Biden to announce $9 billion more in student debt relief to – 527 points –
Biden to announce $9 billion more in student debt relief

U.S. President Joe Biden plans to announce on Wednesday that his administration has approved an additional $9 billion in student debt relief for 125,000 borrowers, the White House said.

Biden has said he will pursue new measures to provide student loan relief to Americans after the Supreme Court blocked his plan to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in debt.

The president's announcement, planned for 1 p.m. EDT at the White House, will bring the total approved debt cancellation by the Biden administration to $127 billion for nearly 3.6 million Americans, the White House said.


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Is there someone better running for a change?

How about just anyone under the age of 60

Between 40 and 50 would be ideal.

In 2000 Putin was between 40 and 50. Depends on what is ideal for you. Between 18 and 30 would be ideal.

I don't think an 18 year old president is a good idea. Bold of me to say, I know.

Also, I don't think Putin's age was the problem when he took office the first time.. it was that he is Putin.

We need Bernard Sanders.

We need the house and the senate with a comfortable majority. Sanders as president without those critical conditions being met would make little difference.

we need bernard sanders brain inside a younger person. Matt Gaetz isn't using his? maybe some kind of transplant or brain swap device is in order.

We can do better. Dr. Cornel West gets my vote.

You aren't actually serious right?

Cornell has bumbled his micro campaign into irrelevance within weeks of it starting. He's shown no political savvy. He has run for and won no prior office. He'd be a disaster.

Fetterman, or literally any progressive who has won a federal election is a better option.

Dude, if Fetterman ran I'd vote for him in an instant. Doubly so if he took the oath of office in shorts and a hoodie

You shouldn't, He just entered federal Politics. He needs experience and more importantly he needs to be stabilize his Health before he would even dream of going to the next level.

He just won his election against a TV host bullshit artist.

He's playing the game excellently. He'd be a great candidate.

He just needs more experience. He didn’t debate well either. Oz was just such a dumb candidate.

Agree to disagree. I think he'd do fine. He'll debate better than Biden. He's got a record of victory against big names.

Thats plenty. We could have elected a boot in 2020 to oust Trump. We basically elected weekend at bernies Biden. But its fine. Whatever it takes.

And honestly, I'd be shocked if there are even debates. If Trump doesn't' show up for primary debates, he doesn't deserve the privileged and airtime that general debates would offer.

That’s reasonable. I’m not saying I wouldn’t vote for him. I prefer politicians that know how to play the game and will be strategic over giving idealistic speeches that sound great but never go anywhere.

Personally I don’t care about Biden’s age. He’s perfectly fine. If not Harris is there for a reason. We are moving forward. Fetterman has the same mindset actually:

It's pretty clear to me the way the DNC has been buying airtime for Newsom that Biden won't actually be on the ticket in 2024. They're pulling a bait and switch and we're in the bait phase.

I'm promoting Fetterman because I want a real progressive option instead of a force fed Newsom. And as far as playing the game, it is a game of idealistic speeches and sound bytes. It doesn't matter how Machiavellian you are if you can't win Iowa, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. Fetterman can deliver those states.

I'm all for staying with Biden for the moment. But the second he starts to waiver, in dropping what I'm doing and joining the Fetterman campaign. Newsom will lose if he runs against Trump.

I don’t see Biden stepping aside, but I also don’t see more people voting for Trump in 2024 than they did in 2020 with all these court cases. Regardless we will have primaries next spring to figure it out.


Regardless we will have primaries next spring to figure it out.

I hope you are correct on all fronts.

I'm voting for cornel west because I like what he says, not what people say about him. but the people talking shit on him cement my belief he's the right guy.

This some ignorant ass shit, but I'm not worried.

You don't really strike me as the "actually votes" type.

Not true at all, still polling at 5% and will get at least that in the general.

Not surprised someone who thinks a walking corpse like Fetterman is a better option would be so ignorant.

thinks a walking corpse like Fetterman

Folks, I give to you the anti reality views of the Green Party in real time!


Wow. First time I've seen anti gay rhetoric on Lemmy

Nonbinary people refer to themselves as Enby (N.B.).

So you're against nonbinary people? Wow. That explains a lot of your conservative positions.

Enby is essentially an equivalent to boys/girls, and some nonbinary people like the term while others do not. I hadn't realized there was mild controversy on it, I was just using it because I wanted to be inclusive and memeing but not formal. Since there isn't a consensus and some people dislike it, I'll go back and edit my comment.

I suspect you don't actually care about any of this since you've unironically used "submissive cuck" as an insult, but it's good information for anyone else who ends up reading this comment chain.

You've got some real thinking to do. Nonbinary people aren't hurting you or anyone. I don't care what people want to call themselves.

Damn man, he didn't say you were stupid, he just said he disagreed with you. Don't need to sling mud for a different opinion.

He did insult someone who has likely accomplished 1000x more with his life, Dr. West. So no, I'm not the one slinging mud here.

Someone saying a public figure with little experience in politics is doing poorly at their third party run is not mudslinging.

This is one of the many reasons that third parties aren't taken seriously. If party members clutch their pearls at critical observations of their candidate, they don't stand a chance in hell.

Besides, Greens are anti science sensationalists. Or have they admitted fault yet on being anti nuclear, anti GMO, ambivalent on vaccines, and entertaining pseudoscience like wifi causing cancer? I don't need Republican lite, grifting populists.

Except he does have political experience and had been involved in many campaigns. You just won't bother to learn or even read his campaign website.

