Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden to politics – 256 points –
Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden | CNN Politics

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Here’s a take… it would be infinitely worse under the GOP. At least Biden and Blinken have attempted to cool tensions and persuade Bibi to stop. They have, at a minimum, delayed some violence.

The argument isn't "don't vote for biden" it's "stop deflecting the harm your candidate is actively doing by pointing at someone else". Why is that so hard to understand? The fact the democrats want to die on the hill of commiting genocide and squashing student protests against it is their own fault, no one elses.

This isn't an election issue, since both parties agree on support for Israel. Stop making it an election issue

This is a Congress issue, go protest at the house, or offices of your congressman.

It's an election issue if the people say it is. Otherwise we no longer live in a democracy.

Now you're catching on

Right I forgot I'm not allowed to have an opinion unless it's spoon fed to me by one of the two major political parties...

No, you're allowed an opinion, but you're starting to realize your opinion means Jack shit in your system unless you have lobbyists with deep pockets. Don't get mad at me bro, I didn't create the system

Oh but you did. I did too, we all did. And if we don't fix it you'll be right.

Enjoy president Trump. See how he handles Palestine.

Enjoy president Trump

So you admit that it is an election issue?

No, they’re replying to the claim that it is. If you attempt to protest the genocide at the polls, you’ll just end up with more genocide.

Right, so Bidens continued support of genocide makes it more likely that Trump will win

Therefore it is an election issue. Therefore, Biden needs to immediately change policy

That would be great. Just understand that election won’t have an effect on that at all.

Bidens actions have a direct effect on if he wins

If he wants to win then he needs to change his Israeli policy

We’re going in circles. Anyone who abstains from voting in protest of Israel support will be allowing someone to win that supports Israel more. It’s that simple.

If Biden's support of genocide makes him unacceptable, then people will not vote for him. They will not vote for trump either. Which means they will either vote 3rd party, vote uncommitted, or not vote at all.

All of which certainly increases the likelihood that Trump wins. Which is Netanyahu's goal.

Biden should change US policy on Israel to mitigate these losses. Otherwise he will lose Michigan, and likely the election.

The point is that, for many people, Never Again actually meant Never Again. Funding a genocide is a nonstarter for many who were taught that the Holocaust must never again occur

That’s only if people believe the lie that protesting at the polls will help Palestine.

No, it's because of the truth that continued support of genocide will cause Biden to lose Michigan and other states as well. Which means Trump wins.

To prevent that, Biden needs to change policy immediately

If people are mad at a government then they will not vote to re-elect that government. Which is how democracy is supposed to work. Not that it matters, because our democracy is not long for this world anyway

To prevent that, Biden needs to change policy immediately

You're arguing with someone who doesn't want Biden to change.

Enjoy engaging people in bad faith arguments.

"bad faith argument" the new buzz phrase to beat over the head of everyone who disagrees with you in 2024

No it really is a bad faith argument to try and defend Biden by mentioning Trump. It's literally a whataboutism.

"bad faith" "whataboutism"

You're just steeped in buzzwords aren't you. No wonder wrong think is unacceptable among young liberals, you all operate on the same bullshit, and call anyone who disagrees even a little bit a right winger, even if they're so far left of you that they left you in the dust

Did I say you were a right winger? I said you were trying to deflect from defending Biden because you don't have anything to defend him with. That rather presumes you're a Democrat at least.

What makes it not an election issue?

Is it the fact that many people consider it the strongest motivation for not voting for biden?

Is it the fact that people are putting in a lot of time and effort to change the position of one of the candidates before the election?

Is it the fact that people protesting against this around election time makes you unhappy the reason you think it isn’t an election issue.

Shut the fuck up. Stop talking and stop spreading this braindead take that is begging to remain at the pro-genocide status quo. You don’t get to decide whether or not it is an election issue for everyone.

I’ve seen and been at protests against my congressmen, mayors, state houses, and governors. People have been doing these types of protests since October. Just because the current wave of protests is campus occupations.

