4 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I’m an Australian based Data Engineer, who enjoys making sub-40% custom keyboards.

An RSS feed is a publication that you can subscribe to without needing to give any personal information, such as your email address.

Website would publish their blog entries to an RSS feed so you didn’t need to keep going to their website, or give your email address to get it sent to you that way.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

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I’ve just cancelled my Medium subscription. I was finding myself going there less and less. So many articles saying the same thing in various levels of broken English.

I’m an avid Void user, so I get the value of linux. But I cringe every time I see a comment like this. The OP has asked a specific question about a specific version of a specific OS. Someone asking about an OS should not be considered an invitation to tell them about another.

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Sam Altman has just been hired by Microsoft. LinkedIn

The challenge is that these days a phone is rarely used for calls or texts, but used with apps like WhatsApp or Teams or Slack or your mobile banking app, or things like that. And so there would need to be a critical mass of these apps to get me to switch.

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Fascinating! Thank you all for the answers! I got an F in French at high school, which might explain why I hadn’t made the connection.

Because I don’t want my Firefox window overlapping my Vim window.

I think it gives everyone the same list of 29, but it’s the order that’s important. Gentoo came back as my top. I use Void which came back as 4th in my list.

Letting the LLMs source from their for free, completely invalidating the proposed licensing model at Reddit.

While I think we can agree it’s not a mass exodus, and as a percentage it’s fractional, I would be really curious on the relative percentage of mods and higher activity users.

I wouldn’t be surprised if these were proportionally higher than the total percentage as they would be more attuned to what was happening.

I use it as my primary home machine, running bspwm. I enjoy it, and find once configured it just works. Primarily web browsing, Kicad and OpenSCAD, and some Python development.

Not Gentoo based, but have you considered having a play with Void? It’s a stable rolling release, bare bones with it’s own init. Very customisable. I’m using it as my daily driver outside work use (Linux isn’t allowed), and not having any problems, while still getting to tinker.

While I love to jump on the anti-Elon bus, I have to query: the highest accident rates, or highest accident rates as a percentage of vehicles on the road? If you have 10 Tesla cars on the road, and there are 2 MGs on the road, and 2 Telsas and one MG crashes, then what? 20% of Tesla vs. 50% of MG, but also that could be framed as ‘double the number of Teslas crash compared to MGs’ or ‘Tesla has the highest accident rate of any auto brand’.

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In fairness I can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that the majority of relationships will fail. If I were to take a random Facebook user who updated their status to ‘in a relationship’ and said that the relationship wouldn’t be successful, I’d likely have a 99%+ success rate.

ActivityPub and WhatsApp

Mastodon = Twitter Lemmy = kbin = Reddit

No idea what Plume is, but I may Google it once I post this.

Threads is Metas (Facebook parent company) attempt to grab a share of the Twitter market share as Elon does his best to decimate his company.

If I understand correctly, Threads uses the same/similar publication method as Lemmy or kbin or Mastodon so the data can be freely shared between them all. So in that sense, you could argue that Threads was just a Mastodon instance being run by a company that has shown little regard for its users, and far more regard for its profits.

Note: this is a very, over simplified view of the landscape that isn’t technically correct however is an attempt to convey a picture that helps put the pieces together in a somewhat relatable way.

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Is it absolutely 0% or is it 0% with a $10/month administration fee? If the former, don’t pay it off early, just set up a standing order/direct debit and let it pay itself down. If the latter, you need to calculate the comparison rate (which will get higher the closer you get to zero balance), and work out what the break even is. Then carry on paying until you hit the point that the effective interest is greater than the interest on your savings account and at that point pay it off in full.

True. I think someone else pointed this out as well. But I don’t eat a poultry drumstick. The English language is a funny thing!

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Puts our Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV’s 30km after a 5 hour charge to shame!

Well at least at the end of the questions the distro I use (Void) was somewhere near the top of the list (4th).

Way easier to drink a drive-thru drink from a straw while driving. And it’s a drive-thru, so kinda assumed you’ll be consuming it behind the wheel. My toddler also has a habit of not fully creating a seal between his bottom lip and the underside of the cup. So a straw in that case saves a lot of spillage.

Can’t see how realistically it could be done.

I’m an individual. I register a domain using my surname. I upload a blog of my keyboard building. Additionally, I link to my git repo with the stl and gerber files.

All good so far.

But then someone asks if I can build one for them, as they don’t have a 3D printer/can’t solder/whatever. So we agree on a price and a deal is done. Still ok?

A few people ask, and I figure it’s a nice side hustle, so I build a form and une my bank’s payment gateway. Still ok?

It’s bringing in some decent money now. I’ve quit my day job, and hired someone to help me with all of my soldering. Because I need to pay them, I set up a company to pay them out of. The only thing that changes on my website is a little bit of text at the bottom that now says <surname> pty ltd. Not ok anymore. But who is going to police that?

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You will sign up to an instance. On this instance there will be local communities. Kinda like going to your local shopping mall. But you don’t need to be limited to that. You can select ‘all’ and it’s like all the local communities (from all of the federated instances) are visible to see.

Is it the compositor that gives the rounded windows?

Ah, that’s a really good point. I hadn’t thought about that. I use Apple CarPlay and haven’t carried a wallet/cards in years.

Are there any non-Google, non-Apple OSs that allow for these (even if it is the Google app sitting in a sandbox)?

Gotcha, I’d misunderstood the context I think.

Thank you!

But does that equate to the power of AI doubling every 3.5 months?

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Does that translate to ‘it will be nice to chat with people using Threads from my Mastodon account?’

I’m curious what value you get from a bot? Were you using it to upvote your posts, or to crawl for things that you found interesting?

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Cool, thank you for clarifying!

Whoops. My bad. Adjustment made. Sorry :-/

Cool, thank you.

Yeah, I had a bit of a browse and that seems right.

Yes. But if 90% of your friends use it, and have groups in it where things are planned and organised, then by not having it you’re going to be missing out on a big chunk of things going on around you.

I’ve been thinking about this, in conjunction with quantum computing and AGI for some time.

If AI follows anything like Moore’s Law, I don’t think it will be too long (decades) before we’ll be breaching the limit of 64bit, and we would need to go one way or another.

That said, based on the above, 99%+ of our existing jobs would have likely been fully automated, so the world would likely be a very different place, and 128bit computing likely would stand out as too big of an achievement.