The greens change like any other party depending on leadership. Go read their website and see that you're mistaken on those views. Many have changed over time since I first read them over ten years ago.

C.1. "The Green Party recognizes that there is no such thing as nuclear waste "disposal." All six of the "low-level" nuclear waste dumps in the United States have leaked. There are no technological quick fixes that can effectively isolate nuclear waste from the biosphere for the duration of its hazardous life. Therefore, it is essential that generation of additional nuclear wastes be stopped."

This is completely and utterly incorrect:,them%20to%20more%20fission%20products.

We have had a technology since the 60s that can reprocess nuclear waste back into fuel. The screeching and fear mongering of anti science sensationalists has been a roadblock in developing these on large scale. The policy of the Green Party fucking literally leads to more nuclear waste than we would have otherwise.

That alone is enough for me to view the Green Party as a bunch of anti science idiots standing in the way of actual progress. But wait, there's more!

"The Green Party supports a wide range of health care services, including conventional medicine, as well as the teaching, funding and practice of complementary, integrative and licensed alternative health care approaches."

Fucking lmao. What a fucking joke.

These are the issues I brought up, and the platform on them only confirms to me that Greens should be voted against at every opportunity. It's a blessing that they're usually as ineffective as they are impotent.

So hey, thanks for sharing their website and platform. You've convinced me that they're every bit as insane as I thought, and unless they make significant changes, I need to vote against them at every opportunity.

I have good news for you then:

Dr. West announced he is running independent so go check out his website.

Once again, the Green party, like all parties, change with the leadership.

I disagree on those issues and will be supporting the green whenever possible as they are the lesser evil to the Democrats and Republicans.

He did insult someone who has likely accomplished 1000x more with his life, Dr. West.

Bro Dr. Wests students don't even want Dr. West to run.

West is being played the fool right now, and you along for the ride.

Fake as fuck. Ben Dixon is a Democrat grifter you're the one being fooled here.

Aight you just a troll.


You're the troll posting an hour podcast like anyone gave a fuck.

Bruh 😎 it's literally people who have a direct personal relationship with West and who have been some of his most outspoken supporters showing how much of a damn fool West is for this campaign.

Bro you one dumb buggah. You should just keep your 👄 shut.

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There always has been but people are afraid to vote 3rd party because of the oligarchy's brainwashing

It's not brainwashing when the voting system is specifically set up to give an advantage to the dominant parties and to suppress every minority party. There are valid reasons to be skeptical that a 3rd party could ever win without a reformed voting system.

They also can't win if everybody says "don't vote for them because they can't win" so I will carry on voting for them and spreading the word that we all should.

You’d be a lot better off voting for majority party candidates that want to enact ranked-choice voting.

Until that happens, unfortunately the reality is that third parties are going to remain on the margins in the US.

Political parties never change in the US. That's why I'm still voting for the Whig party.

And it's always settled to two major parties, in spite of that. The fact that we've had several parties over the country's history but it almost always comes down to two major parties should tell you something.

Fortunately, there may be an opening soon, with Republicans in disarray.

They can't win because they don't even play the game correctly. You can't just get up and give grand speeches about radically different ideas, with little to no strategy or evidence to back it up and expect to jump into literally the most powerful job in the world. It's utter nonsense. Unless you're a Billionaire that wants to buy your way in.

You can tell none of the third parties are serious because all their attention goes to the presidency.

They have no consideration for what would happen if they actually won. No representatives in the House, no senators, no state governors even. They'd be lame ducks the instant they were sworn in.

They should be targeting Congressional seats and state governorships. Instead, they're just grifting money.

They'd be lame ducks the instant they were sworn in.

Congress spent the last century concentrating power in the executive. I think you'd be surprised what a motivated individual could accomplish.

You're underestimating Congress. It still plays a lot of roles, especially the Senate. It just isn't obvious because the president's party typically has control at the beginning of their terms.

This would probably work for Greens except that they don't have people running for those positions.

what's the senate going to do? remove them? not if the senators are jailed on corruption and war crime charges.

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It's not fear. Third parties simply do not work with our system. If you want third parties to succeed, then we need to

  • Get rid of the electoral college
  • Ranked Choice Voting everywhere

Simple Math = brainwashing

FPTP makes 3rd parties counterproductive.

It's not that simple. Several factors come into play.

The biggest systemic issues are the first past the post voting system and the electoral college (for president).

People who have even a simplistic understanding of how the system works and the track record for third parties know the odds are low. Those who are pragmatic will vote for Dem or Rep. In the current polarized political climate people are less likely to take a chance with a third party vote.

Also, the press mostly ignores candidates of other parties. So they aren't as well known and thus can't get popular enough to get traction.

If you really want more parties to have a chance, push for alternate voting systems like ranked choice, cumulative, etc.

This chart from compares a number of different systems based on their research.

In 2016 I voted for Gary Johnson because I thought there was really no way anyone would vote for the other two.

Gary Johnson is a fool who didn't even act like he was seriously running for President. It looked like he drew the short straw.

Still a better choice than what we have today.

I have no idea what elements of libertarianism you like, nor why a ex-Republican for that roll in your mind, but he would have been a bad Republican, but not Trump. He had no chance so it really didn’t matter

Amen. Proud to support Dr. Cornel West and the Green party in 2024!

These people are really brainwashed, either that or it's DNC bots downvoting you

After reading your post history, the only potential bot here is you Boris.

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