10 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Shitposting aside: there is a valid point on there. Because we can't see our opposites in any discussion on the internet, we cannot take clues into account we otherwise might have. This leads to far-reaching misinterpretations. Imagine someone with a very weird and overly simplistic political stance they defend with tooth and nail. Now imagine that person to be some activist with a cap with political slogans on it. Okay, and now imagine the person to be not that, but a 15-year-old who just started to grasp the world around them but thinks they have it all figured out (puberty doing puberty things). Your reaction to either of them would be VASTLY different, wouldn't it. Imagine how many stupid internet fights would never have happened if it was known that one of the participants is a literal child that can't have a clue what they are talking about yet.

Yet, not knowing that we've been arguing with a child for the last hour and a half, we will leave the discussion with the impression that there are grown up people out there thinking childish bullshit. Don't get me wrong, there are those people, but they are not as frequent as one might guess from the internet.

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Just wanted to add that part of this may be a culture thing. Here in Germany, you are required to get your employers permission to get a second job or the like. Many of you might instinctively find this corporate BS, but in reality it's mainly worker's protection. No employee is allowed to work over 60 (I think) hours in a week. To make the companies stick to that, the government will come for them if any worker exceeds this number. Your employer has the responsibility to not let you exceed that, even across multiple jobs. That's why you have to get permission for side hustles. There are other (not so pro worker) reasons for this, but that would go too far. Suffice to say that Lütke is German and this might be some thing he brought from Germany.

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So those who misuse company assets to enrich themselves b mining crypto get rewarded by larger bonuses? Sounds like the way the world works for those super rich fellas like Elon "Edgelord" Musk.

Have only read the title. There is this cool font I found recently. It's called comic sans and it's really neat. Just use it with color="red" on a black background! Looks super cool!

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You need to always remember that the patient in such a situation is at the lowest possible point. You cannot make "dead" any worse. So "risks" don't apply in that moment.

Or, as a paramedic I knew said when someone asked him about the same question: "Whatever happens, it won't kill him"

Thank you for putting in the effort!

Yet... I don't get why using the *Arr stack and Plex is so popular. Plex is annoying as fuck and tries to shill you their paid bullshit at every corner. The Arr stack is buggy and having a separate system for recommendations and requests and for library management is super cumbersome for me. Compare that with Stremio... I could never convince the wife to use Plex with overseer at all. Stremio is super convenient.

Im just saying this because I spent my weekend getting another Arr stack running after years of absence and noticed that the whole thing is as convoluted and fiddly as ever and that really got me wondering why people just take this as the industry standard for torrenting.

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That's not "suffrage", that's some power play sex thing and he loves it

Okay, I might not have gotten the lingo yet: I see so many posts about "Rule" and I don't get it. Can someone ELI5?

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lemme post this on instagram, send it via whatsapp, upload it to imgur and have it recompressed by youtube real quick!

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Well, I was in a student exchange to Boise, Idaho about 20 years ago and did a daily walk around the neighborhood for some fresh air. Three days in, I was stopped by a frantic police officer with his fucking gun drawn because someone had reported me as some kind of child molester who was scouting for victims, because someone just walking was a completely alien concept there.

I was taken to the fucking police station because the policeman thought I was making shit up either. My host family had to wiggle around with my German passport and threaten to get the Embassy involved until they decided I wasn't worth the hassle and dropped the whole thing... So I learned two things from that exchange:

  1. 'Muricans do not know what "walking" is
  2. US police is next level power tripping

So I either have to die from needlessly over caffeinated soft drinks or deliver my own son to a molestation orgy club? What fucked up kind of choice is that?!

Wait... are they saying that I could have sent my employees to the Union instead of endless discussions about next year's pto distribution? Could you not have said that sooner?!

I might just do that when I find the time. It's way too unknown imho. Yes, it's not the right choice if you want to keep everything you watched, but for everything you want to watch once and be done with, it's a better solution in my opinion.

Yeah, especially with Lemmy which is a lot more permanent than Mastodon is. You can screenshot your old toots but you can't screenshot a userbase. There should be a way to migrate a community to another instance while keeping the subscriptions.

In short: browser on PC, app on mobile

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I tend to encounter a cable's greates enemy: Walls in a rented appartment you can't just drill through

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My theory: OP is Austrian. Notice how they go out of their way to claim Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German.

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The PDF situation all over again

Number 4 is unfair. It's not for lack of trying...

Well... that's one way to answer someone who very clearly asks "I did some searching but couldn't understand the results, please explain what's going on to me".

Dangit. I might need to call in for paid sick leave without wasting any paid days off and have a doctor check me out without seeing any invoices after that blow

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He's one of those people who have a hard time recognizing the line between "being honest" and "being rude". That's not a disqualification though, we all have our quirks.

See, that's a thing AI ought to be useful for once. "Hey, CringeGPT, summarize these videos for me that make me nauseous out of sheer cringe"

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Yes, people here are absolutely fine with that. You probably come from a very different world culture-wise. First of all, second jobs are not the norm here. It's rather rare, actually and most second jobs are hobbies you take money for, like photography or the like. Your employer will almost certainly not even bother to ask any further.

Secondly: your employer cannot object just because they don't like your face. There are set criteria. They will object if your second job would conflict directly with your first job, that'd be if you work at a competitor, would have work hours in your second job that conflict with those of your first job or would work too much all together. That's it.

In my eyes, the question is more if this is even an issue. I mean, if this community gets flooded by AI stuff, it can be forbidden at any time, but as long as there is only the occasional AI post (that makes you go aww), why artificially (hah!) Limit ourselves.

When you copy paste an image into your word document

cd "$1" && docker-compose up -d

Time to turn to tradition. Herr Papa (Mister Dad) it shall be.

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There is a minimum wage that's not too shabby (not good, make no mistake, but will prevent you from going hungry) and if a person is working but under the existential minimum, the government will basically put them on unemployment benefits and top up their salary to bring them up to said minimum. The system has faults, yes, and most people will do everything on their power to not be dependent on the government for that, but it will keep (cheap) food in the fridge.

I'm really split on all the cis-poled here trying to get me to react to their heteronuclear views!

So if piracy was "widespread and natural" it'd be bueno?

Nya UwU daddy!

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And even then, you pay with your Data.

yeah. Karma was really bad when you happened to say something that was either misunderstood or maybe a valid oppinion but against the population of the sub. I dared to say that men and women differ in some life-experiences around puberty in BadGirlsAnatomy once... They took that as if I was invalidating their experiences somehow... holy cow the downvotes!

Karma made me feel those downvotes, because they had some permanent impact on my overall profile, so I never dared to discuss anything in that sub ever again, leading to bubbles. I ain't wanting that back.

It's free smoke flavoring basically, with distinct high notes of rubber

I think this is super dependant on the systems in place where you live. Here in Germany, the reasoning should be "if I stay home now and recover, will this be more beneficial to me and the employer because my condition will worsen or not get better if I go?" If the answer is yes, you should stay home

And almost succumb to some form of the common cold

God: Almighty being that just blinked everything into existence in a.week Also God: me am no completent enourgh to strip theses sattrilghts

Well, having a newborn myself right now, that baby is sitting too upright, so it's heavy head is sinking into the shoulders way more than it should, giving it that squashed look.

You know those discussions that go further down, so get less and less votes because ppl don't read the whole damn thing, until they become a back and forth between two people? Remember how many of those end on a single post with 0 upvotes. I hate those. I hate when the Downvote is only used to express "I have nothing to say, but I vaguely disagree"-downvotes.