
1 Post – 177 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

why would you need anymore knowledge with fedora than with mint or popos? it has simple and easy to use installer, and everything just works.

but... they do fund the meat alternatives. thry literally pay money for that shit? I guess thst's ehy it's a shitpost

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paskon tällä hetkellä kirjaimmellisesti vettä. vittu mikä ribuls

username checks out

One time I saw these preppers who actually did have livestock. And they powered their stove with methane and had renewable energy sources. The whole setup was kinda neat

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this is just stupid. like oh my god how dare they to use name thst is also tied to bdsm. it might just be me but I have never thought about the wrong gimp then talking about gnu image manipulation program. also it's an acronym that works

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so he fucked up the whole platform so he has to raise money with porn? not suprised to be honest

I don't know, I think it was pretty fun trolling after someone coming to say something as dull as "you want a medal or something"

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it's nice to pay taxes if you can actually see the benefits somewhere

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I'm waiting for the day we have linux cars

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still sucks but I mean they did warn about this for propably over 2 years

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"yeah lets just ask our customers to switch browser instead of fixin our website. That will get the job done" I wonder how they came up with this

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our cars have long been software defined. not just a high level software that they put now. but for a long time there has been chip that is responsible for a LOT of stuff, brakes, steering, abs, traction control etc.

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this actually was in mildly infuriating a while back from the original screenshotter, complaining abouth the fact that the army reqruiters can do this trough messaging apps. so I think it's very real

Exaxtly, that guy can't handle any critisims without starting a childish rant or doing something like this

Finally a format that isnt that annoying mspaint "gigachad". God I'm growing tired of that "good opinion alpha man, bad opinion beta nerd" format

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These people want that every person gets born. Then gives zero fucks what happens to those babies after they are born. Just a few more homeless people to the streets

If you read the news there has been multiple neonazi parties getting arrested for gathering guns for some nwo shit. And conservative and borderline faschist politicam parties are on the rise in multiple european countries. So no we are not just calling stuff nazies for no reason

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It's really not the burger that's unhealthy, but the fries and soda you get with them

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I mean the og comment literally said "all they have is shinier hardware"

They just molest regular childer I reckon

I think this is one those situations where "I did all that for nothing" is way better outcome

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I know this is with /s but it still annoywd the crap out of me

Cant you just send reddit an email and tell yoi want eveything they have about you deleted? Or is that just eu gdpr thing

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Now this is actually wrong. Firewall gui for example requires root. There are similar sysadmin guis that need it too

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I have thought that so many times when I see these flour mixes. like bro you can literally make your own premix and I would assume you save a lot of money doing so

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you and @FlyingSquid yeah. I did calculate one day how much flying squod posts and comments and damn he's active

edit: I guess you can link people like that. TIL

Can't we just move past the whole gay straight thing. We all like somethint and it's certainly almost never just black and white

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At least I'm all natural. Imagine having your body parts cut without actually good reason

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every year is the year of linux for linux users. not so much for other people

is thst even a question?

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I think it's cat pheromones which they use to indicate wheter the place is safe. people claim you can't smell it but I can definetly smell it

thsnks I'm out

It's just pointing out that chinese are not the only people to spy on you

If you throw even half the money that would go to ms license for the foss community instead you can get some pretty huge improvements for that foss program. Blender for example, got actually nice looking and seriously good program while being foss because they got decent funding

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I think the idea is that you'd think it would say some live laugh love shit like "this is a home" instead but nah it's just a house. So just parodying live love laugh crap

okay enough internet for me today

Why not just any tech? It's already obsolete. Nobody is going to profit from it. Why not let couple nerds tinker with it?

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Thst guy ain't right