6 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I want to see them to get the servers working 100% then have Ubisoft sue them. Then they goto court where Ubisoft will (should) lose their ass and set the precedent on what happens when you pull this shit.

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At this point it would take this for me to learn javascript.

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If the user resides in Europe then yeah. This means they didn't follow GDPR and still retain data on user(s).

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No vertical Taskbar. -1

Horrible multiple monitor support. -1

AI built in. -1

Ads in the start menu. -1

Until this list starts at zero I'm not even remotely interested.

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I mean preaching to the choir. We all knew he cared about money and not the experience in games.

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This is their downfall hiring that CEO and the leadership should be ashamed. I feel sorry for the employees who had no say in this and are being affected by their myopic choices.

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Oh look, another CEO not in touch with reality trying to gaslight the general public.

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FTC needs to force auto manufacturers to allow the vehicle OWNER to disable data collection at the very least. If it were up to me it would allow owners to disable the sim card and OTA completely. I personally don't know anyone who uses the in car gps over google/apple maps anyway.

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I hope the jurors are protected. I would not want to be a juror in this trial.

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When will punishment stop being attached to a hard number and be a percentage of the company's worth. Shits maddening.

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An excerpt from the article:

In October 2002, Chechen militants took about 800 people hostage at a Moscow theater. Two days later, Russian special forces stormed the building and 129 hostages and 41 Chechen fighters died, most of them from effects of narcotic gas Russian forces use to subdue the attackers.

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I hope to see some serious studies on a multitude of categories from average health of a Paris citizen and traffic collisions/deaths.

They're only stopping because they got caught. Once the masses move on to the next Pitch Fork event, they'll start it back up again.

I remember rooting for Unity over Unreal because I like using C# over C++ (because smooth brain). But when he stated that if dev aren't using mobile then they are dumb (paraphrasing), I shifted to Unreal. Glad I did after seeing this shit show. Hope he gets the boot after this.

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Who’s on First? — Abbott and Costello

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McDonald corporation and their franchises are two separate entities. The corporation makes money no matter what. Its the franchises who suffer.

Its also because they're tied to the real estate they spent so much money on. Maybe its time to pivot from spending so much on commercial real estate to taking care of your employees. My .02

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Do we know if haveibeenpwnd has this included?

slowly moving myself to

Its sad since I've been with discord since almost '15.

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We're going soo far back in time that im surprised we havent taken away women's suffrage. I love my state but I despise my government.

Who wants to bet Trump will not show up to the debate?

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While the UAW president won't meet and support Trump doesn't mean the union workers will follow suit.

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I just don't get it. Growing up in the 80s and 90s if you had anything even mentioning against Russia it would pass with flying colors. Now it seems that just doesn't exist anymore.

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At what point would SEC come in and investigate these tech layoffs in relation to their stock price. The sheep following of these companies is just batshit insane to me.

Need to add legalize cannabis at #2

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Did...did they look in the lakes?

I'm finding that LLMs are doing a better job for searching for new things. If I have a question, instead of going to google or bing I'll goto chatGPT and ask some of that nature with some sources for further reading.

Never would I think that I would need to use AI to answer simple search and yet here we are because the sole purpose of a search engine doesn't really exist anymore.

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I'm honestly surprised the us govt hasn't developed their own pos locked downed Linux os.

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So whats to say with the machines that cant update to win 11? They just become ewaste?

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Because of Intel RST? I just had to deal with that but was able to get a dual boot of mint on my acer.

edit For those who come across this who has the same issue as I did. Video: Text: Boot to your BIOS. Get to the MAIN tab and hit CTRL+S to show hidden bios option. Disable Intel RST. Exit and Save. Re attempt to install Mint.

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One of my fears of starting up my homelab.

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Crazy that after all this time we can still communicate with Voyager 1. Even though it is babbling back now.

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Should be expanded to identify any and all predatory fees and burn them at the stake. Feels like the FTC or Bureau of Consumer Protection should take this up as their top priority.

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Just imagine that Twitter (FuckX) becomes the only media site with no ads because no one wants to deal with that trash fire.

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Can't they trace it back to you since you're using a card to get that prompt?

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Wait until y'all learn about the birth canal and our skulls that fold.

True but they dont have a knee to their neck from share holders to increase profits year over year.

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Don't forget medical care. We've lost a lot of OBGYNs and closing Labor and Delivery across the state due to their "Small Government" perception.

Key part is that its not to start working on SC but the gate keeping of tech from sq42 to SC is open. What was showcased this weekend will start to be ported into SC.

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Yeah I bet if they re-released it with better hardware, no one would bat an eye compared to the initial release. Hell I would go as far as to say people would buy it just to have Bard AI integrated into it. Because people are people and people buy things.

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