Also, if you think this is solely a congressional issue, you fundamentally do not understand what the president can do in a situation like this.

Great post to win over hearts and minds.

A post filled with hate, by a person claiming to oppose it.

True.... but I think we would have had more representation, as democrats would try to score political points.

It would have felt like we had some representation fighting against this, rather then 2 parties agreeing on a genocide.

You’re getting all the representation you can get from Senate and House Democrats. Schumer spoke against this in January. Bernie repeated last month, and so on. Congress is now divided on this as a partisan issue, but ignorance puts it all on the president, whose office has been in support of Israel in this conflict since it began under Reagan. A Republican in office would only escalate this into a war with Iran after Palestine is eradicated.

Going around Congress to ship weapons to Israel flies in the face of the helpless president narrative you're trying to paint here.

Source on congressional evasion? The last sale of arms was completed months ago and only supplied last month. The next shipment is currently on hold.

I didn’t see that. Thank you for the link. That was in December, before Netanyahu began indiscriminately killing Palestinians in Gaza, during the early stages of defense after the Iron Dome breach in October.

Going around Congress to ship weapons to Israel flies in the face of the helpless president narrative you’re trying to paint here.

I’m not painting a narrative. I’m simply aware that Republicans have historically emboldened Israel with the goal of an active war with Iran. They leverage Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis as justification to go hot with Iran. I’m still in stark disagreement that things would be better with Bush, or any other Republican in the presidency.

Democrats are speaking out though?

And getting called trump supporting russians when we do.

I believe they’re talking about Democrat electors, like Schumer and Bernie. No one here is against speaking out or protesting. The topic is voting. If people abstain, Trump will win. His unwavering base will make sure of that.

Also, you said you’re not a democrat. Which is it? Or do you just manipulate your stance to fit the narrative you’re selling?

Also, you said you’re not a democrat.

Oh cool. Where did I say that?

Is it in the same chunk of your imagination where you assume I support trump because I don't love genocide like you do?

I thought you had written that you left the party years ago. My mistake. Also, accusing people of loving genocide is despicable and further discrediting to you. Of course I’m passionately against killing of any kind, especially when targeting a specific group.

I’m not defending Biden’s support of Israel. This post is about voting, and yes, I’m absolutely reluctantly voting for him to keep Trump from a second term. You are either completely ignorant to the implications of your comments or you are actively trying to get Trump into office.

Also, accusing people of loving genocide is despicable and further discrediting to you.

You didn't care when you were accusing me of supporting trump and by extension genocide. So deal with it.

Of course I’m passionately against killing of any kind, especially when targeting a specific group.

But are happy to scream false accusations at anyone who isn't willing to pretend that Biden's support for genocide is acceptable.

I’m not defending Biden’s support of Israel.

Really? Because you acted like I was a single issue voter for just pointing out that single issue voters exist and that Biden needs to adapt.

Of course adaptation might involve dropping support for genocide, so I can see why that would make you angry.

This post is about voting, and yes, I’m absolutely reluctantly voting for him to keep Trump from a second term.

I very much doubt that there's any reluctance involved, unless he drops his support for genocide.

You are either completely ignorant to the implications of your comments or you are actively trying to get Trump into office.

I'm trying to get Democrats to stop being the Other Genocide Party. Which bothers you.

I’m not angry. In fact, I’m quite well adjusted. You should consider paying more attention to your well being and less attention to opportunities to attack and misrepresent others online.

Yeah, they're speaking out against the protests. Biden even got in on it with his short speech recently finger wagging the student protests, in case you were wondering how much democrats care about acting against genocide.

Would you rather he ask about shooting the protestors?

Everyone knows trump is worse. The answer to hitler is not hitler-lite.

What is the answer? People are commenting like they can just abstain and everything will work out. I’m commenting as an anti-Trump voter. Provide a suggestion that isn’t whining about bad choices and I’ll listen.

The answer is for people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries to apologize for putting us in this position. Otherwise they're just gonna do it again in 2028.

