1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

I tried but then sad because the fact that I have no one to invite.

Local special, long away.

Cost of food is not an issue for me. What is an issue is that I have no time nor budget to make long travel (inter-continent, with weeks off job) to eat.

With money, I can stop working and go on a vacation.

A google map

Why delete account when you can stop paying and let it rot ?

Dont use ethanol fuel. It may damage your car, and make your car weaker.

Lemmy don't design to milk value from its user.

it load faster

paywalled. Can someone get me the content ?

1 more...

Yeah, I just forgot about mineral waters until you mention on.

Seize the mean of production

They do this on purpose. Google now only keep enough engineer to keep it search afloat. Everything else focus on ads and dark pattern.

Anything. Something it is good => build confident, make people make a first step on learning.

Something it is bad => scam ... until someone believe you.

"First they kill my father" .

Because this is the only documentation that is not seem like a propaganeda but make Viet Cong look good,

That documentation is seem like propaganda from capitalism side.

Chrome browser

The earth is flat. I learn this because I read some book called discworld

The main character is given so much buff.

I still looking fiction where main character is ordinary person.

  • No godly fast learning/growthing speed.
  • No extraordinary willpower that train day and night with bare minimum on food and housing
  • No hack-like device/weapon/...

Is The Wandering Inn this one ? Can't find anything else .

So, this is the way to get make the most of your investment

I think most people don't care or don't even know what is it

Why spend time on deal with ban evasion instead you can spend time to serve who really need the community and make stuff better ?

troll get bored soon or later

it welcome bot

Try to login into BBS. Use your computer, telnet or dial up like the old day

I don't know. I just wait thing to happen. It is bored.

Why don't the world pick me as main character.

I guess i just an NPC. Perhaps the no-name NPC.

I upvoted anything and downvote nude

I am not paying for pro version on monthly basic. I am using, I load $5 and pick the bot when I need to use.

Still have $3 after few month.

AI pay as you go cost doesn't cost that much

non-exist for me

Raise a pack of cats then put your cat on guard your property.

Their meow will scare kids away


On phone with wired earphone.

Because I am too poor to buy tape or walkman, or even buy the audiobook.

I ride the high sea with my shitty android phone on a cheap no brand China headphone

Did you cut your d*ck ?