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If this is your view of Musk then you really need to pay attention. He claims to be fighting for free speech, when it's so obvious he just pushing his own very specific agenda harder than even the most biased people before him. Honestly I'm surprised people are still around believing the bs about him being in favour of free speech.

He can push his agenda as much as he want, but he’s not censoring any speech. He’s not silencing anyone. That’s not fascism.

As long as there are algorithms there is censorship. Censorship mean to hide stuffs for people and that what algorithms do

Not even remotely the same as what Twitter was doing before he bought it, and no algorithms don’t just hide stuff.

Elon musk isn’t a fascist because he’s done the opposite of what a fascist would do with his platform. Like I said, the word fascist doesn’t mean what it’s now being used as. Ironically it’s the people calling for censorship that are calling other people fascists.