
1 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ex-Redditor since 2012, now living my best life on the Fediverse! I figured it was time to ditch the karma and embrace the bugginess 🐛

They should just migrate to other platforms or join us. I don’t understand why would they stay on a website hostile to its users like this. They want to protest on the same platform that is the source of the problem…

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Hum I don’t know why but feels like a step backwards for Europe in regards to privacy. The comment about Meta viewing this positively doesn’t smell good …

Thank you for the link. It works great! Now I have the perfect YouTube with Ublock Origin + Sponsor Block + Dearrow + Return Youtube Dislike. It's crazy how many extensions you need to add to make YouTube bearable.... it's really time for a good competitor to take its place !

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Here are few things to consider:

  • The vast majority of nuclear waste is not highly radioactive. Over 90% of it is low-level waste. As we progresses we're finding better ways to manage and reduce this or even recycling it.
  • The Fukushima incident though unfortunate and a reminder to improve safety standards didn't result in any direct fatalities due to radiation. In fact, the amount of radioactivity released into the ocean was 0 when you look at the vastness of the Pacific and the dilution. The oceans already contain a considerable amount of natural radiation and the added amount from the incident, though not better than nothing is a drop in the ocean size bucket.
  • Air pollution from coal plants contributes to numerous premature deaths yearly with some estimates in the hundreds of thousands globally. This is far more concerning than the potential risks posed by nuclear energy especially when managed with modern safety standards. Just see Fukushima.
  • As for nuclear plants being military targets, any infrastructure can become a target in wartime, dams, chemical plants or any other energy installations. The key is to ensure safety and security measures.
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I don’t know why but the game is not fun, I was bored in like 2 hours… the controls were a mess and everything looks tinted and hard to see.

Add to that the poor optimisation on PC. I’m going to pass on that one

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When there is a will there's a way. They underestimate what people on the interwebs are willing to do to watch bad videos without being bothered by even abysmally crappier ads 🤡

Nice catch, I edited the post. Thank you ! 👍

I feel like there was an unwritten agreement between extension developers and Google/Youtube. Youtube allowed ad-blocking for those who wanted it, and in exchange, ad-blockers didn't hide that users were blocking ads. By doing this, Youtube would break this agreement. I think there will always be a way around it, but currently, as it's still working, no alternative that I know of has been developed.

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I added it to the list 😀 thanks !

I don't think having a rating system that could be farmed or abused is a good solution. There should be no incentive to generate content just for the publicity of the account. All the content ends up being reposts of low-effort things that are just more relatable, which, in all honesty, I find really lame.

I'm using Liftoff on IOS and it works great

I think the numbers should be verified independently