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Joined 11 months ago

It's always so strange to me that we don't see the same bombastic support from the tankies over news like this, surely this is another genius move which underscores the futility of Western sanctions, right? Another 5d chess move to bring Ukraine to it's knees, or dismantle the petrodollar, surely? 🙃

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Alleged child molester Kevin Spacey? That Kevin Spacey????

Even a single red state 'leaving' the US would crush their house majority and deprive them of two senators. No way it happens.

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Oh yes yes, consequences aplenty! They are facing a fine of several thousand dollars here! Justice at long last!!

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I hope I don't get flayed for saying this, but I actually had this problem on Windows once, and it turned out to be thermal throttling of the CPU. I was going from 4+ghz to around 200mhz and then it would shoot back to normal. Just needed a thorough cleaning of the fans and ducting.

Thought it was worth mentioning on the off chance it might help someone.

I am excited to see how the Hexbear folks spin this as positive for their movement. Oh shucks, I'll take a shot myself!

"They don't mean gay people! They mean the terrible LGBTQ movement co-opted by the evil imperialist west to repress true freedoms for all peoples!!"

How'd I do? 😁

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Yeah, one thing a judge can pretty much do without question is talk to you however the hell they damn well please.

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Don't worry, the house of cards will finally crumble when they are caught using customer deposits to pay this $4.3BB fine.

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It wasn't really lifted, it was stayed by an appellate judge while Trump's appeal plays out.

I don't believe in God, but I hate Jared Kushner enough that I still pray every night that he gets eaten by a bear.

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His mom said he has a prior engagement and can't attend. No, seriously.

Yep, she's already forgotten she died.

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Is that a roundabout way to ask if I've ever been to Florida?

That last line man. Wow.

Poor girl was in serious distress.

I can tell you at the enterprise level, Cloud services were absolutely pushed as a cost savings measure. All the math in the world can't save you from a determined C-suite, however.

We just finished our migration to the Cloud after 3 long years of effort, and while we are saving about ~2MM/mo in data center costs, our opex spend is up by around 2.5MM/mo YoY, not including all the Cloud-centric new hires.

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God damnit. They ruined Viptela, absolutely fucked the licensing model for ThousandEyes, kneecapped OpenDNS, and now this shit. Stop Ciscoing good companies, Cisco!!

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Yeah, they seem to put a lot of energy into esoteric features, when the app is in serious need of some quality of life improvements. I donate a tiny monthly sum to the project and honestly feel conflicted about how effectively it's being used.

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Engineering is engineering. You design it, you build it, you test it. Engineering. We shouldn't gatekeep words.

With that said, I recognize that certain engineering disciplines have overlap with public safety, and should come with some qualifications to back it up.

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True, but lucky for us, he's a dumbshit.

My favorite: "If Crimea is part of Russia, why does my mobile network switch on roaming after crossing the bridge to Crimea?"

The comparison is a little flat when you consider autopilot has minimum viable weather and road condition requirements to activate, no snow or hail, etc, while human drivers must endure and perform optimally in all road and weather conditions.

Same thing DuPont did to try a shuck PFAS liability onto newly created Chemours chemical company.

Separate double bay doors. They have a pair for each floor that opens to an outside wall. You use a forklift to get the pallets up. That or there is a big ass freight elevator, depending on the data center.

Probably not as bad as you're thinking, he's actually been waiting for this moment for years.

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Leaving him as head gives Biden a little leverage when Trump spouts bullshit about government agency partisanship. "The current head of the FBI was appointed by Trump himself" is a fairly damning counterargument.

To your point, it was called the "Coalition of the willing". Article 5 was not invoked.

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Don't worry, we'll invent a type of plastic immune to this bacteria and start the whole process anew!

As an aside, 'plastic eating bacteria' have been 'discovered' countless times over the past several decades.

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Yeah, guilt can be inferred when pleading the 5th in a civil trial because you are effectively refusing to refute anything said against you.

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That's where the term "chain smoking" comes from, one after another all day long.

Can you show me one of these Republican police reform bills? I must have missed it.

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Well the real real answer is the judge actually asked something in that same vein.

Could a president order his political rivals to be assassinated by Seal Team 6 as an official act?

Well it's something, can't argue against that. I understand why it failed, though, it's a reform bill in name only. It doesn't even take half measures, just offers some cash if states so choose to enact their own reforms.

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We were very *very *close to replacing our ~700 office Cisco SD-Wan environment with VeloCloud, which is owned by VMware. The Broadcom merger put the brakes on the project completely, they missed out on a few million dollars on that effort alone. The Velo guys were totally in the dark on what was coming down the pipe for them, Broadcom forced them to change hardware vendors on day one, for example.

I thought he wanted egg smooth balls tbh.

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No adblock nagging:

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Corporations literally cannot pay you what you're worth. The very nature of capitalism requires exploitation. For capitalism to function, there must be an inequity between a worker's true value, i.e. their productive output, and their cost. The system is literally designed to fuck you over from the top down.

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The overwhelming majority of big companies include a morality clause in their sponsorship contracts that allows them to terminate deals with endorsers based on public sentiment.

I'll give this to the Russians, they are excellent retreaters.

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Sanad analysed satellite footage and archives of the hospital’s construction and spoke to one of the original engineers who built it.

That's it. That's their evidence.

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Is that really the most logical conclusion to be drawn? It's been less than a day, and I would really hope intellegince services are more diligent than your average twitter sleuth. Id rather they be right than first, personally.

Also what satellite footage are you talking about?

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