How would an apology for voting change anything in the next election? You’ve legitimately lost me.

It would demonstrate some self awareness from the people who created this situation. If they plan on behaving differently in the next primaries then it's worth it to hold my nose and vote for Biden again in the hopes of having someone substantially better in 2028.

The fact that there is no apology means whoever is elected in the 2028 primaries won't be any better. It's probably going to be HRC.

Are you talking about the DNC providing limited options in the primary, or those who voted in the primary? You can vote in any primary just by changing your registration. I’ve done it several times. I have no party loyalty. I’m loyal to my ideals and will vote in any primary that looks to benefit my ideals best.

You can vote in any primary just by changing your registration.

I'm not sure what your point is here.

My point is I don't think the 2028 primaries are going to produce a better candidate so I'm not motivated to hold my nose any longer.

What is holding your nose? Abstaining from voting? You’re not making any clear points.

The answer is to continue to pressure democrats, known as "the good party", to actually do good things they claim they want to do but refuse to actually do.

I completely agree. I’m only commenting against the inaccuracy of protesting at the polls. The topic of this thread and post is supporting Biden in the election, not in his support of Israel.

He called out elements of the student protest movement, not the movement as a whole.

Maybe if we policed the most unhelpful and destructive elements of the movement for ourselves, we wouldn't be in this situation.

He talked about these elements as if they were the entirety of the movement. It doesn't matter how much you police the movement, any jackass can make the movement look bad with the help of biden and the media pretending like they represent the movement.

The Columbia divestment spokesperson said they had no involvement with the group which took over Hamlin Hall, but stood in solidarity with them.

When the movement as a whole stands in solidarity with those who are weakening the movement, maybe Biden has a point.

Biden is arming and funding a genocide

He has no moral credibility and neither does the Democratic Party

We all know of his support. What you don’t seem to recognize is that Trump will be worse. Protest Biden’s support of Israel. Just don’t pretend that things will be get better by supporting Trump. We all know that’s a lie.

Also, the Republicans tried to pass Israel aid independent of Ukraine and Taiwan aid. Don’t pretend for a second that the Democrats in Congress are morally inferior to the Republicans.

The Democrats are arming and funding a genocide. Even George W Bush and Trump never did that.

Only one president in my lifetime ever armed and funded a genocide. That president is a Democrat and his name is Joe Biden

There were nearly one million deaths as a result of his two front war in Iraq and Afghanistan. You’re joking, right?

Trump has also made it clear that he would push Israel to finish what they started in Gaza.

What are the elements of the crime of genocide, and how were they all present in Iraq?

Gaza is worse than that abomination because of Israels clear intent to exterminate a people. Which is what makes it genocide. This isn't a war with an unacceptably large amount of deaths - its a targeted extermination campaign that is also engaging in ethnic cleansing and collective punishment

If you can’t see the vilification and indiscriminate killing of Arabs as genocidal, and you’d rather argue semantics, then technically speaking Netanyahu’s horrific actions in Gaza are not genocide until determined by the ICC. Saying “Bush wouldn’t even do this” is absurd.

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Sure I get that, but I would also point out that you aren't personally getting food into Gaza. Trump is going to tear down the humanitarian aid for Palestinians that Biden and the Democrats are working through the diplomatic process.

When Trump is elected and this genocide becomes a success, make no mistake, you will have had a hand in that, and I think you would lose that ability to criticize Biden.

the humanitarian aid for Palestinians that Biden and the Democrats are working through the diplomatic process.

This is not happening. It's a fairy tale

this genocide becomes a success

Already is.

I think you would lose that ability to criticize Biden.

I think everyone who voted for Biden in 2020, which includes me, is culpable for this genocide.

Unfortunately, the United States is not a democracy. It is a dictatorship of the oligarchs. Which means there is no way to influence policy on which the oligarchs agree. This Zionist genocide is one such example. Another is single payer healthcare. And workplace democracy.

