far superior tech it shouldn't be hard for them to avoid being detected.

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Yeah you're right, but that's 100% on them. They knew it was coming and they chose to not make any significant changes. Now they die. That's just evolution.

So after 400 days everyone is dead?

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Young people are less likely to vote than old people, and old people are more likely to be conservative. But even if that wasn't the case, more people voting is always better for a society.

Nice (70)

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Don't worry, the concrete 3d printers are coming. (Then we won't be employable anymore.) (Then we loose our power over the elite.)

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Just deleted my twitter account

Huh, that makes a lot of sense actually. Thanks for correcting!

I mean it's entirely possible to live in a mostly capitalistic world and not have climate change. It just needs the right rules and regulations and taxes. Just imagine how the world would be if governments made the right decisions in the 1970s. We'd probably have no fossil fuels at all, electric cars were the norm and probably much more nuklear energy. Still capitalism but without climate change.

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Wow. This place is ridiculous.

Miniware TS80?

I'm with you, usb c all the things. Can you recommend a good pd powerbank?

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Yes because iPhones have ✨magic chips✨ inside which only Apple has... I'm pretty sure the apple watch communicates with Bluetooth. Apple just deliberately shuts Android out.

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You could make a more informed split to increase your odds. Say a weak team plays against a strong team, and official sports betting offices rate the chances 30/70. Instead of splitting the two groups 50/50 you now split them 30/70 as well.

Emails (gmail at least) can also dynamically display information. So you could just change a wrong guess to a right one after the fact.

Based on yourself. Read the dictionary


Not necessarily half them. You can inform your guess by looking at sports betting odds. Maybe a weak team is playing against a strong one? Then your split could be 30/70 instead of 50/50

Next time censor the M instead of the A for added confusion

I'm 100% with you

I don't think you use the term Turing test properly. Do you mean Turing complete?

Konrad Zuse actually invented the computer at the same time as Turing, and in complete intellectual isolation from Turing.

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It doesn't work on Android, I know that. But I'll bet you 1000€ that Apple could enabled cross-platform compatibility with an OTA update.

You are a bit delulu hmmm?

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I wasn't referring to that, I'm aware of the inverse square law.

I guess I miss interpreted your previous comment for pro-gun, my bad.

So you agree that wired is not always faster... It depends on the hardware you're using. And most consumer grade hardware you can buy today has faster wireless speeds than wired.

Your definition of communism is flawed, but I actually agree with the rest of what you're saying. Content creators are what makes yt worthwhile, and them earning money through ads is perfectly reasonable.

YouTube has some shady practices like showing ads on videos of creators that don't have a contract with them, meaning YouTube makes money from those creators without the creators receiving anything in return. But for the most part I think that ads on YouTube are fine.

True. But assuming I'm part of that population statistically I'd be shot after at most 400 days. Definitely not a population I'd wanna live in.

Birthrate in the US is about 1.1% per year. You'd need a lot of immigrants to replace the workforce.

Maybe there's a group of people who get shot more than once, and they get included multiple times. That would skew the statistic.

It actually was in base-1.5 (secret nazi tech made this possible)


Came scrolling for this ^^

Not the end

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Upvote cause you're the only one who spelled Razer correctly

Show me one home that is wired with cat8 cables lol. Then I'm going to show you the millions of homes that have an isp provided wifi 6 router.