5 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's really apparent that Spez and the rest of the admin team don't actually use Reddit on a day to day basis. Their decisions are like some consultant coming in and recommending ideas.

I think it's very on-brand for Reddit to announce that they are removing a feature without having a replacement ready for primetime.

Why on Earth would you announce this now when you're not ready for whatever is coming next? It's like they are purposely trying to kill Reddit.

I'm only half joking that I'm expecting Mark Zuckerberg to announce a new app called "Links" next week that looks suspiciously like Reddit, because this pattern is starting to feel familiar.

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It's funny how Reddit rarely if ever has stepped in to reign in actual problematic mods in the past, instead just encouraging people to create their own subreddit if they don't like how it's being run.

But now, they suddenly change their tune, and spout this sentimental blather about how mods are "stewards" and "in a position of trust", and now they will solemnly respond with "next steps" if mods don't open these important communities. Their arguments are totally incoherent.

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It must be incredibly frustrating to be the new CEO that he just appointed, only to have him continuing to run his mouth and make ruinous decisions that tie your hands.

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Wow, Reddit really has so many professional people working for them.

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Are you a developer of both Lemmy and Jerboa? I just realized I think I've seen your name in both places. You are a freaking hard worker!!!

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I find it very strange how much Russia relies on this mercenary group. I know there are other groups like this in the West (I'm mainly thinking about Blackwater), but Wagner seems many orders of magnitude larger and more powerful, seemingly rivaling Russia's own military itself.

I'm surprised that someone as notoriously paranoid as Vladimir Putin has allowed this man to gather so much power, and indeed, his own personal army. Putin will probably still come out on top, but this is going to hurt him tremendously in the PR arena.

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This is just my own take, but I feel like at least part of the reason they went back to releasing new versions is because of the recent resurgence of macOS. Not only do Macs have the excitement of Apple Silicon, but they have annual "new" OS releases; even if not much has changed, it creates excitement with their fanbase. I think Microsoft realized that it's not very exciting to just be on Windows 10 forever. So we got Windows 11.

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Amusing that Twitter's cease and desist notice claims that Meta is using its "trade secrets". Lmfao what trade secrets? Twitter has no unique technology or patents. Their whole business position is nothing more than first mover advantage for their format of social media.

That's why they've never made money. They don't have any novel IP or "trade secrets" to leverage in the first place.

Say what you want about Meta, but at least they have a whole ad platform that they created that competes with Google Ad Sense, and is an actual asset.

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Just want to note that the link is an opinion piece, not a news article.

Huffman’s public reactions to Redditors’ outrage haven’t helped. While he once appeared even-keeled yet decisive while dealing with online mobs, he appears to have alienated a far wider swath of users by coming off as hard-nosed, condescending, and stubborn.

This is the big thing that is different this time around, to me. His behavior, towards the community and towards developers, has become more aggressive amd openly hostile. I don't know if his earlier "saving Reddit" moments emboldened him to the point of arrogance, or what.

Worse--I think it belonged to a teenager.

IMO it's very condescending that there is a Russia-Africa summit where all the leaders of Africa are summoned to St Petersburg (and the US does the exact same thing with the US-Africa summit). As if they need to come and pay tribute.

It wasn't sympathy for the passengers that made the story interesting to me. It was the absolute shamelessness with which that CEO disregarded safety, fired people who tried to make it safe, cut corners, lied to reporters about "partnering with Boeing" (they debunked it today), and on and on.

The guy was a huge piece of shit, and I hope that his company gets sued into oblivion so that some sort of precedent is set for other companies that try to use international waters for their malfeasance.

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True in society at large, but to be fair, I don't think this post is trying to be "Team Threads" as much as it's trying to point out the consequences of the very different decisions they made. And hopefully in the future, some stupid CEO will think twice when trying to implement shit like Elon Musk did.

I really appreciate the thoughtful and well-explained response. In the past, I have not gotten responses like this when I've tried to ask people on Reddit on the communism101 sub. In fact I got banned for a question one time so I just gave up on trying to learn.

To clarify, when I say I'm not a socialist, I'm not anti-socialist. In fact, I am in favor of almost everything you described, and I really like the idea of worker coops specifically. I'm just still trying to figure out where I stand politically, and frankly socialists intimidate me because the online communities tend to be dogmatic and often hostile (I know oftentimes this is a justified defense mechanism towards endless brigading). I like this Beehaw socialism community because it seems more calm and reasonable.

So all that to say, I'm still trying to figure everything out.

