1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Its a classic case of people having no fucking clue about scale, bias, the vocal majority and silent minority.

For every loud reddit dissident, there is 100 people who just heard about reddit and grabbed the official app from the store. They dont comment, they dont post, they dont give a shit. If reddit went down they wouldnt question it, they would just grab a 9gag app or something and continue on consuming content. They dont block ads, they dont get invested in net neutrality or anything else the EFF are involved in, they dont mod the UX, they dont dig into dodgy shit going on behind the scenes. They dont give a shit.
In other words, they are the perfect community for a corporate social media.

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It was always there. Back in the day if you gave someone gold for a comment, you were giving them one month of premium.

I would have gladly paid for a premium reddit experience, had it provided useful features. 3rd party app access is something I would have totally understood and paid for. RES features integrated, various styles such as old.reddit enshrined and protected, the option to opt in/out of various features, premium access to mod/admin subs that actually get a response, etc.

Instead they offered awards to give out. No value, no purchase.

Simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

I doubt they are going around restoring comments as some personal fuck you to people who deleted them, chances are its either something to do with the deletion scripts struggling with private subs or the recent reddit instability has meant they restored some incremental backups or something.

I'll just point out that I never suggested anyone defederate from anyone.
As a side point though, lots of places had already defederated from lemmynsfw.

I just want a NSFW instance that doesn't cater to pseudo child porn

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You can apply whatever definition to loli that you want, whatever makes you feel best.

for the rest

of us though,

we dont really want to be associated with this shit

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The heading of the post is, and I quote

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

Maybe they minced words being non English as their first language.
I understand that, languages are tough.
That said, the fact that it isn't a hard line on that shit is enough for the majority of people to want another instance.

I'm not trying to have them closed. I'm not fronting a resistance to have people not go there. As far as I'm concerned its "legal" and whatever, but at the end of the day the majority of people are not only not interested, but disgusted by that.

Being real here, if I'm looking at nude content, as lots of us do, there is some stuff I don't want to see. Underaged content is on that list. I would safely assume that is on the list for many people.

The point of this thread is to warn other "normies" that the people running that instance are cool with this sort of thing, and ask if there is an alternative yet. lemmynsfw can and will do whatever they want. I'm fine with that, its not the point here. The point is warning others and asking for an alternative.

I think its going to end up a successful move for them.

They built a platform. The users built the site over the years with minimal interaction from reddit.

They now have a platform, millions of users, and full control of what they want on that platform.

The writing has been on the wall for a while now, they want the traffic but don't want the problems that come with mostly community driven content.
All the profile redesigns, ability to "follow" users, profile pics, awards, all that has been an indication of the direction over the last few years. The last few steps was to kick out the problem users and be left with those who don't really give a shit and just want to see memes on their phone while they take a shit. The people who hear about reddit and just grab the official app from the store. The people who don't care about APIs and protests and modding or accessibility tools. Just eyeballs to look at their ads.

Those people will stay. It doesn't matter if 25% of the community leaves, because the natural growth in the next few months from the eyeballs will claw it back over time.

Once they have an obedient user base who are strictly bound to what reddit want them to see, think TikTok or facebook users, that's when they will see off. And it will pay off handsomely.

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Hey, if you go out of your way to find dictionaries that support your world view of naked pictures of kids thats up to you bud, more power to ya

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They were struggling with moderation, and a disproportionate number of people they were addressing were coming from those two instances, which happen to have open registration.

Not sure I agree or not, but thats what they said

Japanese culture can do what it wants.

I and the majority of other people just don't want to be browsing and come across pictures of naked kids.

Call me crazy, I know

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If you want to be daft about the situation, more power to ya bud.

Its clear in context what the implication of allowing that content is, being contrary isn't going to change anything

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I read somewhere that a shim was being developed to allow reddit apps to join a lemmy instance. Not sure how practical it would be, or how far off it is, but its an interesting idea. Would obviously need to be implemented by the original reddit app dev, or a forked version if open source.

I imagine at least a couple of developers will migrate over here. If they update their app to the fediverse, join in on other open source projects, or just leave the scene is yet to be seen though.

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My problem isn't with NSFW stuff being allowed on the fediverse. I think there is a place for it.

I just want it to be a place where I don't have to scroll past drawn pictures of naked kids.

Lemmynsfw can do whatever they want. They aren't going to be the place that the majority of people want to visit when it allows that shit though.

The point of this thread is to highlight that the server in question likely isn't the place most people who are looking for NSFW is looking for, and to find out if there are any other alternatives

Bud, you call a picture of a nude kid whatever you want.
I'll call it whatever I want

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I'm not here to argue about the nuance of drawn pictures of naked kids.

I don't care. Lemmynsfw can do whatever they want.

