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Joined 11 months ago

It was actually ended by LGBTQ activists occupying the swedish national board of health and welfare. The myth even comes from activists calling in sick to attend the occupation.

West: "A little bit of genocide is fine but too much and you might make the rest of us look bad"

11 more...

The argument isn't "don't vote for biden" it's "stop deflecting the harm your candidate is actively doing by pointing at someone else". Why is that so hard to understand? The fact the democrats want to die on the hill of commiting genocide and squashing student protests against it is their own fault, no one elses.

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You can't 'both sides' an issue where one side is commiting genocide and settler colonialism and the other doesn't have access to clean water and electricity. That shouldn't really be that hard to understand either

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Tbh the military can often have the effect of beating class consciousness into you. Also not everyone who joins does so for imperalist reasons but because they need a job and education that the military can provide.

So when the Hamas murders children in Israel they are terrorists but when the IDF does the same thing in Gaza it's "civilians die in war". You either have to be really stupid or cruel to make this argument work in your head. Probably both.

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Except jews, christians and muslims lived pretty much peacefully together during ottoman rule. The violence worsened when britian controlled palestine and then became a lot worse during the nakba and israeli occupation. It's not about 'having clean hands'. It's about stopping genocide and understanding that occupation and colonialism leads to violent pushback. It always has and always will.

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That only works if what you want doesn't also affect other people. If you buy a giant pick up truck that endangers other people, for no other reason than your own ego, you're probably an asshole.

Israel funded Hamas and their policies basically created them. They're an easier target for westernes than the secular PLO. Maybe the solution is ending apartheid and the illegal occupation? Maybe, and I know this is really crazy but, bombing the shit out of a group of people isn't going to lead to less retaliation?

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You posted "lol kill people" and started complaining about trans people doing homicide about a post that is clearly about self defence. That seems to be exactly what you're saying or you need to work on your reading comprehension.

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You do realize Hamas is the result of Israeli apartheid and occupation? They even helped create it. Israel has been bombing Gaza for years and Hamas doesn't seem to get any weaker. Your argument is just a way for you to keep moving the goal posts towards complete genocide.

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Palestinian side? What the fuck are you talking about. Stop conflating hamas with all of palestine. It's like conflating israel with all jews. You're just being racist. Hamas has also repetedly requested a cease fire that israel always refuses so you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Stop trying to act like an enlightened centrist in a conflict you clearly know nothing about.

So? Rotating certain roles in society is part of anarchist theory and common practice in anarchist organizations. Besides anarchists aren't opposed to assigning certain roles or managing resources. The point is how you do it i.e by actual democratic means.

What an insane justification for genocide

I'm going to assume you're not trolling but at this point I think it's a lost cause tbh


"if you're having homicidal thoughts"


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Many people in the US also live in food deserts where easy access to healthy food IS a luxuary due to simply not being able to buy it where they live or work.

So then why post it under a thread about trans people doing self defense? Like if someone says "trans people has the right to defend themselves" and you say “NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO KILL ANYONE” and “if you’re having homicidal thoughts...” that is what you're implying. You're doing the classic far right troll thing where someone makes a pretty basic statement and you respond with something obtuse implying the person said something they didn't, and then when called out just keep backtracking and pretending that's not what you meant.

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Meaningful change never comes from voting. It never has. It has always come through organizing and direct action. If you have been around for awhile you should know this already. In my country two elections ago the social democrat party got elected and implemented some of the most anti-worker and anti-immigration policy this country has ever seen. It's not about who is the president or who you vote for. In non swing states your vote literally doesn't matter at all. In swing states it's rare one vote or even a thousand matter.

The real vote for genocide is arguing and putting your faith in voting. I honestly thought that Biden enabling genocide would make people see the flaws in our system. But people only seem to bury their heads in the sand deeper. If you truly care about genocide do something about it. And if you already do please take some time to try to understand why people, many of them muslim who care and do everything they can to stop this genocide, might not wanna vote or participate in this useless and meaningless action.

It's better because it's a society based on mutual aid instead of exploitation. There are different theories about how exactly it will look like or how you get there. But overall most agree that it's a non-hierarchical society, based on self-management and federalism. Decisions are made through direct democracy. If you want to read more there is a good chapter about it here Final Objectives: Social Revolution and Libertarian Socialism.

