Anybody else raised way more by the internet than their own parents? to Ask – 111 points –

I'm a millennial with boomer parents, who are famous for their hands-off parenting approach. Just wondering.


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i'm an older millennial/younger gen x and i was raised by books and some truly great, saintly teachers. teachers can make such a difference, yall

I work retail and if I learn the customer is a teacher I go so above and beyond to make sure they don't pay for what they are getting(if it is for the classroom) and make sure they are very happy with the whole experience. Teachers change life's for the better and are not treated the way they need to be.

i'm an older millennial/younger gen x

I think you either have this backwards, or might be Benjamin Button.

No, this is correct. They were born between, let's say, 1978-1982. That would but them at the end of Gen X (making them a young X) or beginning of millennial (making then an older millennial)