1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Considering that this is the most hated person on Reddit other than spez himself, no tears were shed.

25 more...

Ah. So basically China's Social Credit system, but for Reddit.

2 more...

Fedditor sounds like a nice, platform-neutral term, but it might be a little too close to Reddit. I can't think of an alternative, though. But your idea of a general Fediverse term rather than a platform specific one is good.

1 more...

By default, everyone's a guy on the internet unless stated otherwise. Some people just know the name and that they're a powermod and not much else. Also, they're apparently trans or claims to be, so there's a subset of people who'd misgender them on purpose.

Of course they're claiming responsibility for the John Oliver thing. Considering their history, I doubt it. But even if they were involved, it's the community at large that was responsible for the John Oliverification of Reddit.

Then you're going to love this quote by Steve Huffman (spez) from a Q&A he did with GQ Magazine:

I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.

That quote was from April 2023; it's not even that old.

Congratulations, you're pregnan't!

The writers' strike is still a thing, so who knows when the next episode will be. But hopefully they cover this when they come back.

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It temporarily boosts activity, but that's useless activity. It's not going to help Reddit in the long run, and in fact will diminish Reddit's value if it goes on long enough.

The simple fact that untreated rabies is almost 100% fatal means that the vaccine is worth it. Not many diseases are almost 100% fatal, and at least this one's preventable if caught.

It does if you want to migrate your favorites and subscriptions.

Yes to the rice cooker. Also, there's no need to get one of those expensive models. Someone did some blind tests with his elderly Japanese in-laws (so you know they're serious about rice) and they found that the mid-range ones are the best for cost effectiveness.\_XxM

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Not yet released, but a closed beta is coming soon at

Next thing you know, he'll tell us that boxes of classified documents were mixed in with his ex-wife's body.

Could be a repost? I haven't checked the community to be sure, but I know I've seen that same news link posted all over the place.

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So basically, according to Reddit, they own everything on Reddit. That means all the the CP, hate speech — and in this case, piracy — that are posted on Reddit are Reddit's responsibility. Bold strategy, cotton. They're basically waiving their net neutrality.

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Or any kind of oil. Even WD-40, if you have it. Put oil on the adhesive residue, then scrub it off with a cloth. You can then remove the oily residue with soap.

Considering how surnames originate, that would be interesting finding out just what the ancestor who first used that name did in order to be known by it.

"You're looking for Jack? There's Jack the baker, Jack the tailor, and there's Jack from down the street. He doesn't really do anything, but he's good enough."

Blink twice if the raccoon on your head is controlling you.

It's not going to have a direct material effect, but it's going to affect perception. There are already people cautious about corporate influence on Linux, and a Linux distro getting closed like this is going to be seen negatively. While Fedora and RedHat are separate entities, they're close enough for one's perception to rub off on the other.

Is there a way to report an account to the instance admins? So far, I've only found a way to report a comment. This guy has been spamming anti-LGBT hate speech across the Fediverse.

1 more... is the other big kbin instance. There are probably others, but they're either not as well-known yet or are personal instances.

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It's a matter of preference. Some people may want greater control over what instances they federate with. Some people just want to tinker with the kbin software and play around with it. Others choose to do it so that can have a custom domain or so they can have a username that's been taken elsewhere. The beauty of the Fediverse is that it doesn't really matter that much where you go, since you more or less have access to pretty much everything anyway.

You mean keebeeweebies.

His failed Meta VR project was essentially a federated system where various companies could run their own meta universes and visitors could cross over from one meta universe to the next.

And when you do it, make sure you stare at them unblinkingly to assert dominance.

Not sure if Firefox for iOS allows for extensions, but if it does, you can install Tampermokey on it and add the userscript. I'm using Hermit on Android to have kbin installed as a PWA, and it supports userscripts in the premium version (a one-time payment). Works well so far.

I assume they're realistic enough to know that this really won't go anywhere and that the whole point of the discussion is simply to make some noise.

Still holding out hope that it will be platform-agnostic enough to be used for both of the Fediverse link aggregators: Lemmy and Kbin.

Yeah, the post history is dubious. I'll wait for confirmation from his Reddit account, because at least I know that's actually LJ.

Edit: This is not LJ Dawson, this is an impersonator. The real account is @ljdawson, and he created the community for the new Sync app at @syncforlemmy.

That's their TOS. Their actions recently — namely undeleting user posts and comments — run directly counter to their TOS. They're essentially claiming ownership of the user submitted content by doing that.

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I've got kbin installed as a PWA in the same spot that I had Sync for Reddit. That takes care of the muscle memory thing. The only reason I look at Reddit these days is to see how the shitshow is going.

Looks like it's a 2 finger swipe down to refresh on Native Alpha.

Unlikely, considering they didn't try to clear up the confusion and that they continued replying as if they were LJ Dawson.

This is not the real Sync dev, it's someone pretending to be him. The real account for LJ Dawson is @ljdawson. He confirmed that via his Reddit account. The community he established for the Sync for Lemmy app is @syncforlemmy.

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Yeah, I've seen some people upset about these things and complain that it doesn't stop the flow of traffic, and that in fact it may increase interest in Reddit. Some want the blackout to continue indefinitely. But that's impossible since Reddit will just force the subs open and replace the mods. So the next best thing is malicious compliance. Sure, Reddit will still see traffic from people curious about what's going on, but these meme-y protests is still rendering the site essentially unusable while still keeping to the letter of Reddit's demands.

This is informative and unfortunate.

r/art also held a poll. It's over now and John Oliver won.