Russia adds 'LGBT movement' to list of extremist and terrorist organisations to – 316 points –
Russia adds 'LGBT movement' to list of extremist groups – DW – 03/22/2024

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I am excited to see how the Hexbear folks spin this as positive for their movement. Oh shucks, I'll take a shot myself!

"They don't mean gay people! They mean the terrible LGBTQ movement co-opted by the evil imperialist west to repress true freedoms for all peoples!!"

How'd I do? 😁

"What do the international LGBT movement, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Islamic State, and organizations that supported Aleksey Navalny have in common?"

They we're all planted by CIA to prepare for the coup of the lizardmen

There's gay Americans who do this. Same shtick as the whole "I'm antifascist but not antifa" thing.

Hexbear literally says on their main page they are against russian oppression of lgbtq people.

What the main page says, and what the people that inhabit that shithole say, are different things.