The point is there is going to be NSFW instances, and im:
a) warning people not interested in that shit that lemmynsfw is not the place to go, and
b) asking if there are any other alternatives

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I don't know how people can be arguing against a post that is literally titled

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

Nah I'm good

Running a public instance is 100%, definitely not suitable for someone without experience or at the very least a solid background and a sincere willingness to learn and spend time maintaining it.

A private server for yourself and a group of buds?
There isnt really a reason not to give it a go if youre interested.

This is what im going to do when I get a spare few hours to set it up.

Im looking at it in the same way as my searx instance. Just a private portal that will have as much uptime as I can maintain, federated with who I want and no one I dont.

"Official" is such a strange term and im truly looking forward to the end of the "migration" period.

I get that people want a similar experience to their reddit feed, but I dont understand why people see reddit affiliated communities as the best options.

At some point its better to just tear the bandaid off.

All the apologists have come out guns blazing.
My post was just asking for alternatives.

I never suggested defederation, or called for a boycott or anything. I just want to see some boobs every now and then without having to scroll past drawings of naked children

The fact this post has so many apologists and people defending the instance is disappointing

Nah, you jerk off to pics of kids youre going to have to learn to cop it on the chin.

Besides that, the enitre point of this post is to warn people about that instance and ask for alternatives.

All you pedos and apologists showing up to defend pictures of naked kids are just kicking up a stink that no one cares about

Post title

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

I'm telling people who don't want to see pics of naked kids that this particular instance is cool with that.

You're defending that instance.

I'm not throwing a fuss bud

Yes, I am aware of this.

The point of the thread though is to point out that the instance likely isn't one that most people looking for a reddit NSFW alternative is one that they want to associate with, and to ask if there are any other alternatives yet

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Is it our property though?

Intellectually speaking yes, but legally speaking? Probably not. Chances are if its stored on their servers, it belongs to them.

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Cosmos was epic

Yes, that isnt an issue.

The issue is for those looking for a NSFW instance that dont want to associate with child porn

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...and if the content there is loli, why would I want to go there?

And yes, using an instance is associating with it.

I don't care if people want to jerk off to drawn pictures of kids.
I'm pointing out that most people don't, so its not a suitable instance for the majority of people, and asking if there are any alternatives yet.

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Again, not here to discuss the nuance of drawn pictures of naked kids.
Not trying to shut down the instance.

I don't care.

I'm just warning people who don't like that shit, that is most people, that the instance owner is cool with that content so if you aren't into it then probably look elsewhere.
A secondary point was asking if there are any alternatives yet.
I know there will be, I'm just wondering if there is

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No, I'm warning people who don't want to see pictures of naked kids that the instance is cool with that content.

Hentai isn't the issue. The issue is

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

Most people don't want that. If you do, more power to ya bud

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No I did, and they said

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

Then they go on to say there is a difference between teen and child, and then backtrack and say "noooo we banned loli", after posting a thread titled

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

And now the title of the post is

We're (not) allowing non-IRL underage looking content

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The post title, direct quote

We’re allowing non-IRL underage looking content

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Typing "DESTROY" into the title screen unlocked like an entire new game with multiplayer and everything.

In fact the multiplayer in that game was great in general. One player on keyboard the other on mouse, and you could dock ships and have one steering while the other shot.

Excellent game, not just for its time

Im using reddit to look at boobs, fediverse for everything else.
When the reddit boobs dry up, ill look elsewhere.

I figure it cant hurt if its purely NSFW. They dont make ad revenue from it, I get to see boobs.

Posts do get pushed through, its just been a period of heavily increased traffic the last week or so, and many instances have had to tame measures to stay online at all, which in many cases has broken or slowed down the propagation.

These are issues that will be resolved in time

Hard disagree.

Tiktok is popular. Its hold very little value to lots of people though. Same thing with twitter.

For me, reddits value was from its popularity amongst a certain demographic, which was largely the techies. At this point enough techies have come over to the fediverse that so far its meeting or exceeding the reddit itch.

Id rather a community of 10,000 people who are mostly tech driven than a community of 10,000,000 with 10,000 techy types. Popular reddit posts had thousands of the same played out comments and comment chains languishing at the bottom of threads. Popular threads on the fediverse so far have people engaging in conversation without a collapsed thread of 4000 ignored posts at the bottom.

Popularity means nothing when its mostly people with nothing worthwhile to say except the same played out jokes and memes

Can you point out where I said to defederate?

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Yes, the backtrack, which was posted after my initial thread, which is a 180 on what was originally posted, but also goes on to say that its impossible to differentiate if its flat chested content.

All this could have been solved by saying "18+ only", but instead they want to dance the pedo line and come up with their own rules based on breast size and "anime skin tones" and all this other nonsense.

This thread isnt missleading, I posted what I saw. Then they backtracked almost. If people didnt post about it and say they were leaving there wouldnt have been a backtrack.

Where is the straw man?
Warning people who dont want underage content on their feed?
Directly quoting the announcement title?
Saying most people dont want that content but if you do good for you?

Literally none of those are strawmen

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