3 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Reddit represents one of the largest data sets of just human beings talking about interesting things,” Huffman said. “We are not in the business of giving that away for free.”

Wow. Clearly Reddit now believes that they own all of the conversations that people have had on the site. That explains why they've also been restoring comments that people have deleted when leaving the site. That has major implications for data security, privacy, and even safety in some situations.

This episode has revealed Reddit's true colors, and they're not pretty.

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I like because it seems to be neutral and doesn't have heavy handed moderators. Communities are allowed to bloom and grow. It's scalable.

I respect what Beehaw wants to do, but their goals are not realistic if they want to be a platform of any significant size.

So far I also like the communities I've seen on, but there have been a lot of technical/server issues.

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The more I have read about this, the more disgusted I am. This company generally, and the CEO personally, took all sorts of shortcuts to build this thing.

The CEO stated that he didn't want to have any ex military submarine experts as part of the team, because they were "uninspiring" and "50 year old white guys", and he'd rather have young college grads who are inspiring. The real reason: the college grads were simply cheaper. He didn't want to pay the ex military experts. That's it.

The CEO lied to CBS news in their CBS Sunday morning report and told them that Boeing and University of Washington consulted with them on the design of the submersible. Both organizations told the NY Post today that they had no involvement with it. So that was a fucking lie. All he did was use the UW lab after hours.

The use of a Logitech PS3 style controller to navigate the vehicle...what the actual fuck.

Because this was a submersible in international waters, there are virtually no regulations. That needs to change. If the UN needs to draft a treaty for countries to ratify to regulate these things in international waters, then that's what needs to happen.

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I don't think people actually would, if push came to shove. They're just expressing nostalgia for a simpler time, which is pretty easy to understand, given all the dystopian effects of social media and smartphones.

I think smartphones have done a lot of harm, but they've still done far more good, which is why we use them. Especially in poorer countries where smartphones are often people's only access to the internet.

That said, there's nothing stopping any of these people in the article from being the change they want to see in the world. Not to send anybody to Reddit, but r/dumbphones is a fast growing subreddit for people that want to try that. A lot of the users are Gen Z who never got to try them and want to give it a whirl.

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Drug dealer character Stringer Bell in 'The Wire' had a good scene where he talked about the business strategy of repackaging and renaming something when you are unable to raise the quality of a product. Just rename it and customers think it's better.

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After that, I just stuck with Apple's default offerings

Bingo. That's Apple's intent!

He definitely has a choice. As a founder of Reddit, if he really believed that this was the wrong move, he could refuse to do something he disagreed with and make the board essentially have to fire him.

I walked away from a well paying job myself several years ago because I disagreed morally with choices being made by the company. It is absolutely something that people can do, especially someone of his means.

Unfortunately we live in a society where it's easy to separate responsibility for actions taken at work with actions taken personally; indeed, that is the whole premise of a limited liability company. But I still hold Steve personally responsible for his choices, and I think he is selling out the values of Reddit, and his own values if he ever had any, for money.

It's hard to beat GIMP.

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I really owe Steve one for opening my eyes to Lemmy. I'll certainly never go back to Reddit, other than perhaps the occasional Google search for an IT question somebody solved 10 years ago.

But as far as actively contributing? Having a Reddit account? Nope, I'm done. I was very active on Reddit, and I haven't posted since the announcement.

But despite me and many others leaving, I really feel for Christian and the other developers. They really got fucked. The 30 day turnaround was an absurd notice to give someone, and Steve didn't have any defense to give for that, according to this article. He seems like a really ruthless, uncaring person.

It's a shame, because there are a ton of awesome niche communities on and shitjustworks. I was on Beehaw but I ended up moving to the smaller instance I'm on now so that I can actually access everything.

He comes across like an entitled child who has made up his mind and is too stubborn to admit when he's wrong. Add onto that the fact that he bullies people with his lies and manipulation. Very much not an adult, let alone a CEO.

I think the "metaverse" is already dead. Zuckerberg tried to make it happen and it didn't, and Meta doesn't have the money to keep pumping into it. I think Meta will still produce the Quest headsets as a cheap alternative to the new Apple ones, but the idea of just hanging out in the metaverse is simply not going to happen.

I don't know whether the Fediverse will "happen" for the vast majority of people who aren't very tech savvy, but I'm enjoying it and it's replaced Reddit for me.

If anything is going to be the next big thing in tech though, it's AI. The fact that my 65+ year old parents know what ChatGPT is, and have used it, is unreal to me.

TIL China has a PM.

I am ready and armed with Thomas the Tank Engine memes.

