Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden to politics – 256 points –
Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden | CNN Politics

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The argument isn't "don't vote for biden" it's "stop deflecting the harm your candidate is actively doing by pointing at someone else". Why is that so hard to understand? The fact the democrats want to die on the hill of commiting genocide and squashing student protests against it is their own fault, no one elses.

This isn't an election issue, since both parties agree on support for Israel. Stop making it an election issue

This is a Congress issue, go protest at the house, or offices of your congressman.

It's an election issue if the people say it is. Otherwise we no longer live in a democracy.

Now you're catching on

Right I forgot I'm not allowed to have an opinion unless it's spoon fed to me by one of the two major political parties...

No, you're allowed an opinion, but you're starting to realize your opinion means Jack shit in your system unless you have lobbyists with deep pockets. Don't get mad at me bro, I didn't create the system

Oh but you did. I did too, we all did. And if we don't fix it you'll be right.

Enjoy president Trump. See how he handles Palestine.

Enjoy president Trump

So you admit that it is an election issue?

No, they’re replying to the claim that it is. If you attempt to protest the genocide at the polls, you’ll just end up with more genocide.

Right, so Bidens continued support of genocide makes it more likely that Trump will win

Therefore it is an election issue. Therefore, Biden needs to immediately change policy

That would be great. Just understand that election won’t have an effect on that at all.

Bidens actions have a direct effect on if he wins

If he wants to win then he needs to change his Israeli policy

We’re going in circles. Anyone who abstains from voting in protest of Israel support will be allowing someone to win that supports Israel more. It’s that simple.

If Biden's support of genocide makes him unacceptable, then people will not vote for him. They will not vote for trump either. Which means they will either vote 3rd party, vote uncommitted, or not vote at all.

All of which certainly increases the likelihood that Trump wins. Which is Netanyahu's goal.

Biden should change US policy on Israel to mitigate these losses. Otherwise he will lose Michigan, and likely the election.

The point is that, for many people, Never Again actually meant Never Again. Funding a genocide is a nonstarter for many who were taught that the Holocaust must never again occur

That’s only if people believe the lie that protesting at the polls will help Palestine.

No, it's because of the truth that continued support of genocide will cause Biden to lose Michigan and other states as well. Which means Trump wins.

To prevent that, Biden needs to change policy immediately

If people are mad at a government then they will not vote to re-elect that government. Which is how democracy is supposed to work. Not that it matters, because our democracy is not long for this world anyway

To prevent that, Biden needs to change policy immediately

You're arguing with someone who doesn't want Biden to change.

Enjoy engaging people in bad faith arguments.

"bad faith argument" the new buzz phrase to beat over the head of everyone who disagrees with you in 2024

No it really is a bad faith argument to try and defend Biden by mentioning Trump. It's literally a whataboutism.

"bad faith" "whataboutism"

You're just steeped in buzzwords aren't you. No wonder wrong think is unacceptable among young liberals, you all operate on the same bullshit, and call anyone who disagrees even a little bit a right winger, even if they're so far left of you that they left you in the dust

Did I say you were a right winger? I said you were trying to deflect from defending Biden because you don't have anything to defend him with. That rather presumes you're a Democrat at least.

What makes it not an election issue?

Is it the fact that many people consider it the strongest motivation for not voting for biden?

Is it the fact that people are putting in a lot of time and effort to change the position of one of the candidates before the election?

Is it the fact that people protesting against this around election time makes you unhappy the reason you think it isn’t an election issue.

Shut the fuck up. Stop talking and stop spreading this braindead take that is begging to remain at the pro-genocide status quo. You don’t get to decide whether or not it is an election issue for everyone.

I’ve seen and been at protests against my congressmen, mayors, state houses, and governors. People have been doing these types of protests since October. Just because the current wave of protests is campus occupations.

Also, if you think this is solely a congressional issue, you fundamentally do not understand what the president can do in a situation like this.

Great post to win over hearts and minds.

A post filled with hate, by a person claiming to oppose it.