4 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pays 100$ for windows 11 pro expecting to not see targeted advertising.

“Play Candy Crush on the Windows App Store Now!” ad baked into the Lock Screen ffs why

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Sometimes I get curious about chromium based browsers and consider giving them a shot for a while.

Then Google does shit like this and I keep mainlining Firefox out of spite. Half the reasons people experience “issues” with Firefox are just dumb garbage like this (see sites / web content being developed with Chrome-based in mind)

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“delicious blended food drink”!

Advertising written by the utterly deranged

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The honey one is just as useless as the honey extension itself, otherwise the YouTube one seems like it would be super op for studying topics en-mass

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Wish they would at least be honest in their messaging, the whole “quirky” official reddit branding doesn’t really work anymore now that they’ve gone full corporate mode

Reddit feels less genuine for sure, than it would have even as far back as 3 years ago. The mod purge probably accelerated things greatly but in general it’s felt like Reddit was going corporate astroturfing route for a while. Real discussions are very sparse compared to the amount of people telling you “to solve problem, buy this expensive thing!”

At this point the only thing Reddit has is a numbers advantage. The videos are no huge loss because at this point since you’re forced to use their (god awful) mobile app they either autoplay obnoxiously or automatically popup obscuring the comments (discussion is 90% of why I go to a forum why make it harder to see comments?).

The desktop experience is still okay but the constant pushing to get you to enable notifications is very irritating.

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Pip pip

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HP printers: A bad investment in not having your printer break by the 2 year mark

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In a shocking turn of events, google decided once again to make their namesake service worse for everyone.

Legitimately baffling, keeping this feature doesn’t really seem like it would impact anyone except those that use it, while removing it not only impacts those people that already use it, but those who would potentially have reason to in the future.

Cannot think of a single benefit to removing a feature like this.

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Probably a terrible idea, but would these in any way be safe to eat?

Obviously not the toilet mushrooms, but maybe the ones growing out of the chair, cracks in the floor etc would be safe to cook if washed?

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Nutty Putty Cave jesus who the hell names these caves?

Someone should edit this with a Logitech controller for the steering wheel

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Welp time to start mass-buying dvd box sets and ripping the files, screw not owning shit you paid for

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The most annoying thing with these updates is the way they don't give you any kind of indication of what's happening on your system during an update.

Have had cases where an application was 'updating' and looking in task manager/networking tab I can see no network traffic and no disk usage, seemingly hung up for 15 minutes or longer.

Could maybe wearing a sock help to protect against these risks? IE wear a thick sock and spray the socks (instead of feet) with the flex seal and you have less cancer/allergies?

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If only Microsoft relied on making edge a worthy competitor and focused on the UI/UX instead of these dumb head games.

Back when edge wasn’t just a chromium skin it was a neat idea, EdgeHTML was different at the very least and more options are always good compared to chrome monopoly bs. But at this point it’s just Microsoft branded chrome with a (kinda shitty) GPT agent baked in.

I like to put my leftovers in an omelette the next morning.

Rice and beans? Spaghetti and meatballs? Baked haddock?

All good omelette material.

Makes leftovers less boring imo and a good way to reheat them

But does this count as a melt or a grilled cheese at this point

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Pen pineapple pizza pen

Stupid sexy spiders

Tanks for the assistance


EU coming in clutch for tech rights once again

Would be hilarious of Microsoft did a 180 and decided to just stop all business in the EU in order to be able to continue forcing edge

subcranial jelly skull infestation moment

The cold, pretty much. Rather live in 0 deg. temperatures than deal with sweat, mosquitos, and people asking about swimming / go to the beach / sit out in the sun for no reason and get skin cancer.

The ponds and lakes freeze over for ice fishing or skating, the snow itself is often an activity (build stuff out of snow, eat the snow, throw the snow). The cold is refreshing and pleasant in the mornings and really helps to wake me up when I'm feeling sleepy. Perfect time to make soups, stews or breads. No BS about "it's too hot to make this type of food, we should make hamburgers for the sixth day in a row".

Lost In Vivo is a pretty solid first person survival horror ish title, looks straight off of PS1 pretty much

An Commodore 64, 7 million dollars, and a garbage can that never gets full

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“Um ah what I mean is…”

“The main idea is..”




(Clears throat, repeats)

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Oh boy, time to make a decision.. in 5 minutes.. probably

Life is cavitappi

What a good idea

hot dog? hot.. dog..?

As others have said, the comments definitely feel more substantial / thought out here than they tend to on Reddit.

Less shitposting and people regurgitating memes for sure, but it’s been easier to actually ask a question and get an answer here.

On Reddit you end up having to filter through a bunch more BS when you’re just looking for information a lot of the time.

Reminds me of some other cool game mechanics that have been patented/copyrighted leading to games as a whole losing out on fantastic ideas. The nemesis system from the Shadow of Mordor games / loading screen minigames come to mind.

A true role model

Tail or detected

Do different pickle varieties play into this at all? IE there’s pickles with little bits of pepper, dill, garlic etc. Those things must add some nutritional value at least

“Abyss blue” seems like a bit of a stretch

Either the vaporwave 90s nostalgia playlist or the death metal playlist nothing else

By this logic olive loaf is kinda like pancakes with raisins or chocolate chips