Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden to politics – 256 points –
Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden | CNN Politics

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If that’s the only issue you’re voting on, do you want the guy that tries to stop it or the guy who says “go right ahead, do more genocide!”?

If that’s the only issue you’re voting on, do you want the guy that tries to stop it

That guy's not running.

That is correct. The options at the polls for Palestinians are bad or worse. Better is just not on the table. All the more reason that protests should happen elsewhere.

Okay, then I guess those votes aren't on the table either. Democrats have a tough choice to make: do they want to support genocide and lose votes or do they want to stop supporting genocide and gain votes? Why are voters being attacked for exercising their democratic right to vote (or not vote) as they please, but politicians whose entire job is to gain votes are excused for not appealing to voters?

You’re not punishing Democrats by abstaining. You’re punishing yourself to make a point that won’t be conveyed. I’m also not attacking. I’m making sure you are fully aware of the consequences you’re accepting by making whatever choice you choose to make. You do you. Just don’t pretend you don’t know what’s going to happen if you abstain.

The point is getting conveyed a hell of a lot more than by guaranteeing votes to democrats for their "greater boogeyman" strategy. If democrats are hellbent on keeping things terrible, then voting for them isn't really a solution. My plan is to vote democrats to give them as much of a majority as possible so they can have as little excuse as possible for when they don't do what they claim they want to do, but I can understand people who don't want to vote for them.

I’m not judging people who don’t want to vote. I’m commenting to ensure they have the knowledge that abstaining will lead to another Trump presidency, and what the last one looked like under the noise shield of his antics. If he’s their second choice, then they should absolutely abstain or vote third-party.

Everyone is well aware of this, democrats make sure to tell everyone this because it's their only strategy instead of listening to voters and actually improving things.

Never Again meant Never Again

Genocide is an abomination. No human can ever support it.

If you believe in God then your soul is in incredible danger by accepting such a status of things. Which is a concern for many of us.

Better is just not on the table.


For what? Honest awareness of the options of US support of Israel?

For your party keeping better off the ballot.


I’m not a Democrat. I’m ferociously anti-Trump.

I didn't say which party was yours. Though I agree that Democrats are one of the two parties that have kept better off the ballot.

Absolutely. Things would be very different right now had the DNC not favored Hillary in 2016.

Agreed. But as you gloated earlier, better isn't on the ballot.

And with the two party pro-genocide hegemony, it never will be. So drink up, you got the only thing you want.

You make it seem like they’re the same on Israel. We both know they’re not.

Despite your contempt for Biden, he has been far better than Trump in every other area of running this nation, unless you’re a rich white industrialist.

You make it seem like they’re the same on Israel. We both know they’re not.

I didn't say they were. It's why I'm voting for Biden.

Unlike you, I'm unhappy to vote for the continuation of genocide, and I bitterly resent being manipulated into doing so by people who are just happy it's happening.

No one is happy about it. You happen to be very vocal about protesting by abstaining from voting for someone that intends to vote.

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Biden has made attempts to stop things, even if they are half assed. So the question remains, which do you support?

Biden has made attempts to stop things, even if they are half assed.

They're no-assed.

So the question remains, which do you support?

I'm voting for Biden.

Now I have a question for you. Is Netanyahu committing genocide?

Then you’re okay with the alternative? That’s fine, you are entitled to your opinion. The reality is we have a first past the post system. Wild to me that people are okay with another Trump term

I literally said in the comment you replied to that I'm voting for Biden.

I see you ignored my question as well, so I'll repeat it: Is Netanyahu committing genocide?

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Man don't bother. These people aren't against genocide. They all have no problem with Ukrainian genocide or any genocide the Chinese want to carry out.

Ukraine isn't committing genocide, and the US isn't selling weapons to China for their genocide.

Netanyahu is committing genocide, and he's doing it with weapons we sold him.

Good Lord buddy, learn to read. Nobody said Ukraine was committing a genocide. Ukrainian genocide clearly means of the Ukrainian people. Or you under the impression that The Armenian Genocide was a genocide carried out by the Armenians?

Oh. Ok. Is the US supporting Russia in their genocide of Ukraine? Are we supporting China's genocide?

Because we're supporting Netanyahu's genocide. You love it and want it to continue, and that's the only reason you decided to ignore the rest of my comment.

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