Rule of 400 to – 1905 points –

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So after 400 days everyone is dead?

Single GSWs aren't THAT deadly. Quick Google shows about 20%. So after 2000 days everyone is dead, assuming we're not replacing them ever.

Birthrate in the US is about 1.1% per year. You'd need a lot of immigrants to replace the workforce.

Maybe there's a group of people who get shot more than once, and they get included multiple times. That would skew the statistic.

Probably before. I'd wager people without heath insurance might succumb to illness, mentally unstable might commit suicide, homeless might freeze to death

Hah, yea, I did a fact check above but left gunshots out. Shot doesn't equal death and rotating the 400 people solves your comment, but I didn't trust the stats enough to include it. Everything else checks out, though.

Not every gun shot wound is fatal.

That doesn't make the number much better... That is a lot of people being shot. And it says at least which means it's the lower bound? I support the message, but can't we deliver the message without making stuff up?

True. But assuming I'm part of that population statistically I'd be shot after at most 400 days. Definitely not a population I'd wanna live in.