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Hamas has asked for a ceasefire many times. Also why would they not agree to end the apartheid system? The only reason I could think of would be so they could garner more hate towards Israel. Hmm, but doesn't that mean that it would be in Israel interest to end it to weaken Hamas?

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Except literally the hundreds of years those same religions lived peacefully together during ottoman rule...

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The Ottomans took control of palestine after a war with the Mamluk empire. Palestine hasn't been and independent country for much of it's history. It's still a form of occupation but if you were muslim, christian or jewish you still had access to certain rights (unless you were a slave). Mostly if you were muslim.

Thank you for that response I appreciate that! I'm glad you are in a better place now and I completely understand where you are coming from. I agree that fantasizing about murder is harmful and that the first option should never be to result to violence.

I also understand where the OP and many of the comments are coming from too. I think many, myself included, are very frightened about what direction the US and many other countries today are going towards. I don't own a gun nor do I ever intend to, but I have friends who are trans that wants to own one. Not at all due to anger but just because they are realistic about the situation and knows the importance of self defense for them and their family.

I am a strong proponent of forming strong communities based on self defense similar to what the black panthers did. I interpret the way people are responding as a call towards that type of organizing not as some form of vigilante justice. Maybe that's wrong idk but I think when people post stuff like this it comes from a general sense that people don't take the threat that marginalized groups face seriously and this is a way of increasing awareness towards that. And yeah I'm sure for some it comes from a place of anger but if you are trans you might fear for your life just going outside. When other people don't recognize that fear as legitimate or aren't finding ways to make you safe, anger is a understandable reaction I think even if it isn't the best response. I just think that we shouldn't focus so much of our attention on that reaction and more towards preventing what is triggering it.

I never said they were saints?

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I think you need to look up the word secular. It means not religious

There are examples of libeterian socialist societies today (chiapas, rojava) and historically (spain, ukraine etc.). What's common with both is that they have to put up with relentless attacks from capitalists and fascists. Yet despite that they, in the case of rojava and chiapas, have prevailed.

If you think anarchism can only work in small communities then there are anarchist theories focusing on smaller communities, like Bookchin.

Revolution also isn't something that happens in a day and suddenly you have to re-strucure all of society. During and before the revolution you are already creating these anarchist structures so when you get to that point you are prepared. Working with mutual aid for example doesn't just help people now but train ourselves to live a different life based on solidarity. I believe that even if anarchism will never happen it still worth pursuing these different forms of organisation. This is partly because I am fairly confident capitalism, at least globally, will collapse. Climate change among other things will see to that. What will come after might truly be horrific but I believe anarchism is going to be the only real alternative to it if we want to live truly free.

I said they were secular? They are more palatable then Hamas in the wests eyes. I don't think that is controversial even.

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So why not just end apartheid if hamas benifits from it. Or are you just being vague on purpose?

You do realize you're just creating a situation where whatever Israel does is always justyfied? They help create a terrorist group, create an open air prison where the people who live there can't leave and then bomb their schools, hospitals, refugee camps etc. Always with the excuse that Hamas might be there. So what's the excuse for murdering Shireen Abu Akleh in cold blood? Or for the settler colonialism in the west bank? What is about colonialism you don't understand that leads to more and more violence?

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I wouldn't say it was exactly paradise but many jews fled to the ottoman empire to avoid european prosecution. The region was centralised or more autonomous depending on the era I think

They weren't stoned for being lgbtq though is the point. Israel is also homophobic and transphobic. It's a common tactic by the IDF to kidnap and record gay people having sex so that they can blackmail them into becoming informants. I guess all of Israel all Jewish people are homophobic then? That is the logic you use. The logic of a racist.

Because she recently said she was going to sue the person tracking her plane. Idk I kind of think we should hold billionaires accountable for being shitty people.