This country is a hellhole whose living conditions will continue to deteriorate for the rest of our lives, much like they have since 1968. Voting for Biden or for trump will not change that.

Moving to somewhere like Denmark is the best possible option. No American should have any hope for this country. It is naive to think that Biden and The Democrats will do anything to meaningfully improve the country or the world. They are owned by the oligarchs - they just don't actively hate guys or women.

You are privileged enough to go to Denmark, that's great.

They aren't accepting over 300 million migrants. Just because you won't be paying the repurcussions for your helping the Trump campaign doesn't make you the moral beacon you pretend to be.

No, I can't go to Denmark, actually. Everyone who can go, should go.

This country is fucked regardless of who wins. Neoliberals like the Democrats have destroyed the United States and killed the New Deal. Which is inevitably going to cause this country to elect a fascist. If not Trump in 2024, then someone else in 2028 or 2032. There is no way out of this except for socialism, or, at the least, social democracy. Which is impossible, because our oligarchs will never allow such a thing.

You and I are on the Titanic. Neither of us are getting a lifeboat. Accept that.

I gotta say this message has a pretty big red flag for me. The American movement is referred to as Democratic Socialism.

I don't think an American leftist would make that mistake, nor be unaware that our movement is actively infiltrating the democratic party, nor that our relevance within the Democratic Party has never been greater.

I'm sorry, but I think you are almost certainly astroturfing.

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Democrats are speaking out

Actually, Democrats are funding and arming a genocide against Gazans

Find a list of people in Congress who have spoken out. What do they all have in common?

That they have not influenced policy on this issue at all and that they will be shortly electorally defeated by AIPAC endorsed candidates?

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They have, at a minimum, delayed some violence.

Also at a maximum.

We don’t really know how much worse this would be without US pressure

What pressure?

Wow. This comment says a lot about your media diet

Yeah, you can't answer the question.

This is Biden pressuring Netanyahu to stop killing American employees of a celebrity chef, after Israel had already killed all 7 of them. I'm glad Biden has a line, I guess?

This is a puff piece. There's no indication of what leverage was employed.

Like I said, let me know if I can keep googling things for you! Like Biden stopping ammo sales to Israel. Want me to link that one?

Remember when Hilary told wall Street to "cut it out"? Is that the kind of pressure you're talking about?

lol that happened 3 hours ago. I hadn't heard about it yet.

Good. If Biden holds it until the election I'll vote for him. I'd prefer he hold it after the election too but I suspect he'll resume immediately following the results.

EDIT: Kinda ridiculous to say "Biden never did anything" and reference an article 3 hours old. Yeah, up until 3 hours ago he hadn't done anything.

Maga assholes are having a grand time twisting the knife in this wound trying to drive a wedge in the voting block. It's clearly working.

The people who are drawing the line at genocide in Gaza are being disingenuous at best. Foreign policy is, believe it or not, far more complicated than people make it out to seem. Making every effort to de-escalate the conflict at the negotiating table comes before burning bridges with arguably our last and only stalwart ally in the middle east.

Sending Israel weapons doesn't look like a descalation strategy.

There were agreements already in place, and not sending at least some of those weapons was not an option.

That's just pure bullshit. Under the Leahy amendment they're not even allowed to send weapons to countries credibly accused of human rights abuses, and the state department's just sitting on those reports instead of following the law.

You could literally impeach the President over this, but obviously the majority of Congress is ok with the president breaking that law.

They’re right. The weapons agreement was already in place and paid for by Israel prior to any criminal accusations by the ICC. The subsequent aid was unnecessary, but it was the only leverage to get the Republicans in Congress to pass Ukraine aid.

You could literally impeach the President over this

You're telling me that the Republicans who have been grasping at straws for four years to come up with an excuse to impeach Biden are letting this impeachable offense pass them by? Sorry, but I don't believe you.

Republicans are overwhelmingly Zionists who would never criticize a Democrat for supporting Israel. If anything, they would impeach Biden for not sending Israel enough bombs and guns to use to murder innocent Gazans

Gee, sounds like we should really do everything we can do keep these Republicans out of office then.

