Starfield, is it getting review bombed? to – 107 points –
Is Starfield Being Review Bombed? Plus It Reaches 6 MILLION Players!

Seems kind of like the game is just suffering from reactionaries, but I definitely don't put that much stock in critic reviews these days either.


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I don’t know why but the game is not fun, I was bored in like 2 hours… the controls were a mess and everything looks tinted and hard to see.

Add to that the poor optimisation on PC. I’m going to pass on that one

My first few hours weren't fun, and I nearly stopped playing. It started getting fun when I abandoned the main quest and went out on my own.

I can echo that sentiment. The MQL starts really slow and has a lot of exposition overlord as is normal for Bethesda games. Once I started doing side missions for the UC Vanguard and "pimped my ride" xzibit style I got hooked.

Exactly what I experience in every Bethesda game. Boring ass main quest line where a bunch of British people telling me about starsigns or some shit and then I joined the vanguard and never touched the main plot again because exploding pirates and space hobos while exploring planets is where it's at.

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