8 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Google doesn’t have vision or taste in my opinion. They released a million messaging apps and STILL haven’t made a decent one. Its been how many years and they still use SMS on most androids and people have to rely on whatsapp, a Fcaebook app… now they’re releasing their new “standard” RCS which has competing versions some with end to end encryption by default and some without.

They STILL don’t have a FaceTime alternative unless you use whatsapp…

Google knows how to show ads and everything else has so little passion and vision i dont trust any of their services because they love to kill their products

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They should've explained that in the post if that was the case. Not make a pinned post that's locked with zero information. Also it would be a frivolous threat considering no website has ever had to remove internet archive links. If they want to threaten someone they have to threaten the Internet Archive not a tiny website like lemmy.world that is protected by section 230 and doesnt host any copyrighted material.

It being a racist country doesn’t mean each person is racist. The country took part in decades of genocide, slavery, segregation, coups in countless countries, placed countless dictators in power, and inspired the Nazis (yes literally).

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Grocery shopping for a recipe you then cook together. Or walk in the park

Never heard of it thanks for sharing. The app section of the join lemmy website should have get some push requests to include all the current apps.

What we really need are trains/subways

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How do the arrs protect you from untrusted uploaders though? Don’t they just automatically download torrents based on the names and number of seeders?

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Nope, its partly on github, partly on the join-lemmy docs page, but mainly scattered across 4 matrix channels.

I think it does make sense because this is a discussion platform thats very organized and when people google an issue they can easily find it if its here

The fact that most people cant answer that is the problem. More people have android phones than iphones yet everyone knows FaceTime and no one knows a name for video calling on android phones. Android users dont have a culture to video calling where as people with iphones casually facetime eachother instead of doing phone calls.

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I know how reposts work. I know how hashtags work. They’re not great way for discovery especially for discovering smaller accounts. I constantly get recommended tiny accounts posting their gamedev or indie anime work through the algorithm. We can have chronological and algorithm on one feed so its the best of both worlds

People use third party apps and wont see it in the side bar. Besides having it part of the code will make it easy for each server to easily implement it and it can be automated in the future.

They signed an NDA so they probably can’t talk about it. Which sucks. (This is known because the larger mastodon servers were approached and the lemmy.world admin runs mastodon.world which is one of the biggest mastodon servers)

There’s been reports of people being in the ML/Ai industry asked to sign NDA’s by facebook and then essentially told to sit around and do nothing to essentially hold their competition captive.

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Yeah this would be great and much more transparent than how reddit did it

When googling information i usually end the search with “reddit” as Reddit makes it harder to view without signing in to the app i want to be able to google with the word lemmy instead so having the information here is helpful

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What new kind of society? Democracy and representative government are older than the US.

Nazis were literally inspired the US to use Zyklon B from when they used it on immigrants they still

continue to exploit https://www.npr.org/2006/01/28/5176177/the-bath-riots-indignity-along-the-mexican-border

Hitler literally praises the US in mein kampf and jim crow was an inspiration to the Nazi’s https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow

its had its issues It still has the issues lol the largest population in prison per capita, no healthcare, no public transportation, shrinking life expectancy, and they’re still occupying tons of countries, still sanctioning cuba for god knows what, still arming tons of dictators and terrorists around the world, etc etc

Can you give a little overview of what mineclone2 is/includes?

User option to block Lemmy server/instance

  • Ability for a user to essentially block an entire servers posts. I don’t want to rely on my admin to block a server. I want the option to block all posts and the option to block all posts and comments. (Block or hide is fine)

Quick Scroll

  • Button to scroll to next top comment that can be held to scroll to previous top comment (like apollo has)

Mute words

  • Ability to block/mute words so for example i can block all communities with the word meme in it because i want to browse All to find new communities but i never want to see meme communities/posts.


  • Add custom notes/tags to a user/community that can be color coded

Embed youtube/invidious/peertube that pins on scroll

  • When opening a thread with a link to a youtube/peertube/inividious link have it embed and play in the app and when you go to the comments have the video stay pinned on top so you can keep watching while scrolling through the comments

Its not based on nothing. Its based on reports from multiple mastodon admins and assumed since the lemmy.world/mastodon.world admin is a huge server admin and is yet to deny signing any NDA like others have.

Its clearly not evidence but I’ll take his silence as a warrant canary not being updated until he states he hasn’t signed an NDA.

What do you find on Usenet thats not on torrents?

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thats not an upgrade support thread its a thread announcing the release. Notice how no one is posting there asking for support and no where in the documentation does it mention the thread. People are guided towards the matrix instead and theres like 4 matrix channels where people ask questions so its all unorganized, unsearchable on search engines, and no benefit of upvotes

Please don’t do this and keep information easy to google. The best part of Reddit was how much hours of time it saves when googling for information on stuff

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Are you trying to learn how to make money in rehab to buy drugs after rehab…? Dude.

Clearly you need to focus on the rehab part of rehab and not be thinking about money or anything other than your health.


Because it feels way more like we’re in person when facetiming? Being able to see eachother and show eachother stuff is great. Its much different to discord because you’re focused on eachother not doing other stuff while the video is on the side

Trams would be good too

Yes, its your choice. I would prefer it if this is barely done to increase the likely hood of information being indexed and easily found on google searches though.

I wish countries would compete with stuff like this vs only competing in physical sports and war.

A UI element for a specific usecase makes the world of difference to get something like this done and made efficient enough so the site can be self sustainable. Unless we want to have days of the year dedicated to donation banners covering the website like wikipedia has to do.

Id rather support the internets library directly than pray the people maintaining it figure out deals to make the people funding it rich at some point

Reddit is clearly owned by Venture Capitalists that are forcing the site to go to shit so they can fill their pockets with ad revenue. If we self funded reddit or forums etc so that we can keep ot sustainable and focused on being the best instead of making a small number of people an infinite amount of money we would still have the reddit we love.

The reason the enshittification of reddit and everything is because at the end of the day bills need to be paid and developers need to take breaks or pass on work to other. Look at how the mobile lemmy app mlem got treated so badly and was too stressed to keep developing it.. Servers cost money. Open source software development cost money. Just like Wikipedia i want to support it to ensure it can stay sustainable. Making it easier for people to see the health of the server helps keep it sustainable and alive

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im going to write documentation for something I don't understand and can't figure out? Maybe if we had a dedicated website we all use that let us upvote good posts we could have a thread about support for the latest upgrade and then we could use the answers on that website (maybe we call it Lemmy) to update the documentation (which is partly on github, partly on the join-lemmy docs page, and scattered across 4 matrix channels)

How are the offloading moderation to others? Closing signups to avoid spam etc seems pretty useful

Reddit used to have something similar to health bar showing how much "gold" was bought to support the website. but later on out of greed they started using it as a paywall.

We can have a health bar that doesnt paywall ANY features and very transparently displays funds raised\used for a server. It can be used to display how much funds its being supported, how much server costs are, salaries for open source maintainers, mods, etc.