Sure. Which leaves us with democrats. Who are the ones currently arming and funding a genocide

So you don't want Biden, but you don't want Trump either, but you can't have it both ways. No matter if you turn out to vote or not, you are getting one of those two choices. That's a fact. We're stuck in the Prisoner's Dilemma Election, and it's time to decide if we're going to play the game to win or not.

There's far more at stake this year than just the fate of Gaza, but shortsightedness is going to kill us.

Holy shit, genocide minimizing.

Scratch a liberal...

How is this minimizing genocide? I've acknowledged that it's a serious problem.

What's your solution?

Saying that there's far more at stake than an ongoing genocide minimizes genocide.

My solution is to protest as loudly as possible and donate my time, money, and energy to stopping genocide, and not waste anyone's time by trying to inhumanly minimize genocide.

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Over 30,000 is not enough for Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden?

Bush Sr and Reagan did more to hold Israel accountable for its crimes.

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Not sending weapons to a genocidal regime is not complicated.

Biden is funding a genocide that’s a red line for people who oppose genocides.

Genocide doesn’t become moral because Israel is a US ally, this is a condemnation of the US too

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Why do you need an ally in the Middle East? America's not in the Middle East right?

That's the "complicated foreign policy" that OP is taking about. There are a ton of reasons to have allies all over the world, which surprisingly includes the Middle East. It could be for military, economic, informational, or other reasons.

Why do we need to sally out and defeat the enemy? The enemy isn't inside the castle walls, right?

Are you really so naive that you can't see value in making alliances with countries that don't directly border your own?

Wait, who is your enemy?

Whoever Netanyahu wants dead, of course.

Does causing unnecessary conflict create pleasure for you? It’s a pretty terrible character flaw. You should take a look at that.

Does causing unnecessary conflict create pleasure for you

Unnecessary for who?

Everyone. They generate conflict with every message by name calling and misrepresenting others’ positions to create tension.

So if they just say "I'm not voting for Biden or Trump in 2024" that would be better?

That’s voting for Trump. We all know his base is delusional and unwavering. With that knowledge we are charged with the responsibility to stop him. It’s not like sitting out will result in a third option.

People can vote for whoever they want. You're just generating unnecessary conflict here.

Of course they can. I’m just providing factual information to help them understand the results of abstaining from the vote. If they want to vote for Trump, they can vote for him, abstain, or vote third-party and achieve the same result.

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Don't lecture your betters about character, genocide supporter.

I am a pacifist. I could not be further from your claim. Spit your venom elsewhere.

And I'm not a trump supporter. But you didn't give a shit, so why should I?

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That anyone would use Trump’s non-theoretical fascism to goad a vote for Biden is offensive. These are the stakes and Biden still won’t listen. That’s on him.

No, that is one of the stakes. Single-issue voting is extremely narrow-minded, and Trump would undoubtedly make things worse in the single issue you’re emphasizing.

And yet single issue voters exist. Pretending they don't isn't going to work. Scolding them isn't going to work. The Democratic party and Biden in particular need to adapt.

So you’d rather destroy American and Ukrainian lives as well as Palestinian to prove a point?

So you'd rather support genocide and lose voters than not support genocide and gain voters?

Not a binary proposition. Support Israel and lose voters, abandon Israel and lose more and different voters. Diplomacy is hard. Politics is hard.

Part of the reason it's hard in this particular situation is bad actors pretending that geopolitics can be reduced to a soundbyte and that the problem is simple and easy.

Think you can do better? Run for president.

Support Israel and lose voters, abandon Israel and lose more and different voters.

So just making sure I've got this right. When potential voters say, "This policy of enabling genocide is a deal-breaker for me, I won't vote for you if you don't change this stance," they're being naïve about the complexity of politics and the current situation in Palestine, if not actually just bad actors, but when other voters say "I won't vote for you if you stop enabling genocide," they're playing 5d chess that us simpletons with morals just can't keep up with, right? Because that's basically what you've just wrote.

