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Joined 13 months ago

Damn, I kind of hate that this would absolutely work on me.

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I would argue trying to find news on social media is the big mistake. It's absolutely bad on Lemmy, but it's not that much better on other platforms. Any story that isn't a "win" for the larger portion of people on the platform will naturally struggle to get attention.

There's a whole rabbit hole to go down in trying to find a way to get a solid, rounded and accurate view of current events, but imo step one should be to throw away social media as a news source. It's only popular because the algorithms on other platforms will tell people what they want to hear.

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Note that 2 stars at this point makes more impact than 1 star. A spike a one star tells people "some drama is going on that it getting the app review bombed. Probably doesn't matter to me." More 2 stars is better.

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Unfortunately it seems really common for any new social media platform to lean way too hard into wither the far left or right, instead of finding a middle ground where a wider range of political views can coexist.

But hey, if we had to pick one extreme, then far left is a lot better than the far right nazi apps that crop up a lot.

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Imo there is, but it's solvable. Personally, I almost always browse specific communities/subs and almost never scroll through my home feed. So multiple communities is annoying because it means jumping between each one on the list. Could be solved though, by just implementing a Lemmy equivalent to multireddits.

This seems to be a big issue with the general fediverse community attitude to me. It reminds me a lot of the Linux community 10+ years ago, constantly downplaying some pretty huge technical hurdles that new people need to climb, and then wondering why it struggle so much to gain traction.

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Not yet. Threads has announced fediverse Integration as "coming soon." When it does, you'll need to find an instance that federates with threads. Most of the fediverse seems to be losing their fucking minds over the thought of it right now, so you'll probably end up having to search for a while for a federated instance.

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I feel attacked.

...I reserve the right to remain silent lol, nsfw instance. Went there because some of the stuff I'm into had been banned from lemmynsfw, but...yikes. They go a little too extreme into some areas for me aye.

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r/196 became all lgbt stuff, so it followed over. IIRC the mods were really trigger happy with removing stuff that didn't align super close with them politically.

r/197 formed as a direct response to this, and while at first they had issues with too much bounce back to the right with some gross anti-trans memes, once the dust settled and new mods were added, it became the best sub for just mindless shitposting without worrying about fitting a political theme.

Pretty sure you use an Instagram account to login to Threads, so that makes sense.

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I'm enjoying the site overall, but I feel like a lot of people are way too die-hard into the philosophy here, to the point where everything seems to come back around to endless circle jerks about how cool and awesome we are for using the superior open platform.

I like it because it's open, but it really isn't THAT big of a thing, and I'm getting pretty burned out only the endless talks about what is and isn't the best pure way to implement the perfect utopia of federation.

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Imo reddit and twitter had both become too big and bloated, leading to a lit of the toxicity/recycled content. I think there's plenty of room for more platforms to arise and become successful, while the old ones stay "mainstream"

Basically reddit and Twitter will become the new Facebook over the next 5-10 years.

Let's be fair here, they're probably talking about the properly far extremes. The Nazis and the communists both killed millions and caused a lot of suffering last century. Horseshoe theory and all that.

Obviously the far left you typically encounter online doesn't tend to be authoritarian-communist-regime levels of far left, but I feel like people are being a little to hostile to the idea that extreme in general are pretty bad things.

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Na, there really have been issues lately where the sheer mass of data accumulated is adding up to some pretty massive bills for the data giants like Google. I think they just realised that a lot of dead accounts are giving them no value whatsoever, and so many of them have piled up that deleting them probably saves them a nice pile of money in infrastructure costs.

If this is your view of Musk then you really need to pay attention. He claims to be fighting for free speech, when it's so obvious he just pushing his own very specific agenda harder than even the most biased people before him. Honestly I'm surprised people are still around believing the bs about him being in favour of free speech.

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Same, but tbh if you haven't touched one of your accounts in >2 years then you're probably fine to just make a new account next time you need it.

No need if it was JWT token. After you use your password to log in, the server send your browser/app a JWT token. It uses this token whenever it requests anything from the server, to show that your logged in for this session, and the server can look at the token and tell who it gave the token to, show it knows you're logged in.

All that is to say, logging out will mark any leaked token as no longer valid, and when you log back in you'll have a new, non-hacked login token.

