Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away. to – 2614 points –
Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.

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Sometimes I get curious about chromium based browsers and consider giving them a shot for a while.

Then Google does shit like this and I keep mainlining Firefox out of spite. Half the reasons people experience “issues” with Firefox are just dumb garbage like this (see sites / web content being developed with Chrome-based in mind)

the website DRM thing is one of the most blackpilled and evil uses of technology i've ever seen

the people in charge of developing that should be put in a padded room and never allowed to see sunlight again. fucking god.

Woah, woah, woah, slow down: Why do they get to have padding in their room?

I would assume so they cant easily hurt themself and have to live and suffer through it for as long as possible

But then they'll be comfortable in there, because it's soft and padded as opposed to cold and hard.

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I mean this in the least condescending way:

as far as I’m aware, even after looking it up, I think you are misusing the term blackpill.

Blackpill usually refers to a manosphere/Incel or Qanon type who has given up completely and lost all hope. In the the case of an Incel it’s that there’s no hope in ever escaping Inceldom. In the case of q anon it’s that none of the predictions about the “storm” will ever arise or come true.

I looked around and couldn’t find any other contexts that it’s used.

I am willing to accept that I could be wrong. But I looked all over search results etc.

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Heck I use god damn duckduckgo out of spite nowadays

DDG is legit great and even sometimes better than Google search now. I also am a SearXNG enjoyer

DDG, even though apparently a Bing front end, gives legit better results than google

It's honestly good. It misses that "Algorithm profile" that Google has where it starts to "understand" what you mean but it's still pretty good.

(Example. If I type in "genocide" in Google, it knows I often look for Undertale related things and pushes "Undertale genocide route" related content. For DDG I need to be clearer about what I mean)

It took a bit getting used to but I prefer it this way now.

I think it's still possible to ethically use Chromium browsers, so long as it's one of them that's been reviewing and removing anything ludicrous Google adds. I don't even mind MS Edge on most of my computers for the most part. Firefox doesn't load well on my tablet.

I have never had a reason to switch from Firefox. I used Chrome once out of curiosity, but I didn't like it.

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