It's always the left who are being unreasonable for refusing to compromise, but when center-right genocide sympathizers refuse to compromise on their stance, tough luck, kid, that's just politics. The enlightened centrists here are shrieking about the end of democracy if you don't fall in line with them, as all the while they happily march down the path to the end of democracy.

Exactly. And nothing illustrates this better than the fact that nobody is apologizing for electing Biden in the 2020 primaries. Their political viewpoints are sacrosanct. Ours are petty and childish.

If Biden stops supporting Netanyahu's genocide, will he lose your vote?

EDIT: disregard. You answered elsewhere before I noticed.

They sure would.

Would you prefer that Biden lose as long as he continues his support for genocide?

You sure would.

These people would prefer for Biden to lose, and I'm quite convinced that they don't really care why or how. Genocide is the buzzword of the year, but if Israel and Gaza make peace tomorrow, all of these people will all have new reasons why Democratic voters should stay home or burn their ballots.

If Biden stops supporting genocide, who do you plan to vote for?

Oh make no mistake, I'm voting for Joe no matter what. The only alternative is Donald Trump, and Donald Trump wants to destroy the Republic. Joe could send American troops into Rafah to glass it today, and I'd hold my nose and go vote for him in November. That's just facing reality.

Would I prefer things were different? Of course, but however much legitimate criticism might be laid at Biden's feet for not doing more to stop the genocide in Gaza, Trump has already wholly endorsed completely annihilating the Palestinian people, and he wants genocide in the US besides.

It's not a difficult choice.

Joe could send American troops into Rafah to glass it today, and I’d hold my nose and go vote for him in November.

I doubt you'd be holding your nose in such a case.

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Can't imagine why people who voted for a candidate in one election wouldn't want to vote for them in another election. Total fucking mystery.

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I was describing a phenomenon, not identifying myself as an example of that phenomenon. I'm voting for Biden.

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So the kids are left with the following options: vote for Biden and genocide is permitted or let Trump win and even more genocide is permitted.

Faced with a shit sandwich, they chose an option that no one saw on the board: demand that the genocide end. I think that's pretty rad, but maybe others don't see it the same way. I admire the protesters.

I agree with protesting, just not at the polls. You would be choosing a worse fate for Palestinians, Ukrainians, and Americans in an attempt to make a point that won’t be made.

Don't get me wrong; I'll vote for genocidal-Joe, despite my extreme dislike of his policy toward Israel. I'm not stupid and neither are the kids. But the kids are still trying to force his hand and they should. I hope they vote for him too. But to threaten not to in an attempt to save Palestinian lives is a solid move. I hope they vote against fascism when the time comes. And I hope Brandon feels the pressure and changes his policy in the meantime.

I agree. Protest everywhere but the polls. The posted article, as well as the topic, is voting. That’s the only reason there’s such a disconnect in the comments.

I agree with protesting, just not at the polls

Then your agreement is worthless.

Explain to me how boycotting an election and allowing Trump to win will improve the situation in Gaza. You’re either ignorant to Trump’s support of Netanyahu, or putting ego in front of principle and would rather let more Palestinians die just so you can say you abstained.

I'm tired of explaining myself to people who aren't interested anyway.

So you make claims but can’t back them up? Maybe you should keep your comments to yourself if you can’t substantiate them, and take some time to learn some more about the topic.

If you're so interested in my perspective you can read my comments. You clearly aren't and you know it.

I’ve been. They’re vague and nondescript. You say a lot but make no real statements.

I understand it's a single issue but facilitating genocide seems like a big deal dontcha think?

Of course it is. It’s only going to get worse under Trump, as will everything else.

Is it so crazy to want an option that's better than "not a total distopia"?

I wouldn't say that under Biden, be are living in a "total distopia".

I would, seeing as the president full-throatedly supporting genocide is seen as perfectly fine because other guy exists.

