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Joined 12 months ago

The migration is still in process. DB had to be restored a second time, and the admin says there is still stuff that needs doing.

will run as a libertarian in Arizona

Neither of these surprises me.

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I always thought that is what Israel wanted anyway.

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Sounds like Bill needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps.

This sounds like the perfect person for the job.

So is ethics.

Raise your hand if this surprises you at all.

Yes it has.

I used to have a sound issue and the repair wizard would always fix it. It would happen again, I think after the next reboot.

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Because we have allowed this behavior to be acceptable, we have excused it with cute phrases like, “men will be men.”

What is the saying, if you cannot do the time, do not do the crime?

Is there someone better running for a change?

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I really wish hdmi was symmetrical. (Peer behind tv, “which way goes up?” Tries to plug it in, “fml it was the other way” flips it drops it)

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Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

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My best friend got me playing it, he started playing it with his 6 year old son. But since my friend died last year I only play when his son calls me to join him. Hearing this news I will be canceling my subscription however.

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I am not a sports person (other than the occasional soccer match), but aren’t all of them (nhl, nfl, nba, mlb) spineless?

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Sounds like the trades are being underpaid.

To be fair, he lost the popular vote twice. It was only because of the electoral college he won. The people of the USA did not, as a majority, vote for him. The people who are supposed to represent our votes voted for him.

My old boss would type into the chrome search box (not the address bar) then click the link for Google, and search for

My wife works full time remote and had to have IT take over her computer and she watched him type google into the search bar.

Other than New World, i cannot think of any Amazon games.

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If you have coin khajiit have melon.

Amazon sells many items I sell in my brick and mortar shop for less than I can purchase them from distributors. Many times at not much more than my distributors pay. This causes me to either not be able to sell the items, or sell at a loss.

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It is still totally free to play, but there is the battle pass and you can pay a monthly subscription to get a skin, coins, and the battle pass for free.

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That quote reads like he is the only one at the company. I could see using that argument for my business, as there literally is only me except one day a week my wife watches the shop for 3 hours.

Does he not have any accountants?

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Because California is one of the world’s largest economies

Is that for real? I know it is the largest in the States, but in the world?


California's GDP in 2022 was $3.6T, representing 14.3% of the total U.S. economy. If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world, and more productive than India and the United Kingdom.


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Isn’t this how mad cow disease started? Cows eating cow brains…

God forbid we have red flag laws in this country. They only make perfect sense and enjoy majority support among Americans.

Because of the gun lobby. They pay big money to ensure stuff like this does not happen.

And fill the game with IAPs.

I am more surprised that he was alive yesterday, than i am surprised that he died today. I really thought he had already died after he left the Price is Right.

I sustained a workplace injury (working on a movie set) and the production company never filed the paperwork, so their insurance would not cover me. I refused to pay the bill and it showed up on my credit report and caused issues for three years. Eventually i found my wrap gift from movie and inside the set medic had put a copy of the paperwork. I scanned it and emailed it to the hospital and within 72 hours it was taken care of and like a month later it was off my credit report. (Time frames may be off as this transpired in 2015)

He thought the H was for honey.

I tried to install Linux on my mom's laptop for her, it was too scary. So she is still using windows 7 and probably getting scammed left and right.

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I dropped around the same time. I really only had it for local channels, but the stuff I was watching ended up on other streaming apps day or two later anyway.

One of my son’s coworkers was just killed in a similar incident. Woman hits a pedestrian, she freaks out and calls her boyfriend instead of emergency services, boyfriend arrives and runs over the injured pedestrian ensuring he was dead.

They are unsure which vehicle actually killed him.

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Because there are sadly a lot of Musk Cucks.

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Vince Neil killing Razzle. Then the band casually acting like Mick never existed.

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If his staff is incompetent he should hire the best and the brightest, or do the work himself.

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They appear as bots, that i have seen, but i cannot speak for every instance of this.

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even called him and alter boy.

That is a real pain in the ass insult.