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Joined 1 years ago

hello world

He'll really do anything except the things we all know will bring the advertisers back.

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Conservative TV commentators love dropping buzzwords, dog whistles, and conspiracy theories, to the point of incoherence. Dear god it's been word clouds all along...

Fucksticks, decksuckers, this thread has it all

stepsquirrel, what are you doing??

I went to school on a campus overrun with squirrels and you could see the whole life cycle on the way to class: defending territory, finding mates, and then making babies, all in a nonstop frenzied squirrelly adrenaline rush. but this... this I never saw

Ahhh hexbear. I was there at the beginning, and left after a few months. It's strange to see their dysfunction become more widely known. There were some nice features on their fork though.

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: : :)

Jack Nicholson voice: You can't HANdle the tooth!

i'm an older millennial/younger gen x and i was raised by books and some truly great, saintly teachers. teachers can make such a difference, yall

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hallettj, I really like your wife's take!

OP these two pieces of advice from an old college professor might help:

  • If you can't choose between two things, make a list of all the pros and cons of the first thing, then a list for the second thing, place them side by side, and make an emotional decision.
  • Always have a Plan B.

About 15 years ago I left the career path I'd started to move cross country and go to graduate school. I thought I might want to do research. Some wonderful things and some terrible times came out of that. I learned and grew greatly. Strangely I ended back on a similar career path, not as far along as I might have been but not back at the beginning either. Nothing's a mistake as long as you learn from it. Whichever path you take, check in with yourself sometimes to see if it's still working for you. If not, ask yourself what you can learn from that info.

If you have any questions about specifics I'm happy to try and answer.

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ahh... the true shower thoughts have arrived

Le Cheems est mort, vive le Cheems! 🙏🙏

Ohhh I already wanted to give this person a big slap but now I wish I could give them a big double slap! In Minecraft

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My local Target got rid of the Which Wich and this has reminded me :(

cat holding smartphone ✔ borb (european robin) with red hat ✔ shiba inu and fox with helmets ✔✔

i love it

Gladiator, I saw it opening weekend

While getting a smog check, the proprietor told me that there was more crime than ever in our area. I was baffled. He looked to be my age. Had he forgotten the '90s? People will believe things they're told over what they see with their own eyes. Smh... and I'm finding a new smog check place next time

Stories like this are why I pay for an LA Times subscription. Support local newspapers!

It would definitely be the level at the end

It's good to recognize that. Sometimes a job is something you do to fund the other things you want to do. Because the things you really want to do don't pay anything!

Great writeup!

I bought one of these and did not sleep all night even though I'm a regular coffee drinker and I'm convinced it's some hypercaffeinated situation like the Panera drinks. They used to be regular iced coffee. Not buying them again.

Ah, the tao of internet


It's awful. I actually didn't mind new Reddit. But they switched my account to new new Reddit and I changed my bookmarks to go to old Reddit. I'll try to stay for as long as there are good discussions but this cursed design is bursting with "know-nothing middle manager" energy.

Every time that song comes on I have to brace myself for the feels that are coming

Sting - The Soul Cages

This album was written when his father died. It's a loose concept album and it devastates from beginning to end but if you haven't heard it before two of the tracks hit hard as standalones:

Island of Souls The Soul Cages

It's not even loading for me (Vivaldi on Android). I ran it through Textized. It's on the Verge alright... verge of unreadability 🙄

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love it

hey! i'm so old i saw that in the movie theater!

gonna file this away for five or ten years from now..

i am ready for ceiling cat's return. he was never gone. he has always been there. watchin u scratch ur harbls. in ur macaroni. warmin his feets

Amouranth's new beer...

No worries! :)

That is so awesome. Amen.

hey, in the eyes of this woman (me) at least, you seem to be doing your best. keep holding the people you know accountable for bad actions. act when you see bad behavior... it might not be safe to confront the offender, if so, support the victim. it's all you can do. in my opinion, you have no need to apologize for others... you can't change or control what another person will do. you can only control what you do.

Easy peasy! 😩