1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

"naturally surounded by high rises" nothing natural about that. Its callled urban planning and in this case complete control was given to one guy, the one that made prospect park too, i saw a docu on it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't but the bearucracy and corruption with funding usually takes its place. A lot of cities simply weren't planned for that, central park is designed pre-automobile. Many new cities are post-auto, so they dont care about walking spaces like they used to, a lot of cities have decided that the public is dangerous and hard to control, they dont want them to gather or loiter in any space and why should they give something for free when a business can profit from their need? NYC came from a place where they the populace was accustomed to dealing with the public in person on a daily basis.

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meanwhile in nebraska if you feed a donkey the good oats, he might move a little faster

anxiety and aggression combo is so interesting and makes sense explaining past interactions with people

Its also very expensive to be homeless. There is no legal place to loiter or park your car. Even teh public spaces are strictly enforced with no loitering. Where I live anyways, public space is highly protected. If you dont have a private space you can do go, you are forced to constantly be nomadic going from one place to the next until you tire and cannot run away from the enforcement authorities and are jailed. When you exit jail, there is a halfway house or something you are allowed to go in, but thats only temporary and only if you have addiction problems.

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they are fueled by the inflated egos and rage of their usersbase... lets see how long lasts..

lets not forget the blockade by egypt too, even jordan at one point wanted to kick out and backtrack citizenship for all descendants of palestinian refugees

argentina has been a corrupt country for a long long time

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I wonder if Posts is taken....... lol Twitter switched to one letter. I kind of prefer the made up ethnically ambiguous names than the short ones.

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dont click its a virus

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it may be losing their "luster" but the its directly anti proportional to the level of social anxiety that is increasing among young people, so people will continue to play with their phones because its the safest option

a lot of central park was for rich people actually or designed with rich citizens to use it in mind

dont tempt him, he's on the edge!

sounds like a publicity stunt gone wrong

well thats not the full strike, many are striking from home

does this affect the ip range blockers. I thought about getting one of those, but youtube will probably find a way to cook ads into regular content, but we have AI now.....

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They're not actually. Its more like the enemy of my enemy sort of thing, thats the reason so many jews ended up in Israel in the first place because of the anti--semitism and discrimination, genocide, etc, you name it in western countries. Have you not heard about the rise of european and american nationalism in recent years. Both areas, especially europe, claim that they are at over capacity. All this rhetoric came about with the african and syrian refugee rise. The USA to this day does not have a reciprocal visa status for Israelis, they have to apply for a visa and maybe they get approved just to even transit in the USA. Such great friends are they? USA supports the war, but you will be hard pressed to find their support in other areas of basic life. The have partnership in the field of medicine as well, but Israel does a lot of the supplying in new tech and research. A lot of "american support" is rooted in evanglicalist christinanity, which means they only support israel if they stay in israel. They want all the jews to go to Israel, that is their support. How would they feel about them not in Israel? I've read a few accounts as how evangelicals have a mission to make jews move to israel by any means necessary even if that means making their lives hard or doing discrimination against them to get them to leave. They dont want them to be comfortable NOT in israel, nor are they so good with sharing, even amongst their own american people. The USA has one of the worst affordable and housing and homeless crisis in the world.

More reason for universal standardized content access with universal type apps, anyoen can create content and distribute it to millions of people. These networks have always been about convenience, which they have a properietary tech on apparantly.

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sure give as many weapons as you can to a government and people who are not ashamed and have proven over and over and over again that they can and will attack Israel and its citizens. I think the only solution here is to take them out of the land or make them all Israelis so they wont want to destroy themselves, but there's not guarantee of that. The problem is very much with the government of the PLO and Hamas and the people should be given a choice to choose and alternatives Israel has never addresed reperations for palesitnians who lost their land during the 3 big wars. Of course, they dont need to do this, but will be a gesture of peace and reconciliation. On the other hand, this is literally what foreign aid is to the palestinians and that is why the receive and look what they have done with it. A people who continue to make stupid decisions and abuse their own people are not capable of leading themselves, literally.

I"m remarking on the "culture" of the internet users that if you introduce a new button they may not click it out of ignorance.

