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Joined 11 months ago

ISO 8601 & RFC 3339 Supremacy

thank mr skeltal

oh fuck I didn't know about Ghostwire, game blew my mind with how good it looked and how fast it ran. Gameplay was fun too, i should play it again.

Nice click out of one.. two is binding.. false gate on three.. aaand we're in

holy crap, the answer to life the universe and everything XD

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They demolished Scientology, before people were "afraid" of them.

This video talks about the whole story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMrN5nWuh_s

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The "Consent-o-matic" extension does this, you can set which cookies agreement you're fine with and it will fill the forms automagically

(kinda low quality, made it fast)

Not sure about other phones, but for samsung you can get "Sound Assistant" from the Galaxy Store. This will let you split the sound, app by app in the default volume menu that appears when you use the volume buttons.

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Seeing how they treat their own shows, cancelling them willy nilly. Really doesn't give me hope in them getting game series going.

I dont wanna go and get attached to a game just for Netflix to completely drop support

yea can barely call it 'effort' more like accidentally tripped, pressed enter and now office 365 is installed ;D

Seems your carrier might be pushing those on your device

here you aren't alone

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I think the Consent-O-Matic extension saved me for this one

lmao 'starting' ?? I believe starting should have been done years ago.

Reminds me of this South Park clip XD (youtube link)

I do a subscribed run, then i go into all. Since i sort by "Top Twelve hours" i only have one or two pages of subscribed

I see all the Ublock Origin love, I also want to bring up Privacy badger (while not an adblocker I use it and would love for people to confirm it's relevancy to me).

Should be part of the basic user extension kit afaik

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eh it leads to the middle of Gay st., Bath UK. So likely troll location like when people point to the white house in similar context.

::: spoiler spoiler or maybe that's what they want you to believe. Dun Dun DUNNNN!! :::

Made these real quick

Yea : (

Guess now our sims competition lies with InZoi and Paralives

This and all the other tools featured in Good Lock, Pentastic, One Hand Operation +, Theme Park, Routines +. Crazy how many features integrate seamlessly into the samsung OS

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Maybe look at what's on Itch.io , I know there are some people there releasing games made with some PSX engine. Someone remade Bloodborne

ads, start menu becoming tied to internet searches ultimately slowing it down, performance decrease win11 vs win10, Bloatware, Xbox locking game folders, the new context menu.. these are the ones i can quickly come up with

Update to add: The goddamn shortcuts, can't just click and drag from desktop to start menu or taskbar, and vice versa anymore


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Has it ever happened to check the previous call logs of a suicide victim? Of course Boeing can bribe the telcom to keep shut / delete the info. But i'm curious wether it's ever been done.

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Do we know that MS were the ones behind the ceo firing and used the employees anger to fire the board and place their own puppets?

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That's exactly why i got my N3DSXL, it's the definitive oem way of experiencing GB,GBA,DS,3DS and more imo.

Now i get to experience all the games i missed when i was younger

Alphabet 2, Alphabet 3, Alphabet Final Final V3 ...

I swear i saw this exact post and exchange like 3 months ago O.O

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Came here to advise running F3 to test the sd card, and make sure it's legit.

Turns out the Steam Deck does it on it's own when you use the steam UI formatter, Beautiful

another one will rise no doubt, either they use a platform that doesn't care for DMCA's or they play the whack-a-mole game with the enforcers

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Watched Markiplier play through it, it's well done and deserves a look at. Also wow that price 3$ is not much, i'd be ready to give em 10$ at least

They better be repairable, 2-3 in 10 of them will need it out of the box. smh Lenovo i used to have better expectations of you.

For the curious: My work has us get batches of them, some have camera issues, others simply don't turn on.

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If you want a Mario Party like, Pummel Party is very fun imo

Because when it "pops" prices drop? Would this be tied to other markets (like say groceries)?

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I'll try and not mess the timeline too much <3

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Keeps reminding me of this South Park scene:

"Hey, hey, hey, 'member the Cold War?" "Ooh, I love the Cold War, that was fantastic!"

I'd be using Torrents more often if they were as fast as DDL

I dont have the game installed to test it but:

Look into the cs.rin forums for "Goldberg Socialclub Emu", I think Darck used goldberg's emu but it might have been updated since.

You can find the forum link in the megathread listed in the sidebar here. In the post there is a zip file with the goldberg gta4 files, you should be able to click and drag them to the same folder as the gta exe.

Hope this fixes it

"Tough times never last, only tough people last. *alien translation*" youtube