Where has Biden verbally supported Israel or their actions? What power do you think that he has that he can just stop everything? Do you think that he can just unilaterally end years of agreement and contracts for weapons? Do you think that any other President could have actually done anything different to change what's happening? The answer is likely no. No single President can control Congress, or make laws, or directly control another country's actions. Bernie could have won, and screamed until he was blue in the face, like he is now, and all of those weapons still would have shipped out this year.

We are not living in a distopia, so we're definitely not living in a total distopia. Maybe if you live in Ukraine or Gaza you could make that argument, but if you're in the US, it sure isn't distopia yet.

Genocide, deteriorating Capitalism, a lack of Democracy, and crumbling Imperialism aren't total dystopia to you?

Must be nice to be privledged.

If that’s the only issue you’re voting on, do you want the guy that tries to stop it or the guy who says “go right ahead, do more genocide!”?

If that’s the only issue you’re voting on, do you want the guy that tries to stop it

That guy's not running.

That is correct. The options at the polls for Palestinians are bad or worse. Better is just not on the table. All the more reason that protests should happen elsewhere.

Okay, then I guess those votes aren't on the table either. Democrats have a tough choice to make: do they want to support genocide and lose votes or do they want to stop supporting genocide and gain votes? Why are voters being attacked for exercising their democratic right to vote (or not vote) as they please, but politicians whose entire job is to gain votes are excused for not appealing to voters?

You’re not punishing Democrats by abstaining. You’re punishing yourself to make a point that won’t be conveyed. I’m also not attacking. I’m making sure you are fully aware of the consequences you’re accepting by making whatever choice you choose to make. You do you. Just don’t pretend you don’t know what’s going to happen if you abstain.

The point is getting conveyed a hell of a lot more than by guaranteeing votes to democrats for their "greater boogeyman" strategy. If democrats are hellbent on keeping things terrible, then voting for them isn't really a solution. My plan is to vote democrats to give them as much of a majority as possible so they can have as little excuse as possible for when they don't do what they claim they want to do, but I can understand people who don't want to vote for them.

I’m not judging people who don’t want to vote. I’m commenting to ensure they have the knowledge that abstaining will lead to another Trump presidency, and what the last one looked like under the noise shield of his antics. If he’s their second choice, then they should absolutely abstain or vote third-party.

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Never Again meant Never Again

Genocide is an abomination. No human can ever support it.

If you believe in God then your soul is in incredible danger by accepting such a status of things. Which is a concern for many of us.

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Better is just not on the table.


For what? Honest awareness of the options of US support of Israel?

For your party keeping better off the ballot.


I’m not a Democrat. I’m ferociously anti-Trump.

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Biden has made attempts to stop things, even if they are half assed. So the question remains, which do you support?

Biden has made attempts to stop things, even if they are half assed.

They're no-assed.

So the question remains, which do you support?

I'm voting for Biden.

Now I have a question for you. Is Netanyahu committing genocide?

Then you’re okay with the alternative? That’s fine, you are entitled to your opinion. The reality is we have a first past the post system. Wild to me that people are okay with another Trump term

I literally said in the comment you replied to that I'm voting for Biden.

I see you ignored my question as well, so I'll repeat it: Is Netanyahu committing genocide?

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Man don't bother. These people aren't against genocide. They all have no problem with Ukrainian genocide or any genocide the Chinese want to carry out.

Ukraine isn't committing genocide, and the US isn't selling weapons to China for their genocide.

Netanyahu is committing genocide, and he's doing it with weapons we sold him.

Good Lord buddy, learn to read. Nobody said Ukraine was committing a genocide. Ukrainian genocide clearly means of the Ukrainian people. Or you under the impression that The Armenian Genocide was a genocide carried out by the Armenians?

Oh. Ok. Is the US supporting Russia in their genocide of Ukraine? Are we supporting China's genocide?

Because we're supporting Netanyahu's genocide. You love it and want it to continue, and that's the only reason you decided to ignore the rest of my comment.

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