Wow. Memory freaking unlocked. I had forgotten that these existed for probably 25 years until I saw this very post. Now it's all coming back to me! I had the Jurassic Park one and never could figure out how to play it right as a kid, but still had fun.

So far, the highlights for me are Super Mario RPG remake, and a new Dragon Quest Monsters installment!

I think our generation will definitely have consoles set up in nursing homes when we are elderly. No doubt about it.

I did a 6 week study abroad trip to Prague in 2009 in college, and it was the best experience of my life. One of the things I like is how the city is organized into districts (Prague 2, Prague 8, etc), and so as a visiting student I could judge how far something was when someone said "that's in Prague 9".

Also, obviously the beer. I distinctly remember being stunned by the fact that beer is quite literally cheaper than water. Here in America, water is like the free thing that you order when you don't want to spend money. But when I was in Prague, water was not free, it was the nice stuff that came in Perrier bottles and was poured into a bespoke glass. Whereas beer was absurdly cheap. When I was there you could get it for the equivalent of less than 1USD for a pint. It's probably more now.

Not to mention all of the beautiful buildings. Prague is one of the few large European cities that managed to get out of WW1/WW2 virtually unscathed, and has a ton of very old buildings. Vysehrad Castle is excellent and is not as known about as Prague Castle. I highly recommend it.

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Jesus, is that really what they're using? 😳

Saudi Arabia is an untrustworthy partner. I'm honestly surprised they even want a US security pact. They've been trying to decouple from the US more and more in recent years.

Have you ever played Lost Odyssey? It's a more obscure title because it was an Xbox 360 exclusive, but it's excellent. If only Microsoft had kept doing more of THAT, the Xbox would be in a heck of a better spot now.

If you have an Xbox 360, an Xbox One, or an XSS/XSX, it can be purchased for a pittance. And there's also the Xenia emulator if you'd like to play your legal backup on PC or Steam Deck, but Xenia doesn't emulate it perfectly yet.

Its one of my favorite games of all time.

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God I hope they get sued into oblivion, and I hope that Steve is personally financially set back because of this whole series of events.


Beehaw added ! if you want to talk about leftist topics, but the rules there are that you have to be nice to everybody. It is basically the opposite of the tenor of r/socialism, so take that under advisement.

I say this as a passive observer who has no skin in the game one way or another, I'm not a socialist.

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Did they block Lemmygrad? I thought they just blocked and you may be right though.

I wouldn't try to make too much sense out of Beehaw's decisions. I don't quite understand what they're going for. Regardless of whether or not they blocked Lemmygrad, I agree with you that there's a contradiction inherent in the whole idea of having a community about socialism (a topic about overthrowing the current political/economic order) but saying to "be nice" lol

They mentioned living in "Tory country', which if I'm not mistaken is the UK equivalent of a "red state" area in the US.

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What's your favorite Fire Emblem game? I recently started getting into some of the older ones after playing the new ones. I really enjoyed Radiant Dawn, although it was super hard compared to the ones I was used to lol.

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Niche, but for Fire Emblem there is Serenes Forest forums. Very active!

I'm glad you said that, because I have access to both Birthright and Conquest, and couldn't decide which one to play. I'll pick Conquest if it's your all time favorite!

And just to add to that, anyone who has installed Linux before knows that everything isn't guaranteed to just work out of the box. Laptop WiFi cards, for example, frequently have driver issues. So it's not quite as simple as OP is saying, even with PCs.

Can you still buy Pilsner or Staropramen for less than a dollar (I guess about 20 czk)?

I did the same, and I also cancelled my premium account (I know, I shouldn't have paid for it in the first place).

There is a sub called r/lounge which is a "reward" for paying for Reddit Premium, and you also get temporary access if your post gets gilded. It's a pretty inane sub mainly for just idle chatting, but I really noticed the amount of posts in there drop off a cliff in the final week. They hide the subscriber count, so you can't see how many members there are. But just judging by post activity, I guarantee that it at least cut in half.

An "adult company" wouldn't have their CEO go on an extemporaneous personal attack against a third party developer in the middle of a Q&A.

I know about Bombardier but didn't know there were others!

One day Doom will be able to run through carrier pigeons.

Just to give perspective on how rapacious the textbook industry has become:

When I was in nursing school (graduated in May), even though I "purchased" the textbooks, it turned out what I purchased was only a license to access the textbook through their proprietary e-reader app for the semester. As soon as the semester was over, my access to the textbook disappeared.

This is the model that the textbook companies want. No more reselling used books to even recover a small portion of funds.

This is why piracy of textbooks is thriving.