Selfhosted Trello Alternative? to – 53 points –

My team wanted to start using Trello to better organize the work we have to do and, since I believe it's much easier to start using foss software from the beginning rather then switching to it after years of using something else, I wanted to suggest now a different option, possibly selfhosted.

I've seen online that there is Focalboard that seems to be what we are looking for but I've seen it recently switched from being backed by mattermost team to be community-driven and I didn't found enough documentation on how to install it with docker on an arm server... Does anyone use it? Is it a good option or there are better ones? And if you're using it, could you help me spinning it up?


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I've been using planka and have been quite happy with my experiences for the last couple of months.

I started on planka but ended on vikunja, it was just a lot nicer and more flexible for my needs.

Ooo, I'll add that to one of my planka boards for "things to look at later" thanks for sharing

I am installing Planka right now to try it out, after an hour of failing to get Focalboard to run locally. Glad to hear it should work well.