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Joined 9 months ago

Yea, after another hour today I've decided that my time is better spent elsewhere, so I'm just going to stick with Navidrome and not worry too much about losing out on the federated music idea for now.

I gave up on funk whale about 6 months ago and was loving navidrome, but hadn't realised the lack of library separation. Thankfully that doesn't bother me too much. I'll give this another go and see how I get on though if I can find some time over the weekend

The original was EA, this re-release is Aspyr, so as bad as EA are I'm not convinced that they're to blame here.

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I don't have easy access to my torrent client at the moment, how much disk space are we talking about here? Tens of GB, hundreds, multiple TB?

Edit: ooft, that's a hefty chunk of space indeed, the first one I looked at was 400gb, the second was >4tb. Sadly I can't contribute that kind of space on my torrent box.

I've just gotten my own instance of Lemmy running here and think I'm getting the hang of how to subscribe and link up to other instances. This is also a teaser to see if my first comment actually works!

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I personally use gitea but there is also a community version of gitlab that has way more power than I need.

Gitea can import a repo from GitHub but I don't know whether it can also push updates out as one never tried to do that.

I picked gitea as I didn't need all of the extra power of gitlab and they were the first two options I found. I don't deploy it using portainer but all of my stacks are set up as git repos in portainer and using the webhook feature it'll auto pull and redeploy whenever I push to it

I find it quite interesting that Ubisoft Montreal chose the same day as my employer to enforce 2 days in the office every week.

I'll accept that there is a 1 in 356.25 chance that any employer will pick a specific day to enforce a return to office, but it does seem interesting that there would be 2 employers in different countries picking the same day. Is there something special about that day that makes it a special day to change where and how people work? (I know that there were events on 2001 that took place on this day, but that doesn't seem too likely a reason to pick that particular day to enact this change)

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Answer the call 2016!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Magic, thanks for posting this. I've been trying to find a good and clear explanation of that been going on since I started reading about people getting upset with unity during the week.

Thanks for confirming before I could bruise back to Lemmy world, find this post and confirm for myself.

I'm going to choose not to answer that for two reasons...

  1. I don't know the answer
  2. solar panels and batteries are great.

But yes I'm in a position where I was more willing to pay for the power than I was to buy additional storage space as I'm hitting the top of what I can do without significant expense.

Thanks for that additional insight into this channel. This completely changes the way that I will now look at this content.

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On the uptime monitoring I've been quite happy with uptime kuma, but... If you put it on the same host that's down... Well, that's not going to work :p (I nearly made that mistake)

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I've just recently started using tdarr to convert all of my media to x265on 14/02 and so far I've saved 4.02 TB of what was 28.12TB media collection. (The number isn't a true reflection though because new episodes and shows have been added to that library since I started)

I'm letting tdarr manage the conversion process and once up and running meant that my NAS, desktop, my NUC and a mini pc are all plodding through and converting when I'm not using them for other things.

If you are worried about the disk space being taken and have some CPU time you can devote to the conversion process then I'd suggest it's worth looking into tdarr.

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One method that many people use to hide their IP address of their host is to use Cloudflare for DNS, that way you don't directly expose your IP address to the wider internet. A nice bonus to Clouldflare is that it's free too! Just get yourself a domain, get Cloudflare set up to provide DNS for it and you're golden.

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I know it doesn't help you at the moment, but at some point between June last year and last week they've updated the kickstand to include an extra little crossbar up at the top of the metal u shaped piece of metal that makes up the stand so that you need to lose both pins for it to fall off now. (I ordered one last year and ordered a replacement kit for a 2nd steam deck that I've gifted to my wife) And I'm liking the look of the new design.

I'll see if I can take a photo later on and share it to explain as I suspect my words aren't doing a great job.

Edit: here's a quick photo I've taken to try to show the new crossbar thing in action.

An alternative to torrenting though is Usenet. It takes a bit of setting up but there are some nice advantages. No worrying about needing to seed back and you're not going to need to worry about a VPN or your ISP forwarding on threatening letters. Sure it costs money, but I think I pay about £45 per year and I don't regret that one little bit.

That's interesting, because I was finding guides for traefik and caddy but not nginx (specifically swag in my case)

The issue I was having, in case it helps you, is that I was trying to expose 8448 on my synapse container which doesn't have SSL instead of on my SWAG container and then redirect to my synapse one.

I've been using planka and have been quite happy with my experiences for the last couple of months.

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If the extra charger that covers with the official dock doesn't work to you (fair enough since you mention that portability is key) I backed the jsaux case on Kickstarter and am quite happy with us:

I got the pro version, but there's no reason that you can't get the standard one and it came with a nice little travel pouch, but I don't know if that covers with the ices you buy directly.

Fair points well made. I thought the 11th was a Wednesday and I've been off on holiday for a week or so, so brain no worky so good just now.

I'll l go back under my lurking rock again.

I'm not so sure about that, as I'm getting an error whenever I try to hook jacket up to the account I just created.

I'll post an issue to the jacket issue log when I get home though after trying again I case there's a delay in creating an account and the passkey becoming usable.

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I was going to say that the big downside to that would be a lack of any kind of version control, but I guess if you need that you can always use git and just commit changes there and (optionally) push them to a repository somewhere.

Ah, fair point. I don't use torrents, my media comes from usenet, so that doesn't need to factor into my thinking.

My (overly?) Complex setup does allow me to resort to torrents as a last resort, but that happens on another machine outside my home network and gets synchronised into my home via a one-way syncthing share, so even on the rare occasion I have to resort to torrents I can leave it on that server seeding for a few weeks or months.

Could Snipe it work for you?

It looks like an asset management tool. The description copied and pasted from above reads:Snipe-it makes asset management easy. It was built by people solving real-world IT and asset management problems, and a solid UX has always been a top priority. Straightforward design and bulk actions mean getting things done faster

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Oh, I'm fine with my setup, I have a couple of external servers that can monitor all my web accessible stuff with kuma and then I've got another local one to monitor my non-web accessible stuff.

Thanks for those tips though, definitely useful to consider other options

I've not tried this myself, but how about mounting the volume using sshfs?

This is of course assuming that you've got ssh access to the VPS.

I'm currently mounting volumes using cifs and NFS, but I don't think I'd be too keen on exposing those to the internet at large.

Interesting, I'll try again from my desktop when I get back home again. I guess it's possible that it's my phone that's the problem.

That sounds like a rather unpleasant experience indeed! I've never looked into it in more detail than scrolling through the lsio containers they offer, so thanks for that insight and saving me a headache in case I get around to a similar project I've also been meaning to embark upon

Ah, I see, then my apologies for making assumptions. If you're a Usenet person then things like drunken slug or Ninja central assist to have a bunch of adult content on them.

For torrents, you'll hopefully be able to find content on various generalist torrent trackers or a few specialist ones that primarily deal with that kind of content.

I get the impression that you're new to the whole *arr set of applications.

Your indexer is the torrent site (or Usenet indexer) you're asking whisparr to search through for your torrents/NZBs.

Take a look here for some pretty good documentation on how it all works:

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Haha, that's fair. I was being sincere.

I'd initially scrolled past thinking "I played this whilst I was still at Uni, why is anyone talking about it now?"

Now that I know this person's focus is intentionally looking at older games I'm willing to go and give it a watch.

I chose to take down my production instance of lemmyz do a cp -r of it, update the docker compose file to specify the new version numbers for Lemmy and lemmy-ui plus change the port that the stack exposes and do a docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d on that stack to check to see if it could all work. Thankfully it did, so I updated the production compose file and tada! I'm on 19.0 safely

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I've got my instance of matrix working with voice calls. It's not built in, but it's just another service in my compose file alongside the bridges I use to have my unified chat app.

I'm using coturn and it just works when doing voice and video calls with federated users.

I think I've seen people using jitsi as well, so it seems there are many options available

Just took a look at my profile, registered on 27 June 2006. So it's in my 15-20 year window that I mentioned

Ah, thanks for correcting me there. I knew that EA were involved at some level and I didn't think to research that part of the post I was replying to, so I stand corrected, but I think the main point I was making is still valid, that the team that initially developed the game weren't behind this re-release.

One time I ran out of disk space due to it having created since 200gb log files (not sure why that happened) then another time I think I broke something whilst moving from I've got to another. I can't remember what else happened to break my instances but it was always big enough there I couldn't restore it to working it after hours if work, so if just export the vaults from everyone's machine, nuke it, start again and try to learn how I broke it so I didn't do it again.

I believe I was the problem for most of them except the massive log files one, but still, it was probably my fault as the things usually are. (Guess whose wife has them well trained at accepting the blame 😋)

Ooo, I'll add that to one of my planka boards for "things to look at later" thanks for sharing

I pay my $10 license and a personal organisation license for bitwarden because I like their platform but after yet another irrecoverable loss of data (partly my fault for not sufficiently backing it up) I've moved over to vaultwarden for my family's password management.

I don't think I'll stop supporting bitwarden even if I'm not using their platform directly though as I do like the service I've had from them for something like 4 or 5 years now.

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Now that's not something I'd have expected. I've never encountered anything like that in the nearly 15-20 years I've been using TL.

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