The reason I came up with this question was because of the recent submersible accident in the news. Putting aside for a moment that the passengers were rich people, I was just thinking about what a sick society we have where the company that made this submersible was able to cut so many corners and make such an unsafe product, and lie to people about it. And then I was thinking about how limited liability is probably a harmful part of that. The CEO's family will still get to keep all their wealth regardless of any lawsuits. So I was wondering how a "different system", like one under socialism, might approach it. And your answer was really good. Under a socialist system, at least the one like you described, perhaps the profit incentives to cut corners wouldn't have been there in the first place.

You can teach yourself how to change the oil on your car simply by watching YouTube videos. And then all you need to buy are a few basic supplies, and you'll be able to change your oil for life. Oil changes are either absurdly expensive (dealership) or done half-assed (Jiffy Lube), so doing it yourself gives you a job done right for pennies on the dollar.

And if you find that you have a knack for it, you can teach yourself more basic maintenance jobs like changing brake pads.

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I'd like there to be an OLED option for people who use handheld mode heavily and want to pay more for a better display. But for the base model, it makes total sense for it to be an LCD display. That's just prudent, as the average player probably doesn't care and wants to pay less. Especially parents buying this at Christmas.

Did you ever go to Basically the king of flash/shockwave games.

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Great band, and their stuff from the 90s is completely different from the style they ended up being known for later.

Nintendo 3DS is my favorite of all time 😁

Thank you! I hadn't thought about the pads; I'll be sure to do those too.

For anyone who isn't familiar, RBG was a liberal Supreme Court justice that was getting very old, and a lot of people thought she should have retired during Obama's term, where she could have been replaced by him. Some accuse her of stubbornness/hubris for not stepping down when it was "safe", and point out that her whole legacy is now being undone.

Others point out that common wisdom at the time was that Hillary was going to he a shoe in as the next president, and nobody expected a Republican to win, including RBG.

Anyway, I'm not taking a stance but just fleshing that out for anyone who is interested in the controversy.

Yeah, honestly I just realized today that I haven't been on Reddit at all for anything all week. I've been on Lemmy (on a few different instances ever since this all started, but I'm finally feeling comfortable and not tempted to check Reddit at all.

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I do own a PC, I don't know if it qualifies as good or not. It has integrated AMD graphics, but it's actually a pretty good little card (Ryzen 5 5600G). I'll see how it runs the emulator. 🤞

In the US, all AutoZone and Advance Auto Parts will dispose of your oil for free. Also, most municipalities will take it at special centers (same place where you might go to dispose of electronics).

Personally I have a designated where I let the oil collect from multiple oil changes, and then I take it to the county landfill maybe once every two years when there's enough to justify a trip.

It's a small hassle, but worth it IMO. Just depends on what is available to you.

Awesome information, thank you so much!

None of the games I want to play are on the PS+ classics collection, which is so strange. I don't understand why they wouldn't put Killzone on PS+ for example.

Man, it feels like Xbox just has such a hard time getting a steady game pipeline.

Thanks, I didn't realize there was an expansion. I'm not sure if GamePass includes it so I'll look into it.

My man.

and piracy

You mean all the backups that I have of PS3 games from the console I never had? ;)

I'm not OP, but I started taking paroxetine (Paxil in the US) for social anxiety disorder in 2010. It took a few weeks for it to take effect, and I had some side effects for about 90 days. However, ever since then, I have had zero anxiety issues for the rest of my life, and I no longer have any side effects. I take 20mg once daily.

I know SSRIs are a controversial topic, and some people don't like them, but for what it's worth, it changed my life for the better.

Good point, I didn't think about the degraded performance aspect. I guess if I did get one, I should look for one of the later revisions.

All the basics still work with the online service, though you have to go through some extra steps to buy games on the PS3 store now.

Wow, that's awesome. I'm so used to Nintendo's BS shutting down their last gen online stores, it's amazing that Sony is still supporting a store from 2 generations ago, extra steps or not.

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That's what needs to change. If there was enough support internationally, the UN could facilitate a treaty being signed between nations with uniform regulations on submersibles. Then it wouldn't matter if it was international waters.

Oh man that is so generous of you! I wish I had seen this earlier, but I already bought one locally off of Facebook marketplace. Donating it is a great idea though, especially if you can find some charity that works with kids. Rock on.

I'm hoping it comes to the NSO service soon. Of course there's nothing wrong with emulating, but it would be cool to play it on the Switch too.

Trump already announced he is running in 2024. And so is Biden. Unfortunately, this is the absurd situation we are in. Out of all the 300M+ people in this country, we are going to have a choice between these same two fucking guys AGAIN.

I had hoped at least the GOP candidate would be someone other than Trump, but it seems unlikely.

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