You could also organize outside the electoral system. In fact it's the only way to keep politicians accountable

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You should definitely work on your reading comprehension if you think I said You have the power to end apartheid lol. Israel does

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Do you normaly just insult people when you loose arguments? I guess it makes sense when you have nothing to contribute

You don't seem to even try to respond to anything I'm saying at all so I don't see the point of this. You're straight up lying. You said "Palestine is not a race, and Islam is %100 transphobic and the main religion practiced there (98% of the population)." to me saying it's racist to claim Palestinians are all transphobic. If you get to the point of having to lie to prove your point I se no point in continuing to this. Again never claimed that homophobia isn't a problem but keep posting that straw man please. Dumb fuck.

Also you don't seem to know what the word whataboutism means or you're just incapable of understanding my point. I'm not saying we shouldn't care about homophobia in middle eastern countries because it happens in republican states. I'm applying your logic to show how it doesn't make sense. That is totally lost on you however.

It's a common tactic by racists to claim they are not racists by saying everyone from that country is a criminal etc. and when you point out the flaw in the logic they go, but Nigeria is not a race, Islam is not a race, etc etc. It's dumb, It's boring and has been done to death.

Nah you're just a racist. Where is the evidence that that 98% of Islam is transphobic? The majority of Muslim people I know are pro-lgbtq, but I guess you would actually need to talk to Muslim people to know that and since you view them as beneath you I can see how that would be hard. It's like saying all of Christianity is transphobic and that everyone who lives in red-states in the US is as well.

The Ukraine situation is entirely different. To compare the two is insane. If Ukraine murdered civilians of a specific ethnicity indiscriminately en masse, with the majority being children, I think pointing out that some of the people that they are murdering is lgbtq in response to people claiming that we should kill them or not care if they die is legitimate. This is also a popular Zionist talking point to justify their genocide and it's so fucked up that idiots like you fall for it. It's understandable that people who care about lgbtq-people would care about seeing people who are like them being murdered by Israel.

Also are you pulling the "I'm not a racist because Islam is not a race" card?

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You support Israel because you're parroting a Zionist talking about about Palestinians being transphobic and homophbic ignoring how they, like everywhere else, have an lgtbq population that is also being murdered by Israel. All you have to say is that it's no racist to paint an entire group of people as being a certain way because Palestine is not a race. Sure that makes sense.

It's not comparing apples to oranges, it's the same logic. You paint an entire group of people as anti-lgbtq, even though the laws you claim don't exist in Palestine, and extrapolate that to the entire population. Or it's even more insane because you take examples from other countries and apply it to Palestine without actually providing any evidence for what you say is true for Palestine. Those laws don't exist there so what is you're logic that Palestine is homophobic? Because all of Islam is, sure that makes sense. No need to provide any evidence for it, and if you claim that they have a high transphobic population so does red-states in the US thus the comparison is valid.

I have never argued homophobia or transphobia is not a problem in Muslim countries. What you're saying becomes a problem when you essentialize an entire group of people as being hateful. This is what racists does so it makes sense to point it out.

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https://hexbear.net/post/2481767 Enjoy being put on display, too bad they deleted it. I know it's really difficult for you to understand but because a place has anti-lgbtq laws doesn't mean everyone who live there or everyone who practices the religion of that country is homophobic or transphobic. This is like really basic stuff but I can understand it can be hard for a racists to understand. It's like saying all of the people who live in red-states in the US are transphobic because the anti-trans laws there. It doesn't mean everyone is and it doesn't mean everyone who lives there is transphobic. Displaying entire diverse groups of people as being a certain way, especially to justify their genocide, is actually kind of the definition of racism.

Also if a racist claims all black people are a certain way and I say "I know black people who aren't that way" it's not the same as saying "I have a black friend" to claim you are not racist. It's kind of the opposite actually. The fact you don't understand that proves how dumb you are.

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How is it a lie? Gaza is probably the most dangerous place in the world. If you kill 40 000 people a couple of thousand of those are going to be lgbtq. God you people are dumb.

Edit: Also I like the inherit racism in thinking Palestinians can't be lgbtq and also claiming, without fact that they're transphobic. Hamas is transphobic. Palestinians are an entire group of people.

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Not voting for Trump doesn't take a stance against genocide either. Both support genocide and you can argue back and forth about who wants more genocide in Palestine. In the end the argument is pointless because if you want to actually prevent genocide you need to organize outside the electoral system.