You have to compile it, which is very nuanced, there should be compile instructions for whatever it is you're building.

dont make me more depressed.... yes its true social media is really abused by people with no social life.... this is why facebook took off, most people on facebook aren't even in college

thats because its not a dating app at its core, its a make the company money app, you might get a date, but thats not their purpose. This isn't a all capitalism is bad comment, I"m just pointing out the obvious. I dont go into the world not thinking I"m not trying to be manipulated. I understand some people are naive though, even perhaps college students in their "safe" spaces.

Fun fact.... "palestine" was south dakota to the arabs around it, which is why jews were able to quickly buy up and settle major portions of the land. not many people wanted it in the condition it was in. I know that people dispute this, but I'm still waiting to hear the proof of the fertile land and economic powerhouse it was that almost left it abandoned by the major powers of the time (ottomans) Realisticaly speaking though, south dakota is extremely desirable to Israelis given a scale of what they had in the 1800s to 1940s, for one trees and rain.

lack of mass production probably and cuthroat capitalism. the expensive bikes cater to a niche of bike riders who the business knows can afford to buy them. a lot of these bikes have specialized parts made in specialized countries by craftspeople which up the price of production and in addition they offer some kind of free maintenance you are also buying. the real question is why are cars and other bike so cheap, and thats because of mass production factories and cheap manufacturing methods and economies of scale

absolutely, the only draw for content creators is the money they can make on youtube, which means people intersted in making money are more likely to use it and their content is obviously biased towards profit building. Any other platform can easily recreate a sane profit sharing program for creators, eventually it might become youtube, but in the meantime we can all enjoy it.

it does help if you are literally feeding them poison that makes them dumb and "docile" as you put it.

i assume a lot of it is high tech and sensor based, that can all fail with hacking or bad interpretation of the data. Also, the infiltrators likely first flew over the fence and possibly disabled parts of it once they were inside to allow others to come in the conventional way.

I call them cats, like categories. Community is fine though..

violence is never justified unless it is in self defense, the problem is people interpret self defense in different ways, that seems to be the issue

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You can attend a protest at your local legislature, there many being held in DC

IDK neither. I could be stupid, you're on to something. I'm just asking a question to get people to think. Apparently, thinking makes you mad and its my fault for making you mad. Sorry about that.

this whole focus on "luster" reminds me of the luster of the pyramids

well its all dependent on negotiating power of the union to cost the company profits if they strike and the trust in union that the company will not violate any contract they sign. The whole thing is dependent on the ability of the union to effectively strike and it doesnt always work and companies are willing to take a loss sometimes

there is a thing called oral history and that is also documented. this is how jews believe that that G-d spoke to them on mount sinai, it was passed down and recounted by witnesses from generation to generation. I heard a scientific proof about this compared to claims other religions make that was quite interesting, but the point is there have always been witnesses to history and some of those witnesses create a record that is verifiable in a number of ways and hard to dispute.

Apparantly I started it so everyone else can tell me I'm wrong.

yea you're just saying they're okay with it as long as they are a minority and have no authority or power (if we are assuming majority rules?) isn't that the apartheid people are speaking of? What happens if jews in tunisia start rapidly reproducing and immigrating there, like mexicans comining to the USA? Sure, they'll be okay with that.

Its not stolen land, it was given to them and sold to them and in addition they fought a completely legal war against people who wanted to annihilate them and won the land. They were willing to share, but the arabs in their war against them made it clear that not only wouldn't they share, but they would do everything they can to eradicate them from the land, like the peace loving, non apartheid, democratic valued nation they are. These points are not relevant today because both peoples are in the land and there must be a solution to find peace without either of them just dissapearing. They have no choice but to share it or some other country offer safe haven for refugees, as so far none have, not of the arab countries or the west, not unilaterally and collectively. Only israel allows them to stay in israel, even after all the wars and all the terrorist attacks and all the government who pledge to annihilate israelis. If you want to discuss funding, talk about all the millions and billions given to the palestianians from foreign aid, yet they cannot even feed their own people. Talk about the millions of dollars of funding from Iran and other terror supporting states that is given to support the continuation of the attacks against israel. If someone cares to prove me wrong, I'm waiting...... Every person hsa the right to defend themselves and taking land is a part of that. If someone is shooting at you from a hill, you have the right to take that hill to defend yourself from that attack and any future ones. That's exactly what happened all over Israel in many disputed areas. If you want to talk about settlments you can talk about settlements, but saying that the whole land of Israel is stolen is simply untrue.

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