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Might depend on who you talk to. Everyone I spoke to about it was under the same understanding that it's integrated deeply with your Instagram account.

I spun up my old burner Instagram account to check the platform out. They tell you that you can only change things like your name from Instagram, the app let's you import all other profile info from Instagram, and when you login for the first time it shows you the thread profiles of everyone you follow on Instagram and gives you a button to add them all.

It's not just an Auth method, it's the same account with the ability to change a few things between apps. Plenty of reasons to hate Threads, but this ain't it. you not? To delete the data I mean, not just to make it appear deleted to everyone without access to the Google/Meta user database.

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I'm pretty certain it's not a rule there, everyone just kind of assumes it's what you're meant to do when they post, because they see every other post.

Kind of a self enforcing unofficial rule, I guess?

It's something reddit was actually good at. Tons of people used to find reddit way too confusing because they didn't understand subreddits, so reddit responded by making a list of default subs for the "don't know don't care" crowd that makes up 90% of users in practice.

Sure, it opened a different can of worms in that it tanked the quality of those subs when most users didn't really get the pount of subs, but it massively lowered the barrier to entry on the platform.

We have a much higher barrier to entry with instances, and I really think something should be put in place to lower it.

This is my take. I honestly don't see how Google didn't just extend XMPP well past when it would have naturally died, and they only pulled the plug when it was clear nothing was going to come of it. I acknowledge that this is an unpopular opinion here, but I feel like that's just because this community is very biased when it comes to this kind of thing.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Oh sorry, I totally replied to the wrong comment lol

Was gonna go refind the right parent and reply, but tbh I'm in bed right now and too lazy for that, so I'm just leaving the non-sequitur there for anyone interested

People look at the graph at the top. They don't read reviews, they see a natural and even distribution of 3s 4s and 5s, almost no 2s, and a suspicious spike of 1s.

Oh man that's a classic

There are apps you can install to manage it for you on android, automatically cutting off charging when a given percentage is reached.

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IIRC when I first heard about this, it was clarified by Google that any accounts with YouTube videos on them will not be deleted. Can't risk deleting abandoned channels that are still bringing in views.

Age verify? You just give an 18+ date of birth when you make the account

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I think it'll be a balance. Less 90s internet and more ~2010 internet. Mainstream platforms will stay big, popular and centralised, but the internet has billions of users now. There can be massive thriving networks of people doing their own thing on platforms like Lemmy at the same time as millions of people flock to Twitter or Facebook or whatever.

A lot of those apps are only a couple of Weeks old, so give them a little while and you might be surprised.

Finally someone else sharing my stance!

I totally agree. Even if this is what Meta is planning,and it probably is, getting everyone to defederate now just means we're skipping to the "extinguish" phase.

Meta doesn't care about leeching users from us, we barely have enough users to show up on their radar. Meanwhile there are plenty of people who want to see what's happening in Threads without selling their souls to Meta, which is a perfect chance for other Fediverse instances to step in and add more users.

As much as I hate Meta and hate Twitter, more competition between them is a win imo. It also helps break the mindset of people that there aren't any alternatives to twitter, which makes them more likely to try things like Mastodon.

If I use it it'll be from a federated fediverse instance after Threads connect to it. I'm not running there, but I genuinely think it's better that it exists.

I'm finding it way better to go to specific communities right now instead of scrolling all. The "isn't Lemmy awesome" posts are to be expected until the honeymoon period ends. It'll be at least a month until it clears up.

My best idea for addressing this is a nice clean hub site at a friendly and official sounding url, with a list of as many instances as possible that have open registration, are marked as for general use rather than as specific niche, and don't have any ongoing defederation drama that'd affect users. Then users can sign up there and be randomly assigned an instance without needing to worry about it.

Love the link, but that analogy got a little too complicated halfway through haha

For what it's worth, I wanted to pipe up in these comments and say you're not the only one with these opinions. Just thought I'd say so here because the nature of the post is getting you blasted pretty hard with people who've made up their mind that federating with threads is damning your soul for eternity.

Imo we have more to gain than lose, and all of the doomsday scenarios laid out by people - though more than possible - are no better than the outcome if people don't federate with them.

IPhone maybe? I know they restrict your battery capacity with software as your phone ages, so the short lifespan has nothing to do with the actual condition of the battery. Iirc some other brands